Chapter 33

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July 2015
I looked over at Harry, my face full of tears. He smiled at me and grabbed my hand to give it a gentle squeeze. His smile meant so much to me, because it was a proud smile, a smile of understanding what I had to go through to get here.

„I'm still cancer free." I let out under a breath.

Harry nodded quickly. „You are. I'm so proud of you, darling." He smiled. „See, everything turned out just fine."

„Yeah, you were right. I have to kind of let that sink in, but I'm so relieved."

„I know you are...I am too, for you." He said. „But you heard what the doctor said, you have to take it easy. Promise me you'll do that."

„I will take it easy, I promise."

„Good. Now, are you ready to go home?" He smiled again, letting go of my hand.
I already missed the warmth of his hand and his gentle touch.

„I'm ready now, yes." I nodded.

Right after that, he started the engine and put his sunglasses on before he pulled out onto the street, heading towards Holmes Chapel.

It would be a 3-4 hour drive, but I knew that with Harry, time would go by quickly. Even if none of us said a word.

„This gives me flashbacks from 2012 and 2013." I told Harry at some point during our ride when I looked out of the window and saw all the houses again I knew so well from always driving back and forth.

„What exactly?" He had one hand on the steering wheel, while resting the other one against the door.

„Driving to Manchester. We always did it back then, when we would have some days off."

„Ooh yeah." He smiled at the memories. „Those rides were the best ones. We had so much fun."

„Yeah, we did." I let out a little laugh when I thought back at those times.
Times where everything was so simple and easy, when we were together and so happy.

„By the way." Harry pulled me out of my thoughts. „I didn't have the time to tell you this until now."

He got my full attention and I prepared myself for everything he could have had to say.

„Your performance on Thursday was outstanding. The song...really touched me and everyone else too. I think it's beautiful how clear you express yourself by writing and singing a song."

„Wow, thank you, Harry. I didn't expect that at all...thank you. I made the album during my treatment and everything and I think most of the songs off the album really show my feelings and that was kind of my goal to achieve that." I explained.

„You did achieve it and you moved a whole lot of people in that studio and I'm sure also the ones that watched the show at home."

I smiled a little at his compliment.
„Oh by the way, did your mum watch the show? Does she know about everything?"

„Honestly, I have no idea. She didn't say anything when I was talking to her."

„Well, I'll see when we get there." I sighed.

„We'll see in about two hours." He informed me.

This meant we already drove for about one and a half hours. It still amazed me how fast time went by when I was with him.

„You know what, I'll use the two hours and try to sleep, because I feel like I didn't sleep in weeks." I made myself comfortable in my seat, shifting around a little and used my jacked as a pillow to get more comfortable.

„That's a good idea, do that." He chuckled, looking at me for a second before he looked back on the street. „You can change the position of your seat, you know?" He asked, jokingly.

„Oh, right." I pressed the button on the side of the seat so I was able to lay down properly. „While I'm out, please don't fall asleep and don't text and drive." I commanded also joking, but still meant it.

„Understood." He nodded. „Sleep well."

„Thank you." I giggled and closed my eyes, almost instantly falling asleep as soon as I did.


I woke up again, realizing we were still driving. I slept weirdly well and didn't even know how it was possible, but I was glad I did.

I opened my eyes, letting them adjust to the bright sunlight shining in my face and looked to my right to see Harry holding his phone in one of his hands, looking on it and quickly back on the street.

„Didn't I tell you not to text and drive?" I asked Harry, my voice cracking a bit at the end of my sentence.

„Sorry, it was a short message." He defended himself. „Did you sleep well?"

„Actually, yes I did." I changed the position of my seat again so I would sit straight like earlier.

„I'm glad you got some rest then." He smiled.

„Me too. How far away are we by now?" I asked, looking at myself through the mirror in front of me, adjusting my hair a little bit.

„We're almost there actually. We got around another 15 minutes." He told me, realizing that I was only a few minutes away of meeting my family again.
There were only a few minutes before I would see the surprised faces of Anne, Robin and Gemma...and also lots of emotions.
I was starting to worry again, my heart pounding faster every minute that passed.

„Calm down, Y/n." Harry noticed. „It's your family, our family. There's nothing to worry about."

„I know, I'm trying, but it's been two years." I let out a deep breath.

„They love you and you love them, there's nothing more important than that."

I nodded. He was right, that was the most important thing.
I started to slowly calm down a bit, my heart still pounding fast as we eventually pulled into the street that gave me instant flashbacks. We were here, slowly passing all the houses and the bakery Harry worked at. We were almost at Anne's. It was so surreal. Stunned how all of this hit me, I looked around my eyes wide.

„I can't believe I'm home." I told Harry with a smile, filled with a little bit of sadness that I wasn't here in so long.

„You're home." He confirmed, smiling after he took off his sunglasses.

And there it was, I could already see it from a distance, my eyes fixed on it.

I looked at the house I grew up in, spent my childhood in, learned everything I needed to know for life from the woman that was like a mother to me, the woman that cared for me my whole life during the good and mostly the bad times.

The house didn't change a bit. It still looked like the day Harry and I moved out after the X-Factor. As we got closer, I saw the front door, beautifully decorated and could only think at all those times Harry and I came to visit and had to leave again, Anne standing there in front of the door, waving at us. It was always so emotional, but it made our visits even more special.

Harry parked in front of the house like he usually did, no one was still around, probably not knowing we were already here.
I looked outside the window at the house, taking in the moment for a second as my heart almost exploded of nervousness, excitement and happiness.

I was back.
I was at home...

Harry Styles Fanfiction - Remember Me?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن