Chapter 64

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October 2015
„So? How is he? Is he okay?" I asked him again when he sat down at his desk in front of me.

He sighed before he started.

„The impact of the fall caused almost all of his ribs of his right side to break. It also led to sprain his right wrist..." He started explaining and I listened carefully, my heart aching only imagining Harry being hurt.

„That's good, well not good, but it will heal, he'll be okay, right? He's gonna be fine." I panicked. „When can I go see him?"

„Y/n..." He looked down a second before looking up at me again. „That's not all." He then said, my heart instantly dropping again.

„Wh- what is it then?" I asked silently.

„He hit his head pretty hard. That was why he was bleeding. He's got a concussion and luckily we could exclude any damage to his brain whatsoever, but he lost more blood than we thought and the fall and the impact of hitting his head..." He paused.

„What? Tell me please." I breathed quickly.

„I've known you two for a long time Y/n. This is really hard to tell you and I am very, very sorry I can't tell you any better news."

My heart was almost exploding at how fast it pumped. I could feel it in my throat already as I anxiously waited for him to tell me what was wrong with Harry.

„Unfortunately due to his injuries, Harry fell into a coma."

I felt like I was choking. I couldn't breathe. As if the whole world stopped spinning and as if someone just took everything I had away from me. I breathed fast, faster than I just did. I was shivering everywhere, suddenly feeling so cold and then I felt the tears silently streaming down my cheeks. There were lots of tears, but they just silently fell. Down my cheeks and onto my legs. How was it possible for words to be this powerful? How could just words make me feel like this?

„I'm so sorry, Y/n, we did everything we could to stop it from happening." He told me. „He is currently attached to life supporting machines and he will most likely stay attached to them, because he needs life support to breathe until he wakes up, if he wakes up..."

If, if he wakes up... Life supporting machines... I could lose him forever. If he wakes up... If...

„The last thing is, Harry fell directly on his back, but we'll only be able to see if that did any damage to him and his back when he's awake. His spine looks okay for now. It got badly bruised, but as I said, we'll only able to make further tests when he is awake, but sadly we don't know if that will happen." Doctor Russell slowly told me so I would get everything he said, his voice low and calm.

I wasn't sure if I could have handled any more information. I was a mess and didn't know what to do next.

„I'm deeply sorry, Y/n."

I felt sick. So sick and somehow everything was spinning. I closed my eyes for a second, trying to breathe and find words, any words, but just words.

„Will uhm..." I cleared my throat, trying to get out any kind of sound. „Will he ever wake up?" I was so incredibly scared to ask, but I couldn't just not ask. I needed to know.

„We don't know, the chances aren't good he will. Right now it doesn't look good and...and you should be prepared for the worst."

I felt like throwing up. The bad news seemed to never stop and I knew I soon couldn't handle any more of it.

„Y- you mean?" I asked and he slowly nodded. „God- oh god, I can't do this, this can't be true." I started crying at what he just said. „He- he just talked to me. He just talked to me!" I exclaimed, not knowing what to do.

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