Chapter 181

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Tears still kept silently running down her cheeks, looking into nothing but emptiness as she was now shaking from the coldness and her wet clothes. I sat her down on the couch and put a blanket over her shoulders.

„I'll go get you some clothes to change, baby." I kissed her forehead before I quickly left to go upstairs and get her her clothes.

As I was alone in our bedroom, standing in front of the closet, I leaned against it with both my hands, realizing what was happening. I felt like I couldn't breathe as tears came running down my cheeks uncontrollably. This was the thing I was most scared of happening and now it actually did. All of this felt like a horrible nightmare.

„Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" I whispered to myself, falling to my knees. „It can't be..."

I couldn't show her how this made me feel. I needed to be strong for her or she'd fall apart completely. I quickly wiped my tears away and grabbed some new clothes for both Y/n and me before I got back downstairs.

„Here you go, love. Need help?" I asked her.

She nodded, so I slowly started to take off her hoodie and her bra underneath before I helped her put on a new hoodie, one of mine. I did the same with her pants and underwear before I quickly changed into other clothes myself and put all the wet ones away.
I tied my wet hair up and brushed Y/n's hair out of her face, tucking it behind her ears.

„I- I'm sorry I made you feel like I didn't care about your music. I do care." She almost whispered.

„Hey no, don't apologize, it's all forgotten, okay?"

She nodded slowly.

I sat down on the couch next to her and she instantly fell back into my arms. I pulled her even closer to me, holding tight onto her.

„Wanna tell me and when you found out?" I asked her gently.

„This morning I told you I had this one appointment." She started and I already felt so guilty for not asking more about it when she told me because I was still mad at her.

„Yes, I remember." I nodded, rubbing her back again.

„Well it was a check up. A while ago, they said I would have to go only twice a year now instead of four times...and turns out that decision was a mistake." She sniffled. „I went there in the morning to do the usual...then they saw something was wrong with some of my tests, so they kept me there to do more and more tests until eventually they sat me down and said, Miss Y/l/n, I'm sorry to inform you, but the cancer is back." She said, crying even more. „By then the whole day had passed and it was already four in the afternoon."

„God, baby, I'm so sorry I wasn't there. I'm so sorry. Why didn't you call me sooner, though? I would have been there in a heartbeat." I wondered.

„I thought- You were mad at me."

„Oh love. You know I don't care about anything else when there's an emergency or something wrong with you." I kissed her head. „What...what did the doctor say now? Do you know what's gonna happen?"

„I have to go back in tomorrow to discuss the treatment plan." She explained to me. „They said I'd most likely get chemo treatment again, but they don't know how aggressive it really is yet."

Fuck! I just wanted to vomit, thinking about what was happening right now.

„Okay, I'll come with you." I told her.

„You have your appointments, Harry."

„I'm gonna cancel everything. Everything else can wait now. You can't. I told you, I'd be here for you and I won't leave."

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