Chapter 154

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As I scrolled through Twitter and Instagram and literally any social media platform, again, the events of last night caught me.

I tried to get away from him...that guy, I tried to fight back, I did, but I didn't have the strength and the control I needed. I didn't have a chance.
The words of this guy constantly repeated in my head, his voice making shivers run down my spine.

„Are you alright, love?" I heard a voice behind me as I was having this flashback and jumped at the sudden sound before it just happened. I couldn't help but defend myself and before I knew it, I threw my phone as some sort defence mechanism.

„Ahhh! Oow! Fuck me!" It was when I heard him scream out in pain that I realized it was actually Harry and not some voice that was in my head.

Shit! I threw my phone at him and that pretty hard. Harry bent over, holding both his hands over his eye, eyebrows scrunched in pain.

„Harry! Oh my god, no no no." I quickly went up to him, placing my hands on his shoulder. „Baby I'm so so sorry. Oh god, I didn't mean to hit you, I'm so sorry, Harry. I thought- I- I'm so sorry."

„It''s okay, I'm- I'm okay." He said, standing backup, still tightly holding onto his eye, a tear rolling down his cheek on the other side.

„Fuck, no you're not. I hit your eye, oh my god. Harry I'm so sorry." I cupped one of his cheeks. „I'm so sorry, I had this flashback and I...I got scared, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you."

„It's okay, love. Really. It wasn't on purpose I know."

„Shit let me take a look at that." I slowly pulled his hand away, revealing his eye that already started to bruise. „Oh god H, you're bleeding there. Let me take care of that." I guided him to the living room, making him sit down on the couch.

„It's fine, Y/n, don't worry about it." He assured me, but I could obviously tell it wasn't and I saw it was hurting him as he sat there still with scrunched eyebrows.

„Harry, it's definitely not fine." I went to get the first aid kit and started to wipe the blood away before I disinfected it.

„Ow ow ow!" He hissed.

„I'm so sorry." I apologized again. „That won't need stitches luckily, but I'll put a little band aid on it."

God I couldn't believe myself. First that night and now I hurt Harry because of this, because I spaced out and thought I was back there, back at that club. I didn't even notice that tears ran down my cheeks again until Insaw them land on Harry's thigh as I stood over him.

„Baby, why the tears?" He asked so sweetly after all.

„I had this flashback, H. That night was in my head again...I got scared and I hurt you. I can't believe I hurt you because of this. I love you, but I hurt you and I'm so incredibly sorry."

„Hey, baby it's alright. I'll be fine, don't worry about it, I understand. You didn't do it on purpose I know." He said, his voice soft.

„You've got a bruised eye, Harry. It looks like someone punched you in the face, that's not alright, that's not fine. It can't happen, I can't hurt you because of this."

„Shhh Y/n darling, calm down. Come here." He got up and wrapped his arms around me. „I'm okay, it was an accident. It's just a bruise and it will go away. It was just an accident, love. It's fine, okay?"

I nodded slowly, still feeling so incredibly bad. „Does it hurt a lot?"

„A little." He said with a small smile.

„I'll get you an ice pack for it."

„No, no, I'll get it myself. You stay here and make yourself comfortable again." He said, guiding me down onto the couch before he disappeared in the kitchen and came back with the ice pack and a cup.

„Here's your tea, it'll soothe you a bit." He placed it on the couch table in front of us before he placed himself next to me again, holding the ice on his eye.

„I love you, Harry, I'm sorry I did this to you." I buried my face in his chest.

„I told you, it's alright, love." He kissed my head. „It's that shitty situation, I know. I know this is very hard for you, to realize what happened and to try and process that. You're not okay, baby what's understandable. I just...I wish I could help you more."

„What you're doing for me is already more than enough. Thank you for being here, helping me and for understanding." I said. „What happened last night is still so very fresh and to be honest, I really don't know how to process this and how to forget...if I can ever forget this. Those moments from last nlght just suddenly creep up on me and then things like this with your eye happen and I- I don't know how to control this, Harry."

„Baby, that is more than understandable. What happened was scary for you and so incredibly dangerous. Something like this does need time. I know it's hard on you, I can't even imagine and you don't know how to handle it, but we'll figure it out together. I'm by your side through everything and I just wanna help. I want you to be okay, if not now then someday, but I'll do everything to make you feel okay again and comfortable."

I clinged onto him even more as I listened to his words. „Thank you. I love you so much."

„Love you more, my darling." He rubbed my back.

I looked back up at him to check on his eye which he still covered with the ice pack, his head leaning back against the couch.

„Let me see, H." I carefully grabbed his hand and pulled it away to look at it, the bruise getting bigger. He really did look like he got into a fight as the eye started to turn blue and purple. „Babe it's gotten worse." I sighed. „I'm so sorry."

„It's alright, Y/n. Don't worry about it."

„Do you know where it hit you exactly?" I asked him.

„I don't know, I think above my eye where it started to bleed. It just hit my face and the next thing I know is that my eye hurts a lot. I'll be fine, don't worry."

I sighed, placing his hand with the ice back on his eye. „I hope it'll be better soon." I kissed his cheek.

„It will, it will and it's not like I broke my back or something."

I tilted my head at him. „You gotta stop making those jokes."

„But it made you smile a little and that's all I need to see."

I indeed did smile just a tiny bit, that soon faded again though as something came back to my mind.

„Harry?" I sat up straight so I could look at him.

„Yes, love?"

„There was a reason I was on my phone earlier in the kitchen." I said. „I went online, because I don't know if uhm..."

„If what, baby?" He asked so gently, his voice already making everything better.

„Where there paps? Did...did something get out?"

„Oh love." He slid his hand in mine. „No there were no paps around. The boys even confirmed it. Nothing got out and if there's anything around that gets leaked, I'll take care of it, but it won't. It was some private club, no one was even allowed to take pics." He assured me.

„Okay...uhm...if I remember correctly, you said something about going to the police in the morning?"

„Yeah, it would help the case a lot if you'd be able to describe the guy, but only if you're ready, lovie. I don't wanna force anything on you. The boys already handled some of it with the police, so if you're ready, we can go and if you're not we won't."

I nodded. „Can we maybe just wait until tomorrow? I really...I really- I can't today, I'm sorry."

„That's absolutely fine, sweetheart. Nothing to be sorry about." He leaned in to kiss my forehead.

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