Chapter 137

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I was left all by myself in the waiting area of the hospital, my heart racing in my chest as I thought of Y/n being scared and all alone. I was more than scared, terrified actually.
After a while of waiting, I rubbed my face, grabbing my phone and dialed my mum's number, hoping she could calm me down.

„Harry, darling, what's up?" She picked up after a while.

„Mum?" My voice cracked and I eventually burst out into tears as all my emotions finally overcame me when I heard my mum's voice.

„Harry, my sweetheart, what's wrong?"

„It's Y/n, mum. We're at the hospital. I just picked her up from the airport, she seemed a bit sick, not too bad, but suddenly she was in so much pain and started vomiting blood and...and I brought her here." I sobbed into the phone. „They said it's probably her appendix, but they didn't say more and now I'm here alone and I don't know what's happening."

„Oh god, Harry, I'm so sorry. Try to stay calm, darling, they're taking care of her now, she'll be just fine." She told me, her voice calm. „Do you want me to come down to London, honey?"

„Oh no, you really don't have to do that, mum. I'll...I'll be fine, I'll take care of Y/n. I'll call one of the boys if I need someone." I assured her.

„Alright then. Do you know how she is as of now?"

„No, I don't know. No one has told me anything since I brought her here." I paced around the room just as I saw a nurse walk up to me. „Mum, I'll call you later, someone's coming."

„Okay, bye honey."

„Bye, mum." I hang up the phone as the nurse spoke up.

„Are you here for Y/n Y/l/n?" She asked.

„Yes." I nodded, stepping forward. „What's...what's wrong with her?"

„She got a pretty bad case of appendicitis, but luckily she got here before her appendix burst. The appendectomy went well and she should make a full recovery, but we still want to keep her here overnight. She just has to take it easy for the next four to six weeks." The nurse smiled a little as I let out a breath of relief.

„When can I see her?" I asked, wanting to see her as soon as possible.

„You can go see her now if you want, she's in room 208."

„Thank you so much." I let out before she left and almost ran towards Y/n's room.

I went in and sat down in a chair next to her bed, watching her sleep.
I was so glad to see her looking so peaceful and calm after seeing her in so much pain just hours earlier.

I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, my hand lingering on her forehead just as she frowned slightly, her eyes slowly fluttering open. She took a second to adjust to the bright light before her gaze was fixed on my eyes.

„Hi." She whispered with a small smile.

„Hi." I whispered back, returning her smile. „You really gave me a scare there." I spoke softly, but my tone turned serious.

„I'm sorry, Haz. I didn't want to worry you." She spoke silently, her eyes still tired.

„It's okay, baby." I ran the back of my hand over her cheek. „Just please tell me from now on if something's really wrong. Seeing you like this was so scary. You ended up in the hospital, love, I don't want to lose you because of something like this." I explained, the hurt in my voice clear as a tear ran down my cheek.

„I will, I promise. I'm sorry, H. Worrying you is the last thing I wanted." Her voice was still weak.

„It's alright, baby. I'm just glad you're okay."

„Please don't cry, Harry." She reached her hand up to wipe my tears away.

„Sorry, I'm just relieved." I told her, grabbing her hand to press a kiss on it. „Are you in pain, love?"

She nodded slowly. „But definitely hurts less than before."

„Okay. They said you need to stay for the night and then it's time for you to take it easy for at least four to six weeks. Tables have turned, now it's my time to take care of you." I smiled a little and so did she.

„ carried me...twice, Haz." She looked at me, her eyes filled with worry.

„It's not your place to worry, Y/n. I'm perfectly fine." I assured her or she'd never stop asking. „You rest now, my darling. I'll take care of you." I got up to kiss her forehead. „You must be thirsty, want some water?"

„Please." She nodded.

„Can you sit up a bit?" I asked and she nodded again, slowly trying to shift a bit as she grimaced in pain. „Careful, love." I handed her a cup of water that was placed on the bedside table for her.

„Thanks." She took a sip that made her voice come back a bit more. „Another surgery, another scar on my belly." She sighed after she handed the cup of water back to me.

„Oh love, it's just a tiny one, it'll barely be noticeable after some time. I've got a seven inch scar in the middle of my back and I got used to it." I smiled at her, stroking her hair.

„You're right, I shouldn't even complain when I remember about yours."

„No wait, I didn't mean it like that, I'm just saying, it'll barely be noticeable, don't worry."

She nodded, reaching her hand out for mine. „Thank you for being here."

„Hey of course, baby." I scooted closer to her. „Of course I'm here, you're my girlfriend, I love you."

„I love you too." She squeezed my hand. „You know all I wanted to do ever since my plane landed was to come home, cuddle you and spend time with you, but instead, this happened."

„It's not your fault, baby and we can still cuddle if you feel up to it."

„Then what are you waiting for, get in here, Styles." She scooted over a little bit to make some more space.

I slid out of my shoes and stood up, getting to the other side of the bed and carefully laid down next to her, gently placing my arm around her waist before I pressed kisses to the back of her head. „I love you so much, I'm so glad you're okay. I was so scared." I whispered. „I hated seeing you in so much pain."

„I'm okay now, H. Love you more." She placed her hand on top of mine.

„Get some sleep now, beautiful. I know you're tired from surgery." I told her, knowing exactly what it felt like waking up right after a surgery as everything was still so exhausting and blurry.

„Okay. You're staying here?"

„I'm staying right here with you, my love. I'm not gonna leave, I promise." I kissed her neck.

She nodded at that, closing her eyes and I watched her until she fell asleep.

Harry Styles Fanfiction - Remember Me?Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz