Chapter 111

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I quietly said hi to Liam and Niall who sat in a corner almost asleep, lying on each other before I approached the hospital bed Harry was lying in, his eyes closed probably sleeping a little bit.
It was a sight I didn't want to experience so soon again...or ever. Seeing him lying in a hospital bed would always hurt my heart, but here we were again.

I sat down on the edge of the side of his bed and gently ran my fingers through his curls, his brows furrowed as his tired eyes fluttered open.

„Hey my love." I said quietly, smiling a bit as I looked into his tired eyes.

„'re here." He grabbed my hand instantly and tried to sit up, starting to push himself up on his elbows.

„Hey, lay back down. No need to sit up just now, sunshine." With my hand gently placed on his chest, I guided him back down. „Yes I'm here lovie. I got here as fast as I could." I leaned over to hug him gently, but he flinched immediately.

„Oow ow ow!" He let out with a sharp inhale.

„I'm sorry, I'm sorry, baby." I let go of him instantly. „How are you feeling? The nurse said you're in quite some pain." I pressed a gentle kiss to his forehead.

„It hurts so much, Y/n." He said quietly. „I'm sorry...It was too soon...I should have waited longer."

„Hey none of that, love. What even happened? What made you fall?" I soothingly continued to run my hand through his hair.

„I slipped on water a fan threw on stage." He said as I noticed his eyes getting teary and soon tears slid down his cheeks. „I'm sorry you had to leave your dinner."

„Oh love." I lightly kissed his lips. „You don't have to apologize for anything, Haz. And besides, I was about to leave just as you texted me. I just want you to be okay, that's all I care about. You're my priority, always."

„Thank you. I'm so glad you're here." He took my hand again. „I really needed you. All the memories came back, all the flashbacks from that night and the surgery...the pain, it brought back everything."

„Oh Haz, my love. I'm sorry, I understand. This here feels strangely familiar, as much as I don't want it to, huh?" I wiped the tears on his cheeks away before I kissed his forehead lightly.

„Mhm." Was the only thing he said.

„It's gonna be okay, lovie. You'll be okay." I whispered in his ear, trying to calm him more. „The nurse said she gave you something for the pain, do you feel any better?"

„A little, yeah. Do you know what's gonna happen now?" He asked me.

„They're gonna get you to take x-rays and an MRI of your spine in a bit." I told him just as the door opened and a woman that most probably was doctor Brown, came in.

„Hello everyone." She greeted everyone before she came closer to Harry's bed.

„Mister Styles, I'm doctor Brown and I'll be the one in charge of your medical needs. How are you feeling?" She asked Harry.

„My back is killing me. I can barely move."

„Okay, you've got some pain medicine, you'll feel some relief soon. Now, I've talked to doctor Russell about your medical history and got all your files here, so I know exactly what's been happening over the last few months." She explained. „I learned that mid November, you underwent a spinal fusion on your T11 and T12 vertebrae due to a compression fracture that was caused by a fall."

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