Chapter 134

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June 2016
I jerked awake again at the sound of my Instagram notifications as I must have forgotten to turn them off.
I laid on the floor next to the bed as I probably must have moved down there into a lying position during the night.

„Oh no no no." I huffed, instantly getting up to get my phone from the other side of the bed and turn it off, hoping I didn't wake up Harry, but with a glance over to his side of the bed I quickly saw I did wake him up as he stirred and shortly after opened his eyes. „Hey." I said softly, sitting down on the bed next to him.

„Hey." He smiled at me.

„How are you feeling? Still in pain?" I slid my hand in his, giving it a gentle squeeze.

He sat up, stretching a bit. „Actually, no. No pain, I feel fine, weirdly."

„That's great, H. Not even a little? When you stand up or walk?"

He shook his head no and stood up, walking around the room. „Nope, as if nothing happened."

„Babe, that's amazing. See? I told you it'll most likely just fade." I walked up to him, wrapping my arms around his waist and placing my hands on his back, rubbing it soothingly. „It was a bad flare up."

„Yeah, but it was horrible." He sighed.

„I'm sorry, baby. It's over now."

„Thank god." He kissed the top of my head. „Hey, I'm sorry for bothering you with this once again."

„Don't even dare going there, H." I warned him as soon as I knew he felt bad. „Now, it's 9 am, wanna have breakfast with Gemma and Anne? We could go to that small cafe we used to go to."

„Sounds good, I'd love that." He smiled. „When do you wanna leave for London today?"

„You're up for a 4 hour drive? I mean, I thought you maybe wanted to stay another night to make sure your back is really okay, let it calm down a little more."

„No, that's really not necessary." He shook his head. „I obviously loved your show and I'm so happy for you, but if I'm honest, I just wanna go home."

„I understand, that's fine." I assured him. „What do you say if we all have breakfast together and then leave? We could stop somewhere for lunch that way you can also walk around a bit and relieve your back." I suggested.

„Sounds perfect to me."

„Hey uhm...are you okay, lovie? You seem a bit off." I frowned.

For a second, he hesitated to tell me what was up. „Being here...being back here at home is harder than I thought without Robing being around."

„Yeah, I felt that too." I looked up at him into his beautiful eyes. „It was weird coming back, walking into the house and him not being here. I think that will sadly never change." I turned around to sit down on the edge of the bed, Harry following me as he sat down next to me, placing his hand on my thigh.

He nodded. „I think so too. We'll be okay, though."

„Yeah." I nodded. „Alright, I'll go get ready now, so we can leave later." I told him, getting up from the bed and kissing his lips. „Can I do something for you?" I ran my hand through his hair.

„No. Thanks, lovie."

Shortly later we went to that cafe with Gemma and Anne to have breakfast and spend some time together before we left for London.
We said our goodbyes once again and eventually left. Harry was driving this time as he insisted on it.

„Just tell me if you wanna switch." I said as he pulled out onto the freeway."

He grinned at me. „I can drive. I'm fine, Y/n."

„Just saying." I replied. „By the way...last night at the show..."

„Last night at the show?" Harry waited for me to continue.

„Seems like my fans really love you...or more precisely us together." I said, nervously chipping on my fingernails.

He just smiled at that. „I noticed. They also loved putting me on the spot with that sign." He chuckled.

„Oh come on, I know you liked it." I giggled. „So?"

„So what?"

„When should I get my nails done for that proposal?" I asked, grinning at him, noticing him blushing a little.

„As if I'd tell you that." He kept smiling. „You should know me better."

„At least now I know you wanna marry me at some point."

„Oh please, you know very well, that I wanna spend the rest of my life with you. I'd want nothing more than to marry you and I can promise you it will be just perfect, but it also has to be the right time, the right moment." He told me.

„Of course it has to be the right time, I'm just joking. I know we're still young and a lot is going on at the moment with your recovery, the band and my upcoming plans. We just wouldn't have the time, but I can't wait for the moment to come and the day I'll be able to call you my husband. Not that calling you my boyfriend means anything less, I love you so much, Harry, but we've both always had this dream of us getting married someday and growing old together and the thought just makes me so happy."

„I know what you mean, baby and that dream of ours will come true when the time is right, I promise and you know I never break my promises." He placed his hand on my thigh. „I may break my back, but not my promises." He laughed a litte.

„Harry!" I couldn't help but laugh too. „I swear to god I can't with your humour sometimes."

„Just had to." He giggled. „Jokes aside, I love you so much, Y/n and I just want you to be happy, okay? So if you're not, if something's bothering you, I need you to tell me so I can make you happy."

„I think you couldn't possibly make me any happier than I already am right now." I told him. „You know at the time I still had to get chemo and all and I was nowhere near healthy, I didn't dare to imagine even having a future, getting older than 19 and I would have never thought I'd have you back in my life and would get to spend my life with you again, so having you, waking up everyday next to you, just having those simple little moments with you, seeing you laugh and things like that, already makes me the happiest person alive. My career, being able to travel with you, the things I'm achieving at the moment, are all just a bonus added to having you in my life. I love you more than anything, H and I can't tell you that enough times. I physically cannot live without you anymore."

„I uhm...I'm just so glad you're okay, Y/n. Just the thought of you not being able to live your life they way you deserve it, because of some shitty disease, makes me furious. I just want you to be able to do all the things you want and can, because we've seen one too man times that life's short."

„Haz, I am already doing all the things I love. As I told you, all I need to be happy is you and I don't care how cheesy this may sound." I chuckled. „But it's the truth."

He smiled, not adding anything more to that, because he knew exactly he didn't have to and I knew he got it, he understood.

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