Chapter 2

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June 2015
„It's him." I quietly said, looking at him and only him. „It's him." I repeated.

„What's wrong, Y/n? Who is it?" Taylor asked desperately.

„Look." I pointed at him. „They're not supposed to be here." I whispered rather loudly.

She looked to who I was pointing at and looked back at me with the same expression on her face like I had. „Oh god..."

„Mason!" I called him just as he walked past us.

„What?" He stopped, sighing.

„Why are they here?" I asked him while they were making their way over the red carpet, slowly getting closer.

„Who do you mean with ,they'?" He asked confused.

„One Direction." I told him, already panicking. „You said they wouldn't be here because of another appereance in England?"

„Well, they are nominated for an award, what did you expect?" He huffed.

„You told me they wouldn't be here, that HE would not be here tonight, that's why I said yes to come toni-."

Mason interrupted me. „Who do you even mean?!"

„Harry Styles!" I tried to whisper again so no one, that didn't need to know about this, could hear me. „You promised me he wouldn't be here." I said angrily. „They were supposed to be in England, Mason."

„I know what I said, Y/n! It looks like they changed plans and decided to come. I can't do anything about that and you just have to accept that now." After that, he walked away from us.

I looked at Taylor in panic. „What do I do now?"

„First, you need to calm down and try to avoid him if you really don't want to meet him again."

„Well, it's been two years...I can't meet him and talk to him...I just can't." I told her sincerely.

„Okay, then that's your decision. Try to avoid him and it will be fine. There are thousands of people here and the chance you run into him is very small."

I nodded, taking a deep breath. Okay...alright."

„Taylor!" Her manager called her.

„I'm sorry I have to go. I'll see you later, we sit together by the way." She winked at me.

„Great, see you in a few." I waved at her as she left.

I was alone now, conpletely alone. I slowly looked over to the five One Direction boys again to see they were aready on their way up the stairs. I looked at him, how he changed during those two years.
He looked a lot more mature, he got taller, his hair grew and...and he looked unbelievably handsome, but his eyes, his beautiful, green eyes, stayed the same.

And then it happened. For the first time, he looked up, his eyes instantly meeting mine and he froze halfway up the stairs. So did I. I held my breath and didn't know what to do. That was the one thing I didn't want to happen.

We stood there, at least 30 metres apart from each other, looking in each others eyes. I saw the shock in his eyes and the pain he probably felt, just by looking at me. He looked hurt...because of me.

I eventually pulled myself together and managed to look away on the floor. „Shit." I whispered and turned around, almost running away.

I quickly made my way through the venue, entering the bathroom as soon as I found it.
Why did this make me so emotional now? Why did I feel all those emotions again out of a sudden? I didn't want to feel like that. It's been two years, why did this trigger me so much?
I got a tissue out of my little purse and stopped the tears from falling down my cheeks when I felt them pooling in my eyes. I couldn't cry now.

Again, I pulled myself together and walked out of the bathroom.

„There you are." Mason approached me, smiling again as if nothing happened. „Let's go to our seats."

„Coming." I nodded quickly.

„It's her!" I told them again after we entered the venue.

Liam shook his head. „Harry, lad, it must have been someone else. Why would she all out of a sudden be here?"

„No, I swear, it was her. I know her, I just know it was her just by the way she was standing." I told them as I noticed they all didn't believe me.

„Okay, if you're really sure it's her, why don't you go look for her and talk to her?" Niall asked.

„But what should I say to her?" I nervously ran my hand through my hair. „She probably doesn't even want to talk to me." I almost whispered the last sentence.

„You have to figure something out then." Niall said, shrugging.

I nodded, following them towards our seats in the audience. We sat in front row, the boys already sat down and I was the last one about to sit down as my eyes suddenly met with hers again. I took a deep breath in.

„It's definitely her." I whispered when she looked away out of panic.

Almost instantly, I looked away and sat down next to Taylor. He sat in the same row right at the other end. Why? Why tonight? They weren't even supposed to be here and now I sat in the same row with him.
So much went through my mind that moment, I couldn't even sort out my thoughts and my feelings.

„Oh god.." I looked at Taylor. „He sits literally in the same row."

„I know, I'm sorry." She rubbed my upper arm. „I found out they're gonna perform later."

I sighed. „This night is a disaster." I let out a small laugh.

„Just ignore it and enjoy the night of your comeback. That's what's important tonight." Taylor smiled at me.

I smiled back. „You're right, thanks."

Together we watched the show as it started and I felt so happy to see a lot of familiar faces and friends again.
I was so proud when Taylor won an award for one of her music videos and couldn't be happier for her.
And then it came to my category. Best summer song.
The nominees got listed and I started shaking, gripping onto the armrest of the seat when I felt Taylor taking my hand in hers. I looked over at her. She gave me a reassuring smile as if to say, it will be okay.

The host got on stage with the letter in her hand, about to announce the winner.

„And the award for Best summer song goes to..." She started talking and opened the envelope.

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