Chapter 108

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February 2016
I got dressed in a tight black dress that got a slit on the side down my leg and wore a pair of glittery heels that would match the dress.
Just as my hair and make up was done and I was on my way to the VIP section, the band was already on their way on stage as I heard the intro, so I quickly ran out there and there they were already walking on stage.

I smiled proudly at the cheering of the fans and all of the five boys smiling before they started singing.
As Harry passed by, I waved at him so he knew where I was and got a wave back.

Harry listened and was careful, moving slowly, only walking, no running, no sudden movements and sitting down at times. I wasn't surprised he would actually be careful because I knew he understood the risks.

They were amazing as always, but it was obvious Harry couldn't give 100% which the fans understood though.

„Good evening everyone." Harry started talking into the mic after some songs, entertaining the crowd while the other four went backstage to change or to just get a short break. „It's our first show back tonight after some long months."

The crowd cheered at that.

„I just wanna quickly apologize for not being able to give you 100% tonight like I usually would. As many of you probably know I recently...broke my back..."

The crowd erupted into screams again.

It was still really weird to hear him say this as it also brought back some memories from the time at the hospital when he got the diagnosis.

„I uh...I had to undergo a pretty intense spinal surgery and that's why we unfortunately had to postpone tour for now. I'm really sorry about that and that it was inconvenient for a lot of you guys, that's why we're doing this tonight."

The fact that he apologized to them that he broke his back and had to get surgery because of someone else was just the most Harry thing to do. He was too sweet and caring for this world, apologizing for something like that.

The other boys came back on, so Harry sat down as they went on reading out some of the signs the fans were holding up in the air.

„Niall, I love you more than pizza." Louis read out one of the signs, making Niall laugh.

„We came all the way from New York to see you tonight." Niall read out another one.

„Thank you for coming, we love you." Harry said, waving at them.

„Harry, I also got spinal surgery!" Liam red the next one out of a girl that stood in front row at the barricade. She was really young for having had a spinal surgery, standing next to her mother who was there with her.

Harry got up, approaching Liam so he would be closer to her. „Oh really? Are you still recovering?" He asked her before he said out loud what she told him. „No. Ohh you had it two years ago. But you're okay now? Everything went well?"

The girl nodded with her thumbs up, saying something to Harry again.

„You what?" He asked her again, getting another step closer. „You got a scar going down your spine? Yeah I got that as well now."

Again, the girl said something, what was a question this time though. „If I what?" Harry asked her to repeat the question. „If I wanna show you my scar?"

The arena cheered immediately at that, making Harry blush nervously.

„I feel a bit insecure about it to be honest." He looked at me with a little smile so I smiled back with an assuring nod.
He probably couldn't even say no to a sweet and young girl like her that went through the same he went through and as the whole arena started chanting „Do it! Do it! Do it!" He had no other choice.

Harry looked at the other boys nervously, once again not liking the way they're making all about himself but they also nodded and told him to go on, smiling at the young girl.

„Alright then-."

Louis cut Harry off. „But you guys need to promise not to throw anything at him while he shows you okay?"

The first few rows all nodded, so Harry continued and took his brace off before he pulled his shirt up and turned around, revealing the 7 inch long, pink scar along the middle of his back. „There it is." Harry said and a lot of „awws" was the crowd's response.

„Oh stop it." Harry chuckled, quickly pulling his shirt down and putting the brace back on. „Now let's get back to what we're here for, to entertain you and give you a good time." He said just before they continued their set.

As Harry moved near where I stood, I took te chance to kind of try and tell him that I needed to leave. He mouthed an „I love you" and a „See you later" what was enough for me to know he got what I meant and left the arena to meet my driver so he could drive me to the restaurant I needed to meet my manager at.

The show went amazingly well, we only had one song left, Best Song Ever, to close the show. Not gonna lie, it was tiring and at times hard to keep performing as I couldn't move properly and was in pain when I accidentally did move in some ways I shouldn't have, but all in all, it was okay.

We started the song and I was kind of bummed I couldn't do the whale like I usually would when we started it, but instead Niall tried it and failed miserably at it, making us all burst out luaghing.

Eventually, we finished. We did it and went to thank the fans at the front of the stage, making our way back over the catwalk. Louis was in front of me while Niall, Zayn and Liam walked behind me. I waved down at some fans in the front row, thanking them and blowing kisses...
When it happened.

I slipped...on a little puddle of water on stage and I fell. It happened so fast.
My back hit the ground hard.

„Fuck no! No! No! Not my back, fuck!" Was my first thought, but it was already too late. I fell on my back.

The sudden, hard hit on my back and the immediate excruciating pain, a pain that I knew too well, shooting through my spine, took my breath away. Literally. I couldn't breathe for what felt like minutes, but were just a few seconds in real time.

I rolled to my left side out of instinct, my eyes shut and my mouth leaving a pained scream as I was finally able to breathe again, my hand instantly flying to my lower back, but I soon rolled back lying flat on my back as I felt the pain increasing.

„No! Fuck no! Fuck!" I cried out before I opened my eyes, Zayn being the first one kneeling over my body, instant flashbacks from November hitting me hard as Y/n was the one leaning over me just a few months ago, crying her eyes out and trying to calm and help me as I couldn't move.

Y/n. She wasn't here. She wasn't able to help now. Fuck. I needed her to calm me and she wasn't here.

„Harry! Hey Harry! Are you okay?" Zayn's voice snapped me back to what was going on as the three other boys kneeled around me.

„No." I shook my head that caused even more pain. „My back, fuck! It much."

„Can you get up? Or just sit up?" Louis asked.

„No, I can't...I can't, I can barely move." I whimpered, tears filling my eyes. „It fucking hurts."

„Shit! Okay, our medical team is here in a second,  Liam just called them over." Louis assured me.

„I'm scared, Lou, I'm fucking terrified." I breathed deeply in between.

„Hey it's gonna be okay, H. Our tour doctor will take care of you now. We need to get you off the stage first though."

„No, no, I mean, I messed it up...I messed up my back. It hurts so much, just like when I...when I broke it." I tried to explain, through gritted teeth, tears streaming down my cheeks.

„Hey don't think like that now. You don't know for sure yet, let them check you out first and then we'll see. It'll be okay. Just brrsthe for me now. You need to breathe. We don't want to set off your asthma now." He told me just as two of our medicall staff members got on stage to help.

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