Chapter 36

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July 2015
I caught up with Gemma and spent some time with Anne and Robin outside in the sunny backyard, feeling so relaxed the first time in ages. I enjoyed the time with my favorite people so much. The sun was shining bright and it was so warm, but not too warm. Just the perfect temperature for a beautiful summer afternoon. Robin sat at the desk outside, reading his newspaper while Anne read one of her books, sitting on a bench. Gemma fell asleep a while ago, lying on one of the lounge chairs.
I sat in the grass of the backyard, enjoying the sun while playing with Dusty, one of Anne's cats.

I couldn't help but glance at Harry now and then, lying in the grass on the other side of the backyard, asleep. He deserved the sleep after four hours of driving non stop. With his sunglasses on and his long legs crossed, he really did look cute, very cute and so handsome. I watched his chest slowly rising up and down, his steady breathing somehow feeling so calm.

I quickly looked away when he moved and started stretching himself before he fully woke up.

„Did you sleep well?" I asked with a giggle when I saw how confused he looked after he sat up.

„Was a good nap, can't complain." He let out a laugh and got up to approach me. „Wanna go for a walk through town? Like we always used to?"

I looked at him a few moments, his eyes boring into mine. „Ye- yes, sure." I eventually managed to say.

He stretched his arm out for me so I could take his hand and before I even knew it, he pulled me up from the ground and we walked through the house, out the front door and along the sidewalk.

I noticed lots of people already staring at us, knowing exactly who we were. People around here knew us since we were little children and they loved it whenever we came back home to visit, but this time it was different. Harry came alone back here for the last two years and they knew I was gone, so seeing us both back here again was something pretty special for them.

„They all missed you too." Harry smiled at me, noticing me looking around.

„To be honest, I missed them too. I love that they care and I missed the small town talk. It was always so entertaining and fun." I laughed a little.

„It still is fun." Harry said with a smile. „So, what do you think?" He asked when we approached the little park as we walked along the fields, towards the small pond Harry and I would always go to and have a picnic or to just spend our time there. „Does it still feel like home?"

„It surely does." I nodded. „Everything looks the same and I feel so safe here. I didn't feel like this in so long...almost forgot how it feels. It's somehow weird to be back, because it doesn't really feel like I was gone."

„Maybe it's good that you feel that way. It would be harder for you coming back and everything would be different. It wouldn't feel like home then."

„Yeah, that's true." I smiled at him, getting lost in his eyes for a bit too long. „You know, I forgot how calm it was out here, away of the busy and noisy streets. Everywhere fields and nature. That's one of the things I missed the most."

„You always say that when we get here." He chuckled, smiling when we reached the place and both automatically sat down into the green grass, taking in the atmosphere around us. I bend my knees, sitting down on my side, resting all my weight on my right arm. Harry placed himself in front of me, stretching his legs out and crossing them.

„Oh, really?"

„Yeah. That's what I missed about coming home." He admitted, looking down before looking forward again. „I felt lonely without you here, a part of me was missing."

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