Chapter 91

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December 2015
I looked at Harry's incision site everyday since he was unable to see it himself and told him it was healing well when in reality it was still rather discolored and irritated.

"Maybe I'll cover it with a tattoo one day." Harry said as he sat on our bed and I once again gave a look to see how it was healing.

I smiled. "Or you could embrace it." I suggested.

"I don't know...don't know what to think about it." He said silently.

"H, your back is beautiful with or without the scar." I pressed a kiss on his shoulder blade.

"It looks weird on my back...everyone's gonna see it whenever I'm not wearing a shirt."

I stepped in front of him. "Have you forgotten about this?" I lifted up my shirt, revealing my stomach and the scars on it. "I have scars too, more than one and remember what you told me? That scars are telling a story, that they show how strong someone is and that I shouldn't feel insecure about them." I reminded him. "Your scar tells a story too, that you're stronger than a fall from 6 meters height and a damn spinal surgery. You can be proud of it, because you went through hell because of this and still are finding your way out. You're as beautiful with or without it, so I don't want you to be ashamed because of proud of it and yourself instead." I kissed the top of his head. „It's obviously your decision after all, but I just don't want you to feel insecure or less beautiful about it."

"Thanks, I needed that." He stood up from the bed with a bit of a struggle and opened his arms to wrap them around my body. I gently wrapped mine around his upper back, resting my head against his chest.

"Feels good being able to hug you like this again." I pressed another kiss on his collarbone.

"It does." He agreed as I felt him smiling against me before he kissed my cheek lovingly.

I let go of him, studying his bare upper body a bit. "Your ribs are still quite bruised, lovie."

He looked down at himself. „Yeah, still hurts."

„Do you want an ice pack for that?"

He nodded, sweetly. „If you don't mind."

I smiled. „I'll get you one for your ribs and one for your back as soon as you're back in bed."

I first gave him a hand putting his shirt back on before I helped him lower himself down onto the bed and into a lying position, his face scrunched in pain doing so.

„I feel like an old man." He breathed while I placed some cushions behind his back and he shifted in bed until he felt comfortable enough. „And I'm just 21."

„You definitely move like an old man." I chuckled.

„Heeey." He threw a cushion at me.

„I'm only joking, baby." I laughed and pressed my lips on his afterwards. „You won't feel like an old man anymore soon enough, my love."

He nodded and sighed. „It's hard though."

„I know it is, but as I said, you're strong and you can do it." I kissed him again before I laid down next to him on my side of the bed.


His physical therapy was going well. He hated having to go, but every day he did, he became stronger. Slowly, but surely. It still ached when he sat for too long without the brace or walked for exceedingly long distances, but he learned to pace himself.

One particular morning he woke up with extreme pain in his back, but chose not to say a word about how much pain he was in, trying to prove to me that he was recovering well.

I left the house for a bit to get some snacks, Pringles and pretzels for Harry and dish soap from the grocery store since the ice packs the doctor ordered for Harry consisted of frozen dish soap, making them gel packs. When I came back, I expected Harry to be out of bed, but he was  nowhere in sight.

"Harry?" I called, placing the grocery bags down on the kitchen island. I wandered around the house to look for him and stopped in the doorway of our bedroom when I saw Harry still in bed. "Harry, are you alright?"

Harry didn't say anything, staring out the window, afraid to twist his body. I approached the bed and sat down next to him. "I can tell you're awake, love. What's the matter?"

The shift of the bed caused pain to flare across Harry's back. He choked on a whimper, clenching his eyes shut. "Nothing." He mumbled. "I'm fine."

"Nothing." I repeated. "You sure about that?" I asked again, gently running my thumb over his cheek.

Harry swallowed. "Yeah, I'm okay."

"Alright. I bought some chamomile tea, would you like some?" I stood back up.

"Sure." He said.

I sighed, beginning to walk out of the room.

"Y/n-." Harry cried.

I stopped, turning again to face Harry and immediately had flashbacks of Harry in that hospital bed after he woke up from the coma, crying in pain. "Baby, what's wrong?" I asked. "Do you need a painkiller?"

Harry nodded, crying, not able to respond verbally. I instantly grabbed his prescription bottle from the bathroom and got a glass of water, handing him two pills with it.

While we waited for the medication to set in, relax his muscles and ease his pain, I stayed with him. "Shh, it's okay, don't cry, lovie." I climbed into bed, lying on his side, facing him. "Let me know when you start to feel better, okay?"

Harry didn't say anything, his watery and bloodshot eyes looking into mine. I raised my hand to his face, wiping his tears away and running my hand through his hair afterwards to soothe him a little bit.

"I'm sorry you're in so much pain." I carefully inched closer to him, to not jolt the bed. I tucked Harry's hair behind his ear. "But you're almost over it. Another week and doctor Russell says you'll be past the most intense portion of it. Plus, it's Christmas in a few days and I know you love it so much. We'll celebrate here with the boys if you want or also just the two of us, hm?"

Harry exhaled heavily, a few more tears running down his cheeks. "I-." He stopped. "I don't have a present for you."

"Oh baby, don't you worry about that." I smiled at him. "You know that to me Christmas is not about presents, I just wanna spend it with you, celebrating as much as your condition allows us to or just staying in bed throughout the holidays." I brushed my thumb over his cheekbone. "The most important thing to me is that you're getting better." I kissed his cheek.

Harry sniffled. "Okay." He inhaled. "Having a present for you would still be nice since...since it's our first Christmas back together."

"Having you back in my life is a present enough for me, one of the greatest of all times, I don't need another one for Christmas." I got closer to kiss his lips. "How's the painkiller working?"

"It's starting to feel better." Harry whispered.

We laid like this for a while, my hand stroking Harry's face and whispering sweet nothings until I could see the tension fade from the lines of his face. "Don't think I ever really took the time to thank you for staying with me these last few weeks, so thank you."

"Haz, you don't have to-."

"I'm not finished yet. Please." He grabbed my hand, running his thumb over the back of it. "Please let me finish. I need to get it off my chest."

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