Chapter 6

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June 2015
The day came. It was the day of the Brit Awards. I sat on a chair in my livingroom, getting my make up done for the show. My stylist and make up artist came to my house early in the morning to start getting ready. Various dresses were laid out on my couch, but I already decided what I wanted to wear. It was the first dress I noticed out of all the ones my stylist brought with him. It was nothing too special. I wanted to wear the long, black dress with a slit on one side. When I tried it on this morning, it fitted like a glove and I got even more excited for my performance tonight.

The morning went by fast and I eventually had to slip into my dress and put my heels on. My make up was done, my hair also and I was almost ready to go. I quickly put my earrings and my rings on, gave myself the last spritz of perfume and was ready to go.

Together with my usual driver, Mason already waited in the black car that was parked in front of my house.

„Hi Mason." I got into the car, loaded with energy and excitement.

„Hey, are you ready for your performance later?"

„Yeah, I am. Nervous to be back on stage again after so long." I admitted.

„Ignore your nervousness." He said. „Oh and there are some change of plans of your performance though."

„What? Why?" I frowned.

„Because I say so." His voice was strong and aggressive. „You will sing your single instead of Fight Song."

My jaw dropped. „What? No! Why? I want to sing Fight Song, you said I could." I couldn't believe it. Why did he always do that? Always! He always found a way of somehow drag me down. I hated it when he did this. Who wouldn't? „You said I'm gonna have to sing a new song off the album and now I have to sing the song everyone already knows?"

„You're not ready to perform Fight Song, it's too soon."

„No it's not! It's the right time. It's my song and I wanna sing it tonight." I raised my voice a bit.

„Well, you will not sing it, that's it." He said and grabbed his phone to just end the discussion and ignore me.
I sighed, sitting back in my seat, leaning against the window and trying to hold back the tears.

No! I didn't want him to ruin this night for me, one of the most special nights ever. I was gonna get what I wanted, no matter what Mason said. And I was not going to be sad or mad about that now. This was a special night and I was not going to let him ruin it for me.

The car came to a halt and that was when I knew we arrived. I was nervous and scared, just like last week, but Over the moon at the same time. I think I was ready...

Just like last week, I stepped out of the car, starting to walk over the red carpet, cameras clicking everywhere. I smiled at the view, taking in the moment for a few seconds.
Mason walked behind me, while I waved and smiled at screaming fans, signing some of their stuff here and there and posing for the cameras afterwards. It was amazing, truly amazing.
The Brits were always amazing and so fascinating. I loved it to be there and hang out with a bunch if Brits too for a change. One of the things I loved the most, was the afterparty. It was THE highlight if the night.

I stood on the red carpet, only waiting for the moment I would see Taylor again, since she would be here too. I tried to spot her through the massive amount of people that were spread around the red carpet and there she was.

„Finally." I said silently and made my way towards her.

„Hey Taylor, I'm sorry that I didn't tell you I already left for the UK last week. Mason almost dragged me to the airport and I didn't have the time." I hugged her tight. „Oh no, don't worry, it's okay." She smiled widely. „So here we are again."

„Here we are again." I repeated, letting out a nervous laugh. „It's been a long time since I last was at the Brits."

„It has, yeah. I'm so excited to finally see you perform live again." She said.

„I can't wait either. I'm full of adrenaline." I told her as we slowly walked inside the building.

„You know, your friends are literally freaking out about it." She laughed. „It's so cute to see."

„Yeah, I also saw on Instagram they would livestream for all the fans around the world. It is really cute." I agreed.

„By the way, I managed to get us both to sit together at a table again, but I have no idea who else will be sitting with us too."

„That's great, thank you. The last thing I wanted, was to sit with Mason alone or people I don't really know." I laughed.

„I thought so." She smirked.

We entered the giant venue and I had no idea where my manager was, but honestly, I couldn't care less.
We walked through the venue, passing lots of people we knew and tried to find our table.

„It should be right there." Taylor pointed to a table that was right in front of the stage.

I stopped in my tracks.


„Yeah?" She looked at me confused.

„We're sitting at a table with One Direction?" I asked panicking, my heart starting to speed up.
What were all these coincidences for the past week?

„Oh sorry, I had no idea."

„It's not your fault. Let's just go over there." I suggested. She nodded and walked towards the table.

As soon as Harry saw me, he smiled at me and I immediately had to smile too as I saw him again.

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