Chapter 158

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We went to dinner together at that beautiful restaurant Y/n and I both loved a lot. It was such a nice evening together as a couple, forgetting about everything else for a while and only focusing on the two of us, our night and our time together there.

I enjoyed it so much and I think Y/n did too, at least she genuinely looked like it and I loved that. Seeing her this happy after such a dark time she was still trying to get out of, was so relieving and beautiful to see. I think, she came to the point where she accepted to live with the thought that this really did happened to her and that made me incredibly proud of her because it was so hard to manage that.

After dinner, we decided to go to the beach for a while, the place where it all started for us again, where we found back to each other.
We wanted to just go there and be there for a while, so we headed over there hand in hand. I led us to a quiet place, near the water where we cluld hear the calming sounds of the waves and we sat down in the sand. Y/n placed herself in front of me, so I could pull her close to my chest and wrap my arms around her from behind, holding her tightly in my arms as she leaned her head against me.

 Y/n placed herself in front of me, so I could pull her close to my chest and wrap my arms around her from behind, holding her tightly in my arms as she leaned her head against me

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„It's so beautiful here." She said. „I often forget that feeling of being here and just sitting here, enjoying the view and the sound of the waves. I love it."

I smiled at her words. „Me too, it's truly almost like a magical place. Sometimes hearing the calmness here, makes everything a little bit better."

„Crazy to think that just a bit more than a year ago we got back together right here." She said, the wind pushing her hair back and out of her face.
I could tell she was smiling without even looking at her face.

„I remember that night as if it happened yesterday." I kissed her head from behind.

„Those two years I spent without you where the most terrible ever. I can't imagine being away from you ever again." She said before she changed position and sat beside me, leaning against me, her head resting on my shoulder. I wrapped my arm around her waist, holding her close to me. „Haz, I love you so much you can't even imagine. I've never felt so much love for anyone ever. You're my home, Harry."

„My sweet darling, I love you more than anything." I kissed her again. „We'll never be apart again, I can promise you that. I love you my sweetheart. You're everything to me and I'd do absolutely anything for you. I'll protect you til the day I die."

„She didn't say any more to that, she just let out a relieved breath, leaning more into my side, holding onto my coat.


„Yes?" She asked so sweetly.

„I kinda need to tell you something." I sighed. I hate to ruin the moment, but I can't wait any longer."

„Babe, you can tell me everything, no matter what and when. I'm always here."

„Okay then..." I sighed again, not knowing how to start the conversation without tearing up, which immediately happened just at the thought of it.

„Harry, baby, what is it? It must be serious." She sat up, shifing a bit to be able to look at me.

„It is." I said quietly and she grabbed my hand right after that, giving it a gentle squeeze. „The might break up soon." A tear silently ran down my cheek as I said it out loud for the first time.

„Harry why are you saying such things?"

„I'm not just saying it, I know it. We're gonna go on hiatus soon."

„What? I- I mean I-...oh my god, H..." She sighed, pulling me into a hug. „For sure? Like is it settled?"

„Yeah." I nodded. „We'll do some more shows here in the US and a few back in the UK...we'll have the very last performance at the X-Factor after those shows and then that's it..." I explained, more tears running down my cheeks. I didn't wanna cry and I didn't think I actually had tears left for this. We've been feeling it coming, all of us and I hated it, because this was my life. It brought me so much joy. We've been together for five years, we were could that just be over now? How would I continue? What would I do after this?

„My god, Harry." She said silently, cupping my cheek with one hand. „I'm so sorry." She whispered, her eyes filling with tears as well.

Of course she'd be heartbroken about it. She knew how much it meant to me, all of it. She got to know the boys through this, she experienced everything with us, made so many memories alongside us. She cared about me and the boys, she truly did, so I understood how this must have felt, getting to know about it just like that.

„B- But I thought you guys just adjusted to doing it as a four?"

I shrugged my shoulders. „Sometimes things just...just don't work out anymore. As hard as it is...this is it. We knew this moment would come someday...apparently it's time's over."

She hugged me again after I said this, even tighter this time, putting all the love in it.

„I don't know what to say, H." She admitted what I understood. „How long have you known?"

„Three weeks or something." I told her silently.

„Three weeks? Babe, why didn't you tell me anything sooner?" She wiped the tears on my cheeks away with her thumb.

„You had a hard enough time to go through Y/n, I could've never just dropped this while you were struggling yourself, so I waited and now I just can't hold it in anymore." More silent tears uncontrollably fell down my cheeks. It wasn't a real cry, it was silent, just my eyes fillling with tears and then spilling over.

„You don't have to hold it in anymore, sunshine. No secrets anymore from now on." She rubbed my arm soothingly and I nodded at that. „How long is the hiatus gonna last?"

„We said 18 months."

„Well that way you'll get a well deserved break for 18 months so you'll be able to come back and start fresh." She smiled a little.

„Y/n...I don't think we'll ever come back..." I said silently.

„What? Harry, how would you know that?" She frowned.

„I know, because I can see it and I can feel it. Things are gonna change when we're on a break and it wouldn't be the same. Our time as a over now. We had the best five years we could've ever imagined. It's been so beautiful and magical. We got so big so fast, we have so many fans and so much support from everyone, but it's time to stop. All of us know it will be over. It's destroying us...we're not happy anymore and it's not fair to the fans and to us." I explained to her. I think the thing with the 18 months is just us making it easier for ourselves, but the truth is...One Direction is over."

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