Chapter 85

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December 2015
After 15 days of staying at the hospital, Harry was finally gonna get released tomorrow. So today on his last day here, he was trying to get some more sleep to hopefully have a bit more energy tomorrow when he would have to walk out of the hospital.

The physiotherapist had him stand up and walk for a bit every day since the surgery, but it was still a challenge for him to walk and stand and together with the massive pain he was experiencing, it was incredibly draining for him.

I just got back to the hospital with some new clothes for him to wear tomorrow when we would leave, together with a coat that would keep him warm outside, especially his back. I approached Harry's room and opened the door, only to hear him cry out in pain. I instantly looked up, seeing some woman pulling on his arms, attempting to make him sit up.

"Stop! Please stop! It fucking hurts!" He let out, breathing heavily.

"What the fuck is going on here?! What the hell is happening, let the fuck go of him, you're hurting him!" I quickly got next to Harry's bed and pulled her hands away from him, pushing her away. My blood was boiling, thinking of some woman just entering his room and hurting him like that. I didn't look at her at first, instead I turned to Harry, making sure he was okay which he obviously wasn't.

"Harry? Babe? Are you okay?" I looked at him, scared to touch him, tears streaming down his face, his breathing uneven and his face scrunched in agony.

"No...fuck!" He cried. "It fucking bad."

"I'm gonna call the nurse." I told him but he gripped my hand.

"No, don't...please." He breathed. "They just gave me my medication."

"Fine, just breathe for me, love, okay?"

He nodded, closing his eyes as he tried to concentrate on his breathing.

"Is it getting better?" I asked him.

"A tiny bit." He whimpered.

"It'll get better soon." I assured him before I finally turned around to finally see who this horrible woman was that caused him even more pain.

"What the actual fuck are you doing here?" My widened and my heart started racing when I realized who it was. I couldn't believe my eyes, rage starting to build up even more. What was she doing here? Why was she even here? So many questions were going around in my head in that very second. "This is a joke, right?"

"I heard about Harry's surgery in the news and just wanted to see how he is."

"Don't you even dare take his name into your mouth." I warned her. "Oh so now you suddenly care? Does that look like you care? Look what you've done!" I looked at Harry who was clearly still in lots of pain. "He's just had a goddamn spinal surgery three days ago, what the hell is wrong with you, thinking you could just move him like that and cause him even more pain than he is in already?!" I didn't even let her speak out. I didn't want to, she didn't have the right to do so and I still couldn't understand why the hell she was here. "What do you want? Money? Publicity? Attention? Your five seconds of fame? You just randomly show up here, saying you're family so you can just get in here?! You're not fucking family!"

"I am your mother, Y/n."

"You are not my mother!" Tears started pooling in my eyes and falling down my cheeks. "You were never my mother!" As much as it hurt my heart to say this, thinking back of how bad they treated me and didn't care about me before they just left me. I thought I never had to see her again and here she suddenly was, just why? Why would she rip open old wounds and bring back so many bad memories? She was still hurting me after all these years and I didn't even do anything to deserve that. "Anne is my mother, not you."

"You know very well that is not true, I gave birth to you, not Anne."

"I don't give a fuck that you gave birth to me. You never loved me, never cared about me. Anne did, she raised me...unlike you who just left me."

"I did care about you, you just don't wanna see it."

"Oh yeah? You did?" More tears fell. "Where were you when I had cancer when I was just 14 years old? Where was my "mother"? Did you know I had cancer again, huh? It came back and where were you? You didn't even bother to pick up the phone so I could tell you." I quickly wiped my tears away. "Now get the fuck out of here. You've done enough." I went to open the door. "I don't ever wanna see you again, especially not around Harry."

She didn't say anything and luckily just left, shaking her head while walking away. Before I went back into the room, I went out in the hallway, closing the door behind me and tried to take a deep breath, realizing what in the world just happened here.

"Are you okay?" I heard nurse Megan's voice next to me, her hand placed on my shoulder as I looked at her. "That didn't look so amusing just now."

"Yeah, I guess...yeah, no I'm fine." I nodded. "Would you just do me a favor, please?"

She nodded sympathetically. "Sure."

"If this woman that was just here ever shows up again, don't let her in anymore...please. She's not family, she says she is, but she isn't."

"Of course, I'll let the security know." She assured me.

"Thank you." I smiled and went back inside to Harry, sitting down on his bed next to him. "Please tell me you're okay." I placed my hand in his.

"Still hurts...a lot, but I'll be okay. The movement was just way too sudden, it felt like a few days ago when I moved the wrong way." He said.

"What even happened? Why did she even lay hand on you?"

"I don't know to be honest. I was asleep and woke up when I heard someone enter, then realized it was her. She didn't say much. I was about to sit up, she wanted to help. I told her not to, but she did anyways and that's when she just pulled me up and the pain hit and then you came in." Harry explained.

"I'm really sorry, Haz. I- I don't even have words for this, I can't believe this." I sighed. "Are you really alright, baby?" I gently scooted closer, pressing a kiss to his lips.

"I will be." He assured me, nodding. "Are you okay?"

"If I am okay?" I repeated, frowning.

"You're biological mother showed up after what? 7 years?"

"8 years." I sighed.

"I know you're not okay, babe. You were crying, love. You know it's okay not to be okay."

Before I even knew it, tears started to stream down my cheeks again. "What did I do wrong that they left me? What did I do that they never loved me or cared about me?" My voice was trembling.

"Oh baby, my love, you did nothing wrong. You're the most perfect angel to exist, how could you ever think you did anything wrong? You were so young when they left, it was not your fault. They don't deserve you for ever making you feel unloved and just leaving like that after treating you so bad."

"Why did she come here and rip open those old wounds? All those memories are coming back and I just want to forget them." I told him sincerely.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart. I don't know why she came here, but she's gone now and I don't think she'll come back." He assured me. "Listen, you have a family, you don't need them. You've got me, Gemma, Robin and my mum and also the boys and you're so, so loved."

"Thank you, Harry. It's just...I don't know, I would have never expected to see here again." I shrugged my shoulders.

"I understand, but don't think about it too much or you'll go insane, okay?"

I nodded. "Okay."

"Come here, love." He opened his arms for me.

"I don't wanna hurt you, Haz." I got up to kiss him on his lips instead. "I love you."

"Love you more."

I smiled a little, pressing another kiss on his lips. "It's finally your last night here, are you ready to go home?"

"So ready you have no idea." He smiled at me.

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