Chapter 155

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During the next night, I got woken up by a sudden movement next to me and opened my eyes to see Y/n in tears, sitting up in bed and breathing quickly.

„Y/n? Baby, what's wrong?" I scooted closer to her to rub her back.

„I uhm, I- I- I need to turn a light on in here." She breathed. „Please, I- I'm scared."

„Alright, shhh just stay calm, love, you're okay." I assured her and reached behind her to turn her bedside lamp on. „What happened, baby? What's wrong?"

„I- I had this nightmare...of that guy, that felt so real again." She sobbed.

I pulled her close into my arms to hold her tightly. „Oh baby, I'm sorry. Nothing's gonna happen to you, you're safe here. You're here with me and you're just fine." I kissed the top of her head. „You're okay, my sweetheart. You're absolutely safe and I love you so much."

„Why can't I just forget about this ever happening?" She cried in my arms.

„You will at some point, I promise. It's gonna be okay. It's all gonna be okay."

„I see his face anywhere I go, Harry." She sobbed.

„I'm sorry, my love. I'm sorry you have to go through this. We'll work it out together. I'm here for you." I looked at her and wiped her tears off her cheeks before I kissed her forehead. „Do you need anything, baby? Some water or something?" I asked her.

She shook her head. „No...I- I just need you. Can you stay here, please?"

„Darling, of course. I won't leave you, don't worry. I'll stay right here with you." I assured her, stroking her hair soothingly. „Wanna try to sleep again?

She nodded and laid back down, holding tight onto my hand. „I love you, Harry." She whispered as I laid down next to her, even closer than before.

„I love you more, sweetie." I kept soothingly stroking her cheek so she'd fall asleep, but it didn't help, so I had an idea, that I thought might work. I quietly started to sing to her one of her favorite songs from since we were little kids. „You are my sunshine, my only sunshine..." I started. „You make me happy when skies are gray. You'll never know dear, how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away..."

I kept repeating those lines over and over again, gently singing it to her close to her ear, kissing her soothingly on her head in between until her tears stopped falling down her cheeks and she eventually fell asleep.


The next morning, Y/n was ready to head to the police, so I quickly took her over there, promising her it wasn't going to take long, which it luckily didn't and we were out there again rather quickly. Obviously it brought up everything again and it wasn't anywhere near easy for her to deal with.
I didn't know how, but as we exited the police station, a crowd of paps showed up there, just making everything worse for Y/n.

„I can't do this, H." She looked up at me, terrified.

„It's gonna be fine, love. Just stick with me, don't look up and ignore them. Don't say anything to them, I'll guide you through." I whispered to her before I grabbed her hand tightly. „You'll be okay, we just need to get out of here now."

As we made our way through, they started to shoot question after question, luckily most of them not regarding anything about Y/n, confirming to me that they fortunately had no idea of what really happened and why we were here.

„Harry what happened to your eye?? Where you in a fight?"

„How do you feel about Zayn leaving the band?"

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