Chapter 89

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December 2015
The next three days until today and they needed to fly back home to Manchster, Gemma and Anne stayed at my house, lingering around the door to the master bedroom and offering to help Harry whenvever he did as much as move. I enjoyed having them around, giving me and Harry some breaks from each other in between. We took turns regulating his pain medicine, waking him to go for short walks around the house and entertaining him to distract him from the pain he was experiencing, which wasn't always easy.

Harry strictly followed the doctor's orders as he was supposed to. He lied down with a pillow under his knees and another one stuffed behind his back. He walked around minimally, iced his back, wore the brace whenever he sat or stood for more than ten minutes without any complain. He even allowed me helping him shower, which wasn't really surprising though, since we've known each other and been together for like forever and went through a lot of other shit in the past.

Harry was never a bashful man, but as he stood in the bathroom with me, his clothing dangling off his thin body, his looked down on the floor, sighing. "Do I look bad?" He asked.

"No, not at all." I replied.

He was skinnier than he's ever been, his skin chalky and his bone structure more prominent than ever, but to me he was still the most beautiful man I ever laid eyes on.

Harry stood in front of the mirror, looking at his own reflection. "I look pathetic." He said, sighing again as he tugged on the skin of his face. He had dark circles under his eyes, his cheeks were gaunt, his cheekbones even more prominent. He hadn't shaved in a week, making his cheeks stubbly.

I stood behind him, my eyes locking with his through the mirror. "You also had intense back surgery. No one expects you to look like a model, babe." I said, placing ma hand on his shoulder. "You should shower before your back flares up."

"You're right." Harry said, silently.

I moved to stand in front of him, standing on my tip toes to press a kiss on his lips. "You're the most beautiful man to me, Harry. Always. Even after spinal surgery."

He smiled a little and I kissed him again. "Do you need help taking off your clothes?"

"No, I've got it." He said.

I helped him into the tub after he took his shirt and sweatpants off. From there, he stood to shower while I sat on the sink, scrolling through twitter and waiting in case Harry needed me.

I realized quickly that the fans were still panicking and being hysteric over the disappearance of One Direction. None of the members or me have been spotted or been present on social media ever since the statement got out last week or so. Considering them knowing about Harry's surgery, but not what happened after that, didn't do anything to ease the fans. We decided not to say anything and stay off social media until Harry felt better and had the energy to do so, but right now that wasn't what he had to focus on.

"Y/n?" Harry called, inhaling sharply a moment later. He sat on the edge of the tub, back facing me.

I set my phone down and stood up. "What's wrong, love?"

"It's starting to hurt a bit, but." He stopped. "But I need to wash my back. Can you-."

"Yeah, of course." I interrupted him. "Hand me your loofah." Harry still had some soap in his hair and on his skin, I assumed it meant he couldn't physically endure standing long enough to rinse it off.

Harry handed me the blue bath sponge, dripping water and soap and I tenderly slid it over his back. I was extremely gentle as I neared the long, inflamed scar, using my hands instead to make sure I wasn't too rough.

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