Chapter 41

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September 2015
Only two weeks to the start of my America tour and I was incredibly nervous, but so excited. It's been so long the last time I was on tour and I couldn't wait to do it all again, even though I knew it would be extremely exhausting, especially for me, but the genuine excitement I had to see people all around the world that liked my music, was huge, so it was alright.

Right now, I was once again at the studio, going through the set list to see if I needed to make any changes.

„Y/n?" Dave, one of my tour managers came in after slightly knocking on the door.

„Yeah? What's up?" I looked up, turning around in my chair so I would face him.

„We just had a quick emergency meeting with another management because of a request they had. There will be a change for the tour, but it won't change that much." He told me, but I didn't really get what he meant.

„And what was their request?" I wondered.

„They wanted you and One Direction to tour together like back in 2013. It's already decided and we agreed to that and just need your consent." He explained.
I was in shock and didn't really know what to say first.

„I surely didn't see that coming." I admitted as I caught my breath.

„So, do you agree to that too?"

„Yeah, yes, I do." I instantly let out. Of course I did, that's all I wanted, to tour together with the boys.
They would start their tour on the same date as I did and it was even better for all of us if we toured together.
I knew that Mason wouldn't like this at all since he didn't allow me to be around Harry, but I didn't care, because my tour manager decided this and I didn't have a thing to do with it.

„Great, we're gonna have a meeting with all of them about all the changes, okay?" He asked. Dave was luckily one of the nicer people around me. He was kind and actually cared about me and my band.

„Yeah okay, when will the meeting start?" I asked, but before he could answer, I heard some familiar voices entering the studio in the front and knew that the five boys had arrived, making me smile just knowing they were there.

„In a few minutes. The boys are here as you heard." He smiled a little and got out of the room before I got up myself and headed towards the front of the studio.

„Good afternoon miss Y/l/n." Liam was the first to greet me by pulling me into his side to give me a short hug.

„Oi oi!" Louis was the next one, his loud voice sounding in my ears before I got hugged by Niall and Zayn.

Last but not least, I walked towards the curly headed one who was already smiling bright.

„Hey." I smiled back, giving him a hug.

„Hey. I'm a little disappointed that I'm the last you're saying hello to." He joked as he let go of me.

„The best comes for last." I told him, shrugging. „By the way, do you have to do something with this?" I whispered, nudging him with my finger into his side.

„What do you even mean?" He pretended not to know.

„Oh you know exactly what I mean."

He let out a cute, little laugh and shrugged. „Maybe I do have to do something with it, but with the help of four other boys."

„I love the idea. But what was the reason for you to set up something big like that?"

„Well, I know how you feel about tour and this way, we get to spend more time together and I'll be able to have an eye on you regarding the whole Mason situation. And together with the boys, we were able to  convince our tour managers to tour together with you. They mostly said yes because of good publicity and because it would be good for the album. So here we are." He smiled, proudly.

„Thank you guys so much. This makes me really happy, thanks." I looked at Harry before turning around and looked at all of them to tell them how much this meant to me.

„Anything for you." Niall grinned, placing his hand above his heart.

„I swear you guys are the best." I told them just before our managers gave us the sign for the meeting to start and we all entered the room they were waiting in for us.

Good for us, the meeting wasn't that long and we could leave. We just discussed some changes and some of the shows that we would probably do together and that was it. I was very excited after everything we discussed and couldn't wait to start it in two weeks.

„So, what do you think?" Harry asked me when we got out of the room after the meeting.

„I can't wait for it to start. It's gonna be massive and we're gonna have so much fun together." I told him already thinking about the next year and what was coming.

„It's gonna be special. Can't wait either." He smiled. „So, you're happy?"

„I am happy, very happy." I told him, smiling.

He looked back at the boys who were ready to leave before he turned around again to face me, clearly shy to ask something.

„Hey, uhm, do you wanna join us for dinner maybe? We're going to that new restaurant down the street."

My heart wanted to say yes and go with them. I knew I would have a great time with them and spending time with Harry was everything I wanted right now, but in my head I also knew, that if I would go with him now, Mason would go crazy once again if he found out and I tried to avoid that.

„I'd love to, Harry, but I'm really tired and would just want to go home and relax a while." I told him as much as it hurt me to turn him down.

„I understand, go home and relax, you deserve it." He nodded, smiling. „See you at rehearsals in Las Vegas then?" He grinned.

„Oh yes, I'll be there for sure." I smiled bright.

He chuckled before leaning forward for a hug goodbye. „Bye Y/n." He wrapped his arms around my back.

„Bye H." I enjoyed the warm, tight hug once again until we let go and Harry left with the boys I waved to before they got out of the door.

When I was on my way home later, I realized how good all of this really made me feel. Now that I would tour together with 1D, I felt so relieved and less stressed about the coming months, because I knew how this was gonna be. I remembered how amazing and exciting it was the last time we toured together and I couldn't wait to relive that.

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