Chapter 171

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„Hey, hey, baby, it's alright. I'm not going back, I won't do anything, okay?" Harry sprinted back to me, crouching down in front of me before he pulled me up with him. „I'm sorry, love. I'm not going anywhere, my sweetheart." He hugged me tight again, holding me upwards. „I'm sorry, darling, I don't want you to relive all of this. Let's leave and just go home now, okay?"

„Please." I nodded.

I was tense throughout the whole car ride home, gripping onto my seatbelt. Harry tried to calm me down with some soothing words and gentle touches which honestly did help a bit.
I didn't know why I felt this way about this, the guy wasn't even able do anything to me. Harry was there in time. Harry was there for me, he protected me from worse.
The fact that it happened once again made me so incredibly uncomfortable.

„I don't wanna go to any bar or club anymore. I just- I can't. At least not for a while." I eventually said as we got out of the car and inside the house after Harry unlocked the door. I watched as he locked it again as soon as we stood in the hallway.

„That's alright. You don't have to do anything you don't want, my love." He said. „I'm sorry I lost it, baby, but I love you and I can't just watch people treat you like this and take advantage of a woman like that. You don't deserve this." Harry said as he took my coat off my shoulders and hung it up in the wardrobe after I took my shoes off.

„It's okay, H. I just didn't want you to get hurt or something and get in trouble because of me." I told him when I made my way to the living room and placed myself on the couch.

„You really don't have to worry about me, Y/n." He grabbed a blanket and sat down next to me, covering me with it so I wouldn't be cold. Harry kept looking up and down my body, scanning everything. „Are you some sort of okay, baby?" He asked gently before he came closer and cupped my cheek, running his thumb over my cheek.

„I don't know..." I sighed, cuddling into his side and covering him with the blanket aswell. I rested my head against his chest and he wrapped his arms around my body. „Physically yes, kind of brought up everything again. I thought I was done with that and with having to worry about not being okay about it. Didn't think it would ever come up again."

„Sweetheart, that night back then, you experienced something very traumatic. That doesn't just go away so easily. It needs needed time to process this and that's okay. It wasn't too long ago that it happened and after tonight, after something similar happening to you, it's understandable that all those feelings and memories come back up." He told me, his voice so soft in my ear. „You just need some more time and that's okay. Nobody's forcing you to anything."

„Yeah I guess...thanks, Haz. I just...I don't know, I feel so defeated you know? Being a woman is really hard sometimes just because of things like this happening."

„I'm sorry you have to feel this way, my love." He kissed the top of my head. „And I'm sorry I wasn't there earlier.

„No, but you were there, Harry." I moved to look at him. You were...just in time and I thank you so much for that, H."

„I don't want you to thank me for things like this. Everyone who would have noticed something was wrong should have stepped in at that moment." He said, rubbing my arm soothingly.

I nodded. „I just wanna forget about this happening again...and I'm sorry this ruined your night. It should have been a night of celebration for you."

„It didn't ruin anything, baby. It wasn't even your fault. I didn't feel like celebrating to begin with and just wanted to leave the place anyways. Don't worry about anything, Y/n. I just want you to be okay."

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