Chapter 65

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October 2015
„Please Harry, fight for me. I know you can do it." I whispered into his ear before I kissed his forehead. „Please..." I repeated. „I need you and you need me, that's how it always was, remember?" I ran my hand through his hair again. „Remember?" I asked desperately, my voice breaking.

I blinked my eyes, trying to get a better vision because of all the tears that blurred it. „I love you,, so much and I'm so sorry." I sobbed again.

I leaned back in my chair, just looking at him and trying to figure out what to do. I just talked to him a few hours ago. I told him to be careful up there and he promised he would be.
It wasn't even his fault, it was all mine. If we haven't made our relationship official, this would have never happened.
Everything I was scared of happening became reality and I couldn't forgive myself for that. I let this happen, I was the reason it happened and now my boyfriend, the love of my life was in a coma...because of me.

Looking over at the small table next to Harry's bed, I noticed a tiny, see through plastic bag. I reached over to take it and saw there were all his rings and his necklace in it he wore tonight.

I sighed heavily, taking his bear ring out of the bag and putting it on my finger. It was way too big for my thin fingers, but it made me feel a tiny bit closer to him.

There was a knock on the door and a nurse came in. Quickly, I took the ring off again and put it back into the bag before I took the little bag with me and put it into my pocket where it was safe.

„Hi, I'm nurse Megan, I'm just gonna check on his vitals quickly." She said, looking sympathetically at me and giving me a small smile.

I just nodded and watched her writing some numbers down on a clip board.

She looked young, but at the same time older than me. I could see she knew very well what she was doing and what she had to do. It was easy to see, that she liked her job, making me already trust her. Nurse Megan looked like she was nice and kind, what was good, making this situation a bit more comfortable.

My tears haven't stopped running, but by now, I didn't even notice anymore.

„Here, to dry your tears." Nurse Megan handed me a tissue.

„Thank you." I forced my lips into a little smile.

„I'm really sorry about what happened, miss Y/l/n." She said with a soothing voice, approaching me and rubbing my arm.

„It's...okay, well it's not, nothing is okay, but it happened and I sadly can't turn back time." I sighed. „Please call me Y/n by the way."

She nodded with a little smile. „If you need anything, I'm here. I'll be one of the nurses taking care of him from now on, so I'm always around somewhere, okay?"

„Alright, thank you."

She then left the room, followed by myself a few minutes later after trying to wrap my head around what was happening even though I wasn't able to even process what doctor Russell told me earlier.

I left the room, wondering where the boys where and how they felt, scared of their reactions, their expressions and that I'd start hysterically crying right in front of them.
I quickly looked back at Harry before I left, swallowing dry as reality hit me again.

Just as I stepped outside, they all came walking around the corner, heads down until they eventually looked up at me and I could see their red, puffy eyes. They cried, all of them did. Why wouldn't they? Harry was their best friend, a part of their family. The five of them were a unit and when something happened to one of them, they'd break, especially when it came to the youngest member of the band they were so incredibly protective of.

Seeing them like that hurt my heart even more, making me start crying hysterically, just like I predicted.
My legs gave in, losing my control over them and I broke down in tears and screams, falling to the floor, onto my knees, covering my face with both my hands. I couldn't feel anything but the pain in my heart, everything else was numb.

I immediately felt them all crouched down around me, pulling me into their warm arms, embracing and squeezing me tightly.

„We were supposed to go on a date tonight. We were supposed to go out." I cried, sobbing into one of the four boys' shoulder. „This is all my fault."

„Shhh, it's not your fault at all, Y/n. Don't think like that please." Louis rubbed my back soothingly.

„They said...they said we should prepare for the worst." I sobbed uncontrollably. „I can't lose him, I need him."

„He'll fight and he'll wake up someday. You know him...he's strong." Liam assured me, what didn't really help, even though I knew he just wanted to make me feel better.

„I just got him back in my life and now I lost him again. I lost him..." I sobbed, trying to breathe.

„You didn't lose him, okay? I promise you didn't." Niall said, but couldn't hold back his tears himself.

I let go of them, Zayn helping me up on my feet, steadying me.

„Why don't you go home and sleep for a while, Y/n? You're exhausted and need to calm down a bit." Zayn suggested, rubbing my arm. „I'll drive you."

I shook my head no. „I don't wanna go home, I wanna stay here. I need to stay here. I can't go to sleep in my bed, knowing when I wake up he won't be lying next to me because he's here, probably in pain. I know he'd be scared and I want him to know I'm here...or at least let him feel that I'm here." More tears silently fell as I said that. „I uhm...I need to call Anne now and book a flight to get her to LA." I told them.

Honestly, I also just needed to breathe for a second and get some air after everything that happened.

„Alright then." Niall nodded along with the other three. „Can we...can we go in?" Louis pointed at the door.
„Of course, just don't let it get to you. It's a lot." I warned them.

They nodded again before I went back through the hallways to the entrance of the hospital, a quieter place so I could call Anne and tell her the horrible news.

I grabbed my phone and dialed her number, my hands still shaking. I was terrified of telling her what happened to her son.
It was around 10 am in London right now, so I prayed to god she didn't find out over the news or videos on social media already.

How could I explain to her that Harry fell into a coma? Especially because of the reason that I couldn't even believe it myself.
My heart was racing in my chest as I shakingly held my phone to my ear, pacing around the lobby and waiting for her to pick up, trying to calmly breathe in and out, what obviously didn't work at all until I heard her voice on the other end of the line and I desperately forced myself to contain my emotions.

„Y/n my love, how are you darling?" Her cheerful voice sounded, making me even more scared to tell her the news. „Isn't it in the middle of the night in LA right now?" She asked with a chuckle.

It was clear she had no clue of what happened.

„Anne?" I tried to get all of her attention since it seemed like she was doing some random things at home while talking on the phone. „I need to tell you something."

„What is it, dear?" Her voice already sounded more serious.

„I need you to get you to LA as soon as possible." My voice cracked now and then. „Something happened during the show."

„What? What happened? What's wrong?" Her voice was still calm even after what I said.

„There was an accident, Anne." I almost whispered but still loud enough for her to hear.

„An accident? Are you okay?" She sounded concerned. I shook my head, knowing she couldn't see it, but I was too afraid to let any words out.

„It's Harry." I finally said, my voice low and barely audible. Tears were pooling in my eyes, threatening to spill.

„Is he okay?" She asked, making me feel the concern in her voice.

Harry Styles Fanfiction - Remember Me?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora