Chapter 13

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June 2015
„Why did you put Fight Song on the album? After all these years, why now?" He asked kind of scared of my answer to that.

I thought about what to say for a second, but instead of saying something, I grabbed his hand.

„Come with me." I said.

„What? Where?" He asked confused.

„Just follow me." We both got up and I led him outside of the giant room to what was like a large hallway but with couches placed around the area to sit on. I stopped when I made sure we were alone.
No people were there, just me and him.

„I can't tell you this around all these people in there, that's why we're out here." I explained. „Now...I put Fight Song on the album, because when I saw you again last week after all this time, I remembered the song and I knew I had to put it on it..." I told him. „I...I did it because of you...It was a last minute decision and it was the right one. I was ready to somehow tell my story without really telling it..."

„Because of me?"

I nodded slightly. „Mhm...because of you."

„Why won't you tell your story to me, Y/n?" He almost whispered, looking straight into my eyes. „We used to tell each other every stupid, little thing. Why not this?"

He looked deep into my eyes. I could see it clearly...the pain... I saw it in his beautiful, green eyes, clearer than ever. His eyes told the truth.

I...I had to do it now... I had to tell him. He was right, he deserved an explanation or else his pain would never fade.

„What happened two years ago, Y/n?" He asked again, hoping for me to answer and not taking his eyes off of mine.
It was my chance to tell him.

„Why were you gone for so long? Why did you disappear just like that?" His voice was trembling.

„Because of this..." I slowly lifted up my top so he could see my stomach. A few remarkable scars appeared on it. Not big ones, but they weren't so small either. They were clearly noticeable, very noticeable.

Harry looked at them, frowning. „What does that mean? What happened?" I could feel he was scared to ask.

„I had cancer again, Harry." I finally told him, my voice cracking at the last word and some tears slowly slipping over my cheeks.

The look on his face broke me on the inside. I knew this would hurt him, that was why I didn't want to tell him. But now it was out.

As I said, Harry and I were inseparable, especially since we got together as a couple. We were so happy together, having the best times until the year 2008.
Harry and I were both 14 years old and it was the year I got diagnosed with cancer. Back then, the doctors didn't give me much time to live, only a few years, but I didn't want to leave this world, I was too young to go. So I went through chemo and lots of other procedures. It was so hard, but Harry and his family were there for me and helped me through it all, especially Harry. He did everything he could to make me happy and cheer me up during dark times. The thing was, it was not only hard for me. He was suffering so much with me. I saw him breaking and it hurt me so much. He would always stay with me at the hospital, even through the nights and would have sleepless nights, because of me, being there for me whenever I felt bad or something hurt. It was tough, so tough and to see him giving up his life to be with me every second of the day, was truly painful for me. He always cared so much about me and didn't look after himself anymore. He cut school because of me and I didn't even know it in the beginning.

God and how many times I saw him crying at the hospital without him knowing that I saw him. He sang songs to me, we wrote together new ones and just like that, Fight Song was created.

Two years later in 2010, a miracle happened and it turned out I beat it. I was cancer free and it was the perfect time for us to chase our go to the X-Factor show and sing our hearts out, hoping the judges would see our talent.

It turned out well when I looked at us now. Harry got into the band One Direction, the most famous and successful band on the planet. And I started my career as a solo artist after the X-Factor and I got better and better until I made it to the top artists.

I was not so lucky to get that management I had though, but because of it, I got to go on tour together with One Direction in 2013 when they were on their Take Me Home Tour. I got to know the other four boys a lot better and found new friends. We all had the best time together and even performed some covers together whenever they or I had a show.

It was the best time of my life, touring with my boyfriend and singing my songs all around the world. I didn't know if I would even turn 15 years old and there I was, touring around the world with five other boys.

But then tour finished in November 2013 and I had to go to that stupid check up appointment.
That was when I found out it was back. I got diagnosed with cancer again...

„Wh- you- what?" Was all Harry could say, understandably.

„I got diagnosed with cancer again." I told him again.

„Fuck...oh god Y/n, but when?"

„Right after tour ended in 2013. I had a doctors appointment and that was when they found out." I explained.

Tears were streaming down his face by now.

„Harry please don't cry." I cupped his cheek with one hand and wiped his tears away with the other one.

„Y/n, you had cancer again, I...I can't believe this." He sniffled. „Why didn't you tell me back then?"

„Oh Harry." I sighed. „Don't you remember? I had to fight so, so hard the first time and it was so exhausting. I was tired of fighting. I didn't think I would make it through it all again and get another chance to live. It looked bad...again, Harry and I wouldn't have forgiven myself if I died and left you here without your love. I thought it was better to just leave and break up with you before I went through the whole procedures again, not knowing if I would make it. I thought it was the best for both of us, so I disappeared."

„I could have been there for you, Y/n. Why didn't you let me?"

„No, you couldn't have been there. You were i the middle of your career, I wanted you to focus on that, not me. I didn't want to see you break like that again, not caring about life anymore. I wanted you to live your dreams, Harry." I told him.

„But it was our dream, I wanted us to do it together, but instead, I had to do it alone."

„I think you forgot some people...your four best friends. You weren't alone, you were always with them. They're your family and look how far you've come." I smiled at him, tears still falling down my cheeks. „Look what you did with the boys, you made it, Haz...You made it to the top and I'm so incredibly proud of you."

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