Chapter 95

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February 2016
„Look at you, smiling bright. You got a new brace I see." I smiled at Harry when he stepped out of the examination room at the hospital after his check up appointment, nearly three months after the initial procedure. I just got there to pick him up from his appointment when he came walking down the hallway towards me.

He didn't have to wear the large brace anymore, now he got a much less complex one which covered only his midsection from a few inches below his breastbone down to below his bellybutton and firmly velcros in the front.

He only had one more doctor's appointment left and two physical therapy sessions before he was given the approval to fly back home to England which he missed more every day. When the time would finally come for that, it wouldn't be the easiest journey since Harry would have to sit in one position for 11 hours, but with first class, he could have the opportunity to stand and stretch as he needed.

„Yeah he finally said I wouldn't have to wear it anymore, instead this one." He hugged me tight and pressed his lips on mine to properly greet me.

„I'm really happy for you and so proud, you're making such good progress." I cupped his cheeks to kiss him again. „How does the new brace feel?"

„Good, really good. I can move a bit better. I'm still not allowed to bend and twist and stuff, but it feels good and gives the support I still need." He explained.

„Sounds good, I'm glad." I smiled when he slid his hand in mine and we headed towards the exit to get to the car.

It was on the same day when we were spotted for the first time after Harry's surgery in a pharmacy. He was off the painkillers, but we needed to refill our Ibuprofen supply for the moments where his back decided to ache and throb, though not as intensly as it did once.

There was a group of some girls, probably between the age of 18 and 20 and they stopped both Harry and I as soon as they spotted us.

„How are you, Harry? I mean how's your back?" One of the girl asked Harry.

„I'm okay, thanks, I'm getting there." He smiled a little.

„Would you mind if we took a picture together?" Another girl asked.

„No, sure we can do that." Harry agreed and the girls looked at me.

„Can we take it with you as well, Y/n?" One of them asked and Harry just smiled at me as I didn't realize they wanted me to join.

„Oh, yes sure!" I quickly stood next to them.

„Thank you, have a nice day." They waved goodbye as soon as they clicked the picture.

„I think you sometimes forget that you're actually a pretty big artist and that people actually know you around the world and want pictures with you." Harry laughed on our way home.

„Don't laugh at me." I blushed.

„I just think it's cute when you're shy like that." He nudged me in the side, making me giggle.

As soon as the pictures were uploaded on Twitter later today, they went viral immediately. It wasn't really surprising as we have been in hiding for three months and the world has been in suspense, waiting for a sight of us, but it didn't really make anything better.

They weren't the most flattering pictures and Harry wasn't really happy with them going around the media.

„I look so fucking poorly, why didn't you tell me?" He asked, sighing when he zoomed into the picture as he laid on the couch.

„You look fine, Harry."

He presented me the picture as if I didn't know what he looked like.
Harry and I stood on either side of the girls, smiles on their faces. Harry wore his brace, which instantly caused the internet to have a meltdown and he held a box of anti-inflammatory drug in his hands. He wa skinny, having lost at least twenty pounds during the last few months and he was pale, but he still looked like Harry, like my Harry, handsome and cute.

„Harry, you look fine." I repeated, shaking my head at what he said.

"I do to you, but not to the world. They haven't seen me in months and now they get this." He sighed again.

"So? They know what kind of injury you suffered, so they shouldn't expect you to look like you're about to attend the met or something. You look fine, babe, I promsie." I laid down next to him, starting to play with his curls, spinning them around my fingers.

He nodded and started to smile again as soon as I scooted closer to him and he kissed my cheek.

But of course, Harry was a part of every headline the next day, the world craving for adversity.


The day came and Harry and I were finally on a plane back home to the UK after he got the green light fron doctor Russell.

The plane ride is horrendous, though. As I expected. Watching Harry's inability to become comfortable and switch between sitting, standing and pacing for hours straight was a nightmare.

Currently, he was sat in front of me , his back facing me as he allowed me to gently massage his back a bit to try and easy the pain. With his head down and eyes shut in pain, I carefully massaged his back just around his incision scar while I whispered sweet nothings into his ear, kissing the top of his back.

„Does it feel better?" I pulled his shirt back down and strapped his brace back on after I was finished.

„Not really." He shook his head. „I need to stand up."

„I'm sorry, I can't do more, baby." I rubbed his arm.

„Don't be, it's not your fault." He said through gritted teeth.

„I've got some painkillers with me. Take one, you'll feel better. We've still got some hours to go, lovie."

„Thought I could do it without taking one." He sighed, stretching his hand out to take the pill out if mine.

„It's okay for you to take it, H. You take them rarely now, so don't worry about it."

He just sighed, concentrating on trying to relax, which he did after the pill started to work and his muscles relaxed so he could lie down next to me again."

"Better now?"

He nodded. "Yeah, thanks, love." He slipped his hand in mine, giving it a gentle squeeze. "How many hours do we have left?"

"Around four hours and we're home."

"I can't wait to be back home in London. I love it in LA, but London is my home, our home." He smiled at me.

"Feels good to be back after everything that happened." I nodded, agreeing.

He stared into my eyes for a few seconds, clearly thinking about something. "I love you so much you have no idea."

I tilted my head, smiling. "I love you too, Haz."

"It's our first time back in the UK since we're together again." He stated.

I nodded, smiling even more. "I'm glad doctor Russell let you fly back before your birthday in a few days."

"Yeah, I'm really happy about that too, so we can all celebrate together and I can see my mum again." He told me. "She won't stop worrying about me. I hope she will as soon as we're back in London."

"She's you're mother, she will never stop to worry about you, even after you've recovered."

"Well, that's true. She still worries about you after all."

"She shouldn't, but it's somehow nice she does." I admitted before Harry leaned in to kiss my lips.

We slept through the remaining four hours until we landed at Heathrow airport.

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