Chapter 48

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October 2015
„Morning." I greeted Y/n with a smile the next day as she came out of the guest room, ready to leave for the arena. I just finished sipping on my coffee I quickly made to give me the boost I needed in the morning.

„Morning." She smiled back, her eyes shining bright.

„Do you want a cup of coffee or tea?" I asked her, pointing to the kitchen.

She shook her head. „No thank you, I'll grab a coffee at the stadium.

I nodded, putting my cup away, placing it in the dishwasher before heading back to her. „Are you feeling better after last night?"

„I do, yeah. Still can't believe this happened, but you made me feel a lot better actually." She admitted, blushing a little.

„Oh did I?" I asked, smiling proudly.

„Yes you did." She chuckled. „I really enjoyed writing with you last night. It felt good."

„I agree with that." I smiled a little, looking on the floor.

„Thanks again for letting me stay here last night." She rubbed her arm nervously as she told me that.

„You're always welcome here." I told her before I headed to the door to grab my bags and leave afterwards.

She followed me to the car and together, we arrived at the stadium just in time for sound check and rehearsals.

The next three days we would have a show every night here in LA, so it wouldn't be too stressful since we could go to our own homes for the next three nights.

Just as we got out of the car in the parking area of the stadium, the first one I saw had to be Noah...of course.

Y/n walked behind me as I was about to pass him.

„Why the hell is he with you?" Was the first thing he had to say to her, his voice quite loud.

„Calm down, mate. I drove her here, where's the problem?" I told him calmly.

„Where's the problem? She is my girlfriend not yours."

„Please Noah, just let it go-." Y/n said just as he interrupted her again.

„No, I won't. Why are you with him? You are mine!"

„You know if you were a better boyfriend you would know she almost got robbed or even worse last night and you would know that she spent the night at my place because she was terrified. Ask why before screaming at her." I told him with a stern voice before quickly passing him and making my way inside.
I shook my head at how miserable he behaves towards Y/n. She didn't deserve a boyfriend like him.

Trying to forget this as quick as possible, I met the boys backstage and we went through the usual stuff before we started rehearsing for the show.
We all had lunch together and to be honest, I couldn't stand seeing Y/n together with Noah. I hated the sight so I tried not to look over there to the other table.

„Harry for gods sake." Liam pulled me away from my thoughts.

„Yeah? Sorry." I looked at him.

„You alright?" He asked with furrowed brows.

„You seem a bit off." Niall added.

„I'm fine. Just didn't get a lot of sleep last night that's all." I gave them a little smile as I looked up and quickly realized from the corner of my eyes that Mason stood in the doorway, watching me closely.
I frowned and looked at him, but he was already looking away and walked away.
I shook my head. Probably my imagination.

Sound check went well, better than the last one and Helen was satisfied with us so that gave us all a little more motivation for the show tonight.

I stood on the stage, looking at the empty stadium and already felt the adrenaline when they would shortly open the gates and let the fans inside to fill it up. I loved looking at the empty stadiums and arenas, it gave me such a weird but good feeling. Weird to think that now it was quiet but an hour later, there would be thousands of screaming fans sit in there, waiting for us.

With a smile, I went backstage when the security told me they would open the gates and I needed to get off the stage.

As I walked past one of the break rooms, I couldn't help but overhear a pretty hectic and loud conversation between Noah and Y/n.

„Why did you spend the night at Harry's, huh? Why, Y/n?" I stopped walking as I heard my name and listened to what she was about to say.
I didn't like the way Noah was yelling at Y/n. It made me furious.

„Harry told you why, Noah. Don't you get it? Why are you so jealous?" Y/n yelled back. She was mad herself, I could tell.

„You are my girlfriend, Y/n, not his!"

„Stop it, Noah! You're not my boyfriend and you know that! You don't get to be jealous and you certainly don't have the right to know where and with who I was."

I almost choked as I heard that. „What?!" I whispered to myself.

Trying to process everything, I thought about both of their behavior since Noah appeared out of nowhere and it finally clicked.
Everything made sense now.

„We had an agreement, Y/n-."

„No. You and Mason had an agreement. I didn't!" Snapped back immediately.

I couldn't believe what I heard. I was right then, the whole fucking time I was right.

I quickly made my way to my dressing room, trying to process what I just heard as I nervously paced around the room.

„I need to talk to her." I told myself, but before I could even take a step out of the room, I was pulled away by Paul.

„Hey!" I let out at the sudden harsh movement.

„It's showtime, mate. The boys are ready and you are the only one missing." He told me.

I sighed, following quickly backstage again to where to other four already waited for me to start the show and go out on stage.

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