Chapter 106

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February 2016
„We obviously didn't ever except this to happen." Zayn said.

„It's been an interesting few months." Liam added. „It's been hard to see such a close friend of ours getting hurt like that and seeing him in so much pain after the surgery. I think I speak for all of us when I say, it hurt our hearts seeing one of us going through such a hard time, especially when it's our youngest member of the band." Liam placed a hand on Harry's shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze.

„There was a time right after the accident when we blamed ourselves for what happened, thinking we could have prevented it somehow, but we eventually had to get that out of our heads, because the most important thing was Harry. He needed us and we needed to be there for him." Zayn added, the other three nodding along.

I could see the way Harry looked at them, biting the insides of his cheek, that he had no idea they blamed themselves for this and neither did I.

„But isn't it, I don't know, humbling? In a strange sort of way?" Adam asked. „Doesn't it make you feel that just because you're successful and wealthy, it doesn't mean you're invincible?"

„Invincible?" Niall asked, frowning just like I did at those questions.

„I think that's a really shitty way to look at it." Louis spoke out. „None of us, especially Harry, have ever gone around parading our wealth or reputations, so to think there was an end goal, some kind of life lesson, to Harry breaking his back, is quite frankly a bit silly."

„Yeah you're right, it is a bit silly." Zayn agreed to what Louis said.

„I don't think that's something that needs to be glorified either." Louis continued. „Every person involved in the press and media has turned a serious subject into profit. How is that okay? More importantly, how is that allowed? I get that we're popstars and people are expecting things of us, but the lack of respect and privacy is absolutely mind blowing to me. It wasn't a broken toe or a broken hand or even a broken leg, he broke his back and people treat it as a bloody comedy act."

Nobody bothered to interrupt Louis. Harry intently listened as did I, watching him with curious eyes. Louis never spoke out about any of this the past few months even though we all knew he was pretty mad about this matter.

„How so, Louis?" The young woman asked whose name was Amelie.

Louis looked at me and then back at Amelie. „When Harry told us about the way he struggled to get through the airport to get home and after I saw videos of the incident that happened doing so, I was furious. Seeing how security and Harry's girlfriend Y/n, tried to get him through the airport was absolutely absurd to me. People have no boundaries." Louis pointed out. „He was clearly wearing a brace, it had been all over the news and people still didn't have the common decency to get out of his way, instead he got a punch into his broken back where he freshly had surgery done. I don't get it, I really don't. It's honestly quite unbelievable to me, so no, none of this experience and what he went through has been humbling."

„Do you agree, Harry?" Amelie asked.

Harry looked at me for assurance and I gave him a little nod, kind of telling him he should say whatever he felt like saying, because I knew it obviously bothered him as well and Louis was right.

„I mean to a certain point, yeah. Like, honestly, I stayed off social media for a long time, because I didn't want anyone interpreting anything the wrong way or trying to find my location. For about the first six weeks, I was in so much pain. I couldn't move certain ways and it hurt to do anything. I mean, I could hardly walk at that time. I needed to concentrate on myself and start to recover and I was so scared of people spreading false information that would bring me down and get into my head." Harry explained. „I just needed the time and support I got from my family and friends." He looked at the boys and then at me again. „And my girlfriend who got me through that time, that I couldn't be more thankful for. They were all here for me during the worst months of my life."

The interviewers continued asking questions and luckily drifted away more and more of the topic concerning Harry's injury and recovery, asking more about their latest album which was still kind of new.

In the corner of my eyes I noticed Harry leaning with one hand against the table in front of the boys where their mics were placed on while he continuously massaged his back with his other hand, moving from one leg to another just as they went into a short break and the hosts left for a minute.

„You okay, mate?" I heard Zayn asking him quietly.

Harry nodded, not looking up though. „Yeah, I'm fine."

„Do you need to sit down for a while?" Louis asked him with a much softer voice than earlier.

„No, I can stand, it's alright."

Louis looked up, around at the people in the studio. „Could someone get Harry a chair, please?" He asked loudly with a touch of sass to no one in particular around the room.

„Lou..." Harry sighed, looking up at him.

„No Harry, don't „Lou" me. You're back is bothering you, you need to sit down." Louis insisted.

„You know how I'm feeling about you guys fussing over me."

„This is not fussing over you, you're feeling uncomfortable and we're looking out for you, that's what it is." Louis said with his cheeky smile when they brought chairs for all five of them to continue the interview while sitting.


„So you guys have a show planned in about two weeks. Are you feeling ready after such a long pause? After all it's still sooner than we all expected you to get back on stage again." Adam continued the interview after their break.

„Definitely ready." Niall and Zayn answered.

„Yeah I can't wait to see our fans again when we're on stage." Louis added.

„Yes, it's gonna be great." Liam nodded.

„Harry? Are you physically ready to get back at it?" Amelie asked him just as he wanted to answer.

He sighed a little, hating the way they still made it all about his injury, but he overplayed it with a little smile. „Well I obviously need to be really careful on stage since I'm still not that far into recovery and everything is still very fresh. We actually initially planned to wait a little while longer to be back so I won't be as energetic on stage as I usually am but otherwise I'm ready I guess." He gave them an unsure smile.

Luckily they continued talking about other things, Harry trying to change the subject which eventually worked when they started talking about tour.

„Thank you for being on the show. It was great having you guys and we'll see you soon." They concluded the interview.

„Thank you for having us." Liam replied and the boys left the studio shortly after, Harry being the first one to leave before Louise and I followed the five of them.

„I'm sorry they made it all about me, guys." Harry said to the boys as they were backstage together.

„Don't be, it's not your fault, H." Louis assured him.

„And thanks for speaking out, Lou, it means a lot. Thanks to all of you." Harry looked at the four of them.

„No need to thank us for something like that, we're brothers, that's what we're here for." Niall smiled.

As Harry turned away from the boys and approached me, he went straight for a hug, wrapoing his arms around me.

„Aww, H." I wrapped my arms around him, gently rubbing his back.

„I hate that they made it all about me." He sighed.

„It's not your fault, Haz. We knew it would happen." I kissed his lips.

„Still bothers me. I didn't want to be in the spotlight like that."

„I know you hate it, but the boys didn't mind and they said some important things that finally needed to be said." I told him. „You were great, you all were. Don't think too much about it, lovie."

„Okay...thanks." He slid his hand in mine and we made our way out of the building.

„Wanna get frozen yoghurt or something on our way home?" I asked him as we got into the car, the driver already, waiting for us to tell him where to head to.

„Please." He smiled at me, nodding.

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