Chapter 121

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May 2016
„Harry, my darling, are you sitting comfortable? Do you need anything?" Anne asked him shortly after he placed himself next to me. „Are you in pain? The car ride must have been a lot."

„Mum, I'm fine, don't worry please." He told her. „The car ride was okay. I'm okay."

„If you need something for your back, I can get you anything, just let me know. Do you need some more pillows?"

„No mum, my back is fine, I don't need anything. Please don't worry about me. I'm six months into recovery and I'm even working out a bit, you don't have to worry about me, I promise." He assured her.

„Okay then." She nodded with a little smile. „You look good, honey, healthier and stronger than last time I saw you."

„Thanks. I can go for runs again, that really helps and physical therapy does even more." Harry told her.

„That's good, I'm glad you're better. But you still need to be careful." Anne warned him.

„I know and I am. I'm only working out together with someone specialized in working out after back injuries. I'm taking care of myself, I promise."

„As you should, honey. You've still got some recovery to do." She said.

Harry nodded. „I know. Just please don't worry. Y/n is already worrying way too much about me."

I nudged him in the side a little. „Hey."

He turned his head to look at me with his still red and puffy eyes, but with a little smile on his face before he pressed a kiss to my cheek.

We all sat there, chatting for a while, having this beautiful moment as we remembered some of the special or funny moments we shared with Robin until Gem and Anne decided they needed some alone time, some space so they went to their rooms while Harry and I stayed on the couch for another while, just talking and being in each other's embrace.

After a while, I heard soft snores escaping Harry's mouth, so I knew he fell asleep. I slowly untangled myself from him, deciding I was going for a shower after such a long day of going through all those emotions and driving all the way to Manchester.

It felt good, kind of washing off everything that happened today, feeling a little bit of relief for just a short moment.
I changed into some sweats and a comfortable shirt after I dried my wet hair a little bit with a towel to just let them air dry.

As I went back down the stairs, Harry was still sleeping, cutely lying there on the couch. I went to grab a blanket from the armchair opposite the couch, unfolded it and gently covered Harry with it just when he slowly opened his beautiful, tired eyes.

„Sorry, I didn't wanna wake you up." I whispered before kissing his forehead.

„It's alright." He whispered back.

„Wanna come to bed with me, lovie?" I asked him.

„Yeah. I'm so tired." He nodded, attempting to get up, but stopping while doing so. „Shit, shouldn't have fallen asleep in this position." He furrowed his brows.

„It's hurting?" I asked, worriedly.

„A bit, yeah."

„I thought your back was fine." Gemma came walking out of the kitchen towards us with a glass of water in her hand, a concerned look on her face.

„It is fine." Harry told her. „It's just kind of stiff when I sit in an unfortunate position like this one and that makes it hurt a bit. The doctor said it's normal." He explained. „I just need to stretch my back a little, it'll go away."

„Alright. Don't overdo it, okay?"

„Gemma." Harry tilted his head. „I'm fine."

„Okay, okay. See you two tomorrow. Night guys." Gemma said and then headed towards her room.

„Could you please help me up?" Harry asked me sweetly.

„Of course, baby. Come on." I stretched out my hands which he took and helped him pulling himself up.

As soon as he was on his feet, he stretched his back, making some of his joints crack which I knew was good because it was relieving for him.

„Better?" I asked him, placing a hand on his lower back.

„Yeah, a little better." He breathed.

„Good. Let's go upstairs, we both need sleep. It's been a long day and it won't be different tomorrow." I yawned, heading up the stairs, Harry following me.

I waited in bed until Harry got changed and was ready to join me, almost falling asleep as my eyes weren't able to keep themselves open anymore until the movement of the bed when Harry got in, jolted me awake again.

„This reminds me of the time we were younger and I used to sneak into your room when we got together." I said, remembering the old times as I looked around Harry's room that still looked exactly the same as it always did.

„Those were great times." He smiled at me, crawling closer to me until I could feel the warmth of his body. He had his hair tied up in a bun, some strands of hair falling out.

I cupped his cheek with my left hand, my thumb running over it as I looked into his shiney eyes. „Are you okay, love? Today has been a lot."

He nodded. „I will be. Thank you." He assured me. „Are you?"

„To be honest, I haven't had the time to really process everything, so I...I don't know." I shrugged.

„We'll get through this together just like you told me."

„Yeah." I nodded. „We will." I scooted closer to kiss his soft and pink lips.

„Y/n oh my god!" Harry suddenly sat up in bed.

„What? What's up? What is it?" I was fully awake at his sudden outburst.

„Your show, you have a show in a few days. You need to get back to London soon."

„Harry, lovie, calm down please." I patted his pillow so he would lay back down. „I already postponed the show. I took care of everything, I don't need to get back to London."

„But that would be your first show back. It's important to you."

„Are you kidding me? Family first, always. It's just a show." I told him.

„But it's your first show." He sighed, looking sad. „You were so happy about it."

„Haz, it's just a show and it's not cancelled, just postponed." I told him again. „Family first, end of discussion."

He nodded. „I love you so much." Harry kissed my lips again.

„I love you more, H. Goodnight baby, today was a long day. We should get some much needed sleep.

He nodded, agreeing. „Night, sweetie."

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