Chapter 5

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June 2015
I was jetlegged, so of course, I couldn't sleep when I got in bed. I laid on my back and thought of that day and night I went through. I also thought about Harry, of course I did. I didn't see him in so long and we first talked again while he was having an asthma attack. What a night.

The thing was, this guy, the band more precisely, seemed to follow me wherever I went, because I knew they would be at the Brits next week too. And after a while of stalking One Direction's Twitter, I knew for a fact, that they shortly landed in England too.

Harry Styles...the man whose heart I broke when we both were just 19 years old. I stared at the ceiling of my room, just thinking about everything when something came to my mind and I almost jumped out of bed. I quickly ran downstairs to my office.

„I need to find them." I talked to myself again. „Where are they? Where are those lyrics?"

Lyrics, that was what I was looking for. I was frantically looking for old lyrics. Lyrics of a song I wrote already when I was 14 years old. It was the song that meant so much to me, the song I would always hide from everyone, scared of someone stealing or copying it. It meant too much to me to give it to someone else.
How could I ever forget I had it?

I looked through every folder I had in my office and when I finally found it in the bottom drawer of my desk, I let myself fall down on my knees on the floor.

„Finally." I breathed, rubbing my fingers over the 7 years old, small journal I had wirtten the song in.
Back then in 2008, I wrote down the whole song, the whole melody and everything. It was a complete song that I never recorded though.

But now it was the time for me to do it, it felt right to finally do it.
Luckily my album wasn't finished yet, so I could make last minute changes.
I wanted to put the song on my new album ‚Believe'. It would fit perfectly as the last track and complete the piece I knew was missing.

I knew that Mason wouldn't like this at all, in fact, he would hate the idea, but I didn't care. It was my album and I needed it to be on the album for everyone to hear.
The song told my story and I think it was time to tell it through the song.


A few hours into rehearsing on the next day and I already needed a break. It was the perfect time to talk to Mason about my song.

I sat down on the couch we had at the studio, Mason sitting across from me.

„Mason, I have to tell you something." I started the conversation.

„Not something bad, is it?"

„No, no, it's not. The thing is, that I think you will get mad." I said, honestly. „So, can we please let me talk until I'm done explaining?"

„Fine, explain then." He said and waited for me to continue.

„Okay. Yesterday, I remembered I have a song that I wrote a few years ago. I love the song so much and it would fit perfectly as the last track of the album. The song is completely finished. I have the lyrics, the melody and everything, I just need to record it. Please, say yes."

„When did this idea come to your mind?" Was the only thing he asked.

„Yesterday after I got home."

„After you saw him?" He emphasized the word ,him'.

„Who-...oh...yeah, why?"

„So the song has something to do with him?" He asked me.

„No, well maybe...not exactly..." I told him, stuttering a little bit.

„Okay, how much does this song mean to you?"

„The world, it means everything to me, please Mason." I begged. „I even have it here with me. We could record it right away."

„Fine, but this will be the last change on this album."

„It will, I promise. Thank you." I let out a relieved breath.

We immediately started working on the song.

„Guys." I got the band together to give them everything they needed to rehearse and play the song. „This is officially the last song of the album we will record and we need to finish it today." I told them.

They were very excited and couldn't wait to start.

„What's the name of the song?" Nicole, one of my guitarists asked.

I thought back of how I called the song at that time. The truth was, I didn't name the song all by myself, but nobody needed to know that.

„The song is called...Fight Song." I told them proudly and with a wide smile on my face. „It's a very personal and important song to me and that's why I want it to be perfect, but I'm sure it will turn out just as I want it to be."

„Let's start then!" Noah, my drummer said. And that was what we did.

Every single person at the studio worked so hard until it was late and almost midnight, but we did it.
As we all listened to the song after the last few changes, it made me tear up and I had to cry as all the memories hit me. It made me so emotional, thinking of the story behind it, the lyrics and the music. I was actually a little bit scared of the first few times performing it live, because I didn't know what my reaction would be to sing it on stage in front of a crowd of people. Already the whole atmosphere would make it a lot more emotional.

„Aww, don't cry, Y/n, sweetie." Briana hugged me tight. „It's a beautiful, very very beautiful song, hun. What do you think?"

„It''s perfect. I have no words." I sniffled. „It's exactly what I imagined it to be, just perfect." I said, smiling at everyone around the room. „We did it guys. Thank you all so much, it means the world to me that you stayed here so long and made this with me. I owe you one." I let out a little laugh. „I think this is the best song I've ever written in my life and you helped me to make it even more special."

And the album was officially and finally finished, ready to get released very soon.

That night I got home feeling truly happy after a long time of feeling sad and empty. I felt happy, that I loved the album I made so much and most importantly my new, well still old song.

I was even more happy, that I was going to do my first performance after two hard years.
I loved seeing the audience in front of me whenever I performed and loved interacting with the fans even more.

The stage was like my home and somehow my safe place...

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