Chapter 43

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September 2015
Once again, I had to be strong and get up on my feet again. I had to get through this, even though it tore me apart. I had to be strong for myself and my heart.
So, I got up from the floor, quickly washing my face in front of the sink, trying to wash away the pain I was showing.

„Harry?" Niall asked from outside the room after knocking slightly.

I dried my face and went to open the door, stepping out into the hallway to meet Niall and the other three boys.

„Do you wanna talk about it?" Zayn asked.

I shook my head. „Rather not, let's just get this over with. I can't cope with it today."

„H..." Liam looked at me concerned.

„I'm fine, Liam. Let's just do this."

Being the youngest member of One Direction was not always the best thing. I loved them so much, I really did, but sometimes I just wanted to be left alone without anyone constantly being worried about me or care about me.

I walked towards the stage again, the boys following behind me. I took a deep breath and got up the stairs on stage, seeing her again.
He wasn't there this time, just her standing in front of her mic stand, looking at me with regret in her eyes.

I placed myself in front of my mic stand that was coincidentally right next to hers and was ready to rehears.
We would sing a few covers with Y/n at some points during our shows and also during hers that we needed to rehears.

I forgot that one of the covers was actually one of my originals from a few years back and when it was the first song that started playing and we needed to rehears, my heart tightened even more as I remembered what it was about...who it was about and how it would hurt again to sing it.

„I don't ever ask you where you've been and I don't feel the need to know who you with
I can't even think straight but I can tell, that you were just with her
And I'll still be a fool, I'm a fool for you"

I started singing the first lines, looking at the empty arena in front of me while feeling how Y/n and the boys around me looked at me. I felt their stares, especially Y/n's, because she knew the song and the meaning behind it.

„Just a little bit of your heart, just a little bit of your heart
Just a little bit of your heart is all I want
Just a little bit of your heart, just a little bit of your heart
Just a little bit is all I'm asking for"

We sang all together. I didn't dare looking at her, scared my emotions would take over and I would break down.

„I don't ever tell you how I really feel
'Cause I can't find the words to say what I mean
And nothing's ever easy that's what they say
I know I'm not your only but I'll still be a fool
'Cause I'm a fool for you"

Y/n sang the next lines and I didn't know why, but I automatically turned my head to look at her as soon as I heard her beautiful, angelic voice. I gripped onto my micstand, trying to keep it together. My eyes were fixed on her and hers on mine as if the whole world stood still.

„Just a little bit of your heart, just a little bit of your heart
Just a little bit of your heart is all I want
Just a little bit of your heart, just a little bit of your heart
Just a little bit is all I'm asking for"

She looked sad and hurt. Why? Why did she look like this?
She was the one with a new boyfriend, she should be happy...

„I know I'm not your only but at least I'm one
I heard a little love is better than none"

I sang directly looking into her eyes, feeling the massive pain in my heart before we all sang the last few lines together.

„Just a little bit of your heart, just a little bit of your heart
Just a little bit of your heart is all I want
Just a little bit of your heart, just a little bit of your heart
Just a little bit is all I'm asking for

Just a little bit of your heart, just a little bit of your heart
Just a little bit of your heart is all I want
Just a little bit of your heart, just a little bit of your heart
Just a little bit is all I'm asking for..."

I took a deep breath in, closing my eyes for a few seconds. I didn't know how to act around her. This should be an unforgettable and special day and night. This tour should have been such a blast for all of us.

The excitement I felt in the beginning, was gone and I felt empty.

I knew I had to give my best for the fans, because tour was for them and without them I wouldn't be where I was now, so I just imagined the full arena in front of me, people screaming and singing along, holding up signs and posters while having the time of their lives.

Tour was the thing I loved most and I didn't want this to get taken away from me.

We rehearsed the other songs and I was more than relieved when the sound check was finally over and I could go backstage.
We needed to be on stage in around two hours. The arena was still filling with thousands of people and I couldn't wait for the show to start.
But before it did, I quickly went to get some water and something to eat from the catering area.

„Harry?" I heard from behind my back, my heart starting to pound faster instantly by hearing her voice.

I slowly turned around. „Yeah?"

Her eyes looked glossy, showing concern and pain.

„Are you okay?" She asked me silently.

„Am I okay? How could I be okay?" I asked back. „Only two weeks after I last saw you, you suddenly have a boyfriend? You fell in love almost right after we kissed. You knew how I felt for you and you knew I was not over you. You hurt me, so I'm not okay, no."

„I'm sorry, Harry, I really am...but there are just some things you don't know and Noah was one of them." She told me, looking away from me. „I didn't wanna hurt you, you know I would never wanna do that on purpose, Harry. But we already talked about this. This..." She gestured at me and her. „You and me, it doesn't feel right anymore and I need to move do you."

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