Chapter 141

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September 2016
Two days after the boys' show, I had to leave for my US tour while they'd keep touring Europe, which meant Harry and I wouldn't see each other in a while. 3 months to be exact as my US tour would finish in 3 months just like their EU tour, which for them, would continue in the US after a four week break.
That meant, I'd stay in Los Angeles at our house when my tour ended so I could wait for Harry to get there and spend our time together there so I could at least support him for their US tour and be there for that time.

Harry just dropped me off at the airport to say goodbye and it was actually way more emotional for us as we thought since we've spent almost a whole year together, seeing each other every day and the most we've been apart was like three weeks, but never three months.

„I'm gonna miss you so much, H." I admitted as we stood at the gate, some tears escaping my eyes.

„Hey, no tears, baby or I'll cry too." He said softly, wiping them off my cheeks. „I'll miss you too, my love. It's three months, not longer. We can do this. We'll be so distracted with the shows, time will fly by in an instant."


„I promise and I'm always just one phone call or facetime call away. I'll always be available if you need me. Day and night." He assured me.

I nodded. „Okay...same goes for you. Call me if you need absolutely anything. I know you're back at it and you're okay, but please be careful regardless."

„I will, I promise." He nodded, assuring me before he pulled me into a tight hug.

„So this is it? I just have to leave you like that?" More tears streamed down my face.

„Babe, this is not a breakup." He chuckled. „I'll come straight home to LA to see you after we finished Europe and we'll be reunited again." He rocked me back and forth. „We always knew this would happen when we'd both go on tour. Now these are the harder times in our relationship, but we promised we'd be here through everything. Good and bad. We can do this." He whispered in my ear.

„Yeah, you're right." We let go of the hug and he held onto my waist. „Through good and bad...we can do this." I nodded before he leaned in and passionately kissed me for the last time.

„Let me know you're safe as soon as you land okay?"

„I will, I'll call you straight after." I nodded again. „I love you so much, Harry."

„I love you more, Y/n. I love you endlessly." He smiled, knowing exactly what that meant to me. It became kind of our thing after the show. We would say it to each other to show how much we love them, especially if one of us doubted that and really needed to hear it. „Have fun, playing out there."

„Thank you. You too, Haz." I smiled back.

„See you soon, okay?" He waited for me to nod so he'd know I was fine.

„See you soon." I kissed him again one last time and eventually turned around to board the plane.

„Y/n wait! Just a sec." He called and I turned around. „Here, take this with you, so you'll have something from me with you." He took off the cross necklace around his neck and grabbed my hand to place it in there.

„Harry, this is your lucky charm, I can't take it away from you."

„You're not. I'm giving it to you. I'll be fine without it, take it, wear it and think of me when you look at it and when I come home you'll give it back. Deal?"

„Deal." I nodded, smiling. „Thank you, H."

He smiled, giving me a nod as an assurance I could go now, so I turned around again and left.

As soon as I sat on the plane, I put his necklace around my neck, placing my hand over it and taking a deep breath as the plane took off and I officially left for tour.
It's been a while ever since I was completely alone for so long, but now I'd have Harry who could always call when I needed to just hear his voice or even just his breathing. I'd have him when I needed him. I knew he was waiting for me, thinking of me and cared. Deeply cared. Even though I was alone right now, I wasn't so alone after all.

12 hours later, my driver dropped me off at our house in LA. I was so tired so I went straight to bed, the jetleg hitting me already as it only was 2 pm here and called Harry just as I promised I would.

„Hey, baby." He sounded tired, obviously as I forgot the timeszones.

„Hi, sorry did I wake you up?" I covered myself with my blanket, snuggling into my pillows.

„No, no, I just got in bed. How was your flight, love?"

„It was okay, thanks. I'm just glad I finally got here." I told him. „Lying in bed here without you feels weird."

„I know, lovie, I feel the same way." He said and I held my phone closer to my ear, so I could take in his voice even better.

Just listening to him speak felt so good and calming.

„I put your necklace on by the way. Won't take it off until you get here in three months." I could sense he was smiling on the other end.

„Good girl." He whispered into the phone. „We'll leave for Dublin tomorrow by the way. Niall won't shut up about it already."

I giggled at that. „I can imagine. I've got soundcheck tomorrow at the forum, I can't wait to play here again. It's been so long."

„I'll catch up with your performances these next months so I know exactly what's up." He told me. „Twitter will blow up with all of us touring anyways."

„That's very true." I smiled at the thought. „It sounds so stupid, but I miss you already, H. Lucky me last time we were here you left some of your clothes that I can take with me around the US and cuddle."

He giggled cutely. „I miss you too and it's not stupid. It's totally natural."

„At least Taylor is here, so I can spend some time with her while I'm in Los Angeles so I won't feel so alone."

„That's good, go have some fun together." He encouraged me. „And you're not alone, baby. Remember, I'm just one phone call away."

„Thanks, babe." I nodded even though he couldn't even see me. „I'll let you sleep, you probably have to be up early tomorrow."

„Kind of, yeah, but I can stay if you want?"

„No, no, go to sleep, lovie." I told him as he sounded tired.

„Alright, I'll call tomorrow, love."

„Okay. Have a good flight to Dublin, babe."

„Thanks, bye baby, love you." He made a kissing sound and waited for me to say „I love you" back which I did so he hung up.

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