Chapter 42

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September 2015
The day of the days came, tonight was the first night of our tour and we were ready for it.
I just landed with the boys in Las Vegas where we would kick off the start of our tour.
I got the information that Y/n was already here and at the arena rehearsing, waiting for us to get there and go through the show.
We got off the plane and into our bus, heading towards the arena. I couldn't wait to rehears and do the show together with Y/n. I missed being on stage with her and singing our hearts out together.

On our way there, I spent the time with the boys, talking about random things and our tour. We were all more than ready and so full of energy to let out on stage tonight.

„Uhm, Harry?" Zayn called me, sitting in the back of the bus, scrolling through his phone.

„Yeah?" I let myself fall down next to him.

„Did you see the news the past few hours?" He looked up at me.

„Not really, why?" I asked, leaning back in my seat.

„I have to show you something..."

I frowned, not sure what he meant, but leaned forward as he gave me his phone and the first thing I recognized was Y/n's picture on the news together with an article written underneath it.
I looked at the picture again, only to realized that it was none of her bandmates or crew that was with her on the picture. They got papped, holding hands outside the arena and I didn't know who this guy was.
Y/n wore sunglasses and one of her tour merch shirts, standing pretty close to this guy.

„What is this?!" I looked up, making the rest of the boys look up from what they were doing.

„I don't know, mate. Just saw it now." Zayn shrugged before I looked down on the phone again and started reading the article.

„The singer Y/n Y/l/n was seen outside the arena in which she starts her worldtour tonight. Thousands of fans are already lined up outside only to wait for her and One Direction to arrive at the venue.
Y/n arrived at the venue a lot sooner as the 1D boys, greeting her fans, but she was not alone. She arrived, holding hands with a new guy by her side. We don't know him yet, but they seemed very close and happy together. It looks like she moved on from her former boyfriend Harry Styles..."

I didn't wanna continue reading as I felt my heart drop and shatter into a million pieces. I silently gave Zayn his phone back, trying to hold tears back that were about to form in my eyes.

„I'm sorry, lad." Louis got up, patting on my back.

„I thought there still was something..." I said silently. „I thought there was a chance..."

„Well, we don't know who he is, maybe it's not what it looks like." Niall said, giving me a small smile.

„Yeah, you know how the media make things look." Liam added.

„Look at how they look at each other, how they're holding hands and stand so close to each's over guys. I missed my chance and now it's too late." I told them, rubbing my face, trying not to cry but I already felt a tear escape my eyes and quickly wiped it away with my hand.

„Hey, don't let this ruin your mood. We still don't know if it's true." Louis rubbed my back.

„Come on, we have a tour to kick off tonight." Niall smiled.

I nodded slowly, hoping they were right.
I decided not to call or text Y/n about it. I wanted to talk to her in person.

Throughout the rest of the drive, the boys tried to cheer me up, but this whole situation was all I could think about. I pretended to be fine and feel okay, but I was not, not okay at all.

We got to the venue, the fans in line cheered for us, making me smile and forget about this for just a few seconds. As we got out, we waved at them before heading inside the arena.
I was somehow scared to go in there and face this situation.
When we got in, we went to our dressing room to leave all our things there before we went to go check out the stage for tonight and sound checking afterwards.

I followed the boys up the stairs on stage, my heart racing fast in my chest and when I saw her standing there alone, holding the setlist in her hand while she did some warm ups, I couldn't help but smile.

She turned around, her face lighting up as she saw us coming and greeted every single one of us with a hug.

„Hi Haz, how was your flight?" She asked after hugging me.

„Hey love. It was good, can't complain-." I stopped talking as suddenly a guy came up from behind her that I recognized from the pap pic.
My heart dropped again when he kissed her on the cheek, wrapping an arm around her.

„Hey babe." He said to her, making my heart ache more and more.

„Hey." She responded silently, unsure where to look. „This...uhm...this is Noah." She introduced him to me.

He looked at me with a grin on his face I didn't like at all.

„Noah, this is friend." She introduced me to him.

He stretched his hand out and I abruptly gripped it tight and shook it before letting go.

„So it's true?" I looked at Y/n, my eyes boring into hers, my voice filled with sadness and anger.
I was angry at myself for letting her go, for missing my change, but how could she do this to me? How could she just move on so quickly after all those moments we had together since she got back? After the long and deep talks we had together... Where did she get to know him? Where did this Noah even come from?

She looked uncomfortable, as if she was feeling bad about it because she knew this was not right.
She knew she hurt me with this. Why did she do it though?

„He is your boyfriend?" I asked again, my eyes fixed on her.

„Indeed I am." Noah interrupted, grinning again.
I wanted to punch him in his face right then and there.

I nodded slowly, looking down. „I need to go sound check now." I turned around, attempting to walk away.

„No Harry wait, I can exp-." She gripped my arm, holding me back.

„No, don't, no need to. Just..." I sighed. „Just don't let him break your heart..." I told her and turned around again to leave.

I passed the boys who heard the whole conversation, making my way backstage.

„Harry..." Liam called as I went past him.

„No, it's fine. Just...give me a minute." I shook my head and left even quicker.

I almost slammed the door of our dressing room open and locked it behind my back, before I let myself collapse on the ground, leaning against the door.

I buried my face in my hands, tears uncontrollably escaping my eyes.
I couldn't believe this. Why was it always me? Why was I always the one to get heartbroken? Did I really deserve all this?

Why couldn't she love me back like I love her?

„It's not fair..." I silently sobbed, rubbing my face, trying to dry my tears away. „It's so unfair..."

Harry Styles Fanfiction - Remember Me?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt