Omake 5: The Fatality of the Three Beasts

Start from the beginning

Before Liver could stop him, Daidara charge at Asmodeus with his Teigu in tow as he jump up and slammed both of his axe-like weapons at Asmodeus.

Asmodeus, however, just blocked both weapons with just one hand with his sword and just pushed him away.

Daidara, with surprising agility, flip in the air and land on his legs before continuing to charge again at Asmodeus, "ONCE I KILL YOU, I WILL HAVE SO MANY EXPERIENCE POINTS!"

Asmodeus then gives a mirthless scoff and chanted, "Soul Chain: Sinful Imprisonment."

Suddenly, Daidara stopped in his tracks, feeling paralyzed as he can't move a muscle, no matter how hard he tried, 'I can't move. What is happening?' He thought.

While he can't move, his mind and sight is still intact and he can only stare in horror as he felt pain when Asmodeus stabbed his sword straight to his gut, causing only unbearable pain to him.

"Y-you... Y-you cheated... t-that's not how the game works..." Daidara complained to him.

"Unfortunately for a murder hobo like you..." Asmodeus stare at him in the eye as Daidara can see his blood red gaze, "The game punished for your lack of immersion. Atropus, do it." Asmodeus ordered someone.

The sword to glow and said in a raspy and whisper-like voice, "Summon: Maggot of Corpses."

Daidara didn't have time to look surprise that his sword can talk when he started feeling something in his stomach.

A magic circle appeared where the blade is stabbed at and Daidara can only cough up blood and his eyes rolled as he keeps on coughing and coughing up blood until finally, maggots started to pour out from his mouth and every orifice, much to the disgust of everybody before Asmodeus then wrenched his sword away from Daidara's stomach as he finally moved although that is of little consolation as he jerked before collapsing, his body having now became a corpse for the maggots to feed on.

Liver can only look in shock while Nyau looks absolutely terrified at the horrifying fate that Asmodeus had done to him before they saw Asmodeus is now walking towards him, his sword in hand.

Nyau looks terrified but then give a glare as he whips out his Teigu, a flute as he started to play it.

What he instead feel is Asmodeus grabbing him by the neck and lifting him up into the air as Nyau tried free himself from the strangulation.

Nyau's flute Teigu dropped before it got caught by Asmodeus. Looking at it in his hand, Asmodeus stares at it and then at Nyau before he grabbed his neck with both hands and rammed him straight with his knee, crotch first.

Nyau has no choice but to scream in absolute pain from the whole ordeal and as he opened his mouth to feel the unbearable loss of his manhood, Asmodeus then rammed the Teigu straight to his mouth and pierced it behind him as Nyau can only give a gargle of blood before Asmodeus pulls the flute off, lifts Nyau up and then slammed his face to the ground, smashing it towards the floor before crushing it, the pieces of gore caking his boots.

Finally, Asmodeus takes his boots away from Nyau as he then approached Liver who can only stare in utter terror at the sight of him.

"Tell me, Liver..." Asmodeus say his name, "Was it worth it?

"W-what? What's worth it?" Liver asked in terror, uncaring of how he knows his name.

"Serving a corrupt Empire.... serving their violence... their cruelty... the horrors they inflicted upon the innocent... serving that disgusting thing of a Prime Minister... Tell me, Liver... Was it truly worth it?" Asmodeus asked him once again.

Liver can only back away in terror before he then gnashed his teeth and said, "And why should I tell you anything?"

"Just want to know if you have second thoughts. If you want to change your mind with your allegiance. If you accept, I could spare you from the horrors I am going to give you. Although, if you refuse, well..." Asmodeus then smirk and said, "You won't like it, one bit."

"And who are you to judge me for my actions?" Liver said in defiance.

"Of course, I judge you. As it is my purpose..." Asmodeus said as he pulled his hood down, "Of the Supreme Lord of the Nine Hells."

Liver look in shock as Asmodeus appears in full view, showing off his short white hair and blood red eyes with pointed ears and finally, horns jutting out from his forehead.

"W-what are you?" Liver asked in shock.

Asmodeus can only give a nonchalant smile and said, "Haven't I already introduced myself? Especially when I said my title? Well, I don't blame you. It's too unbelievable for your comprehension but..." He then gives a chuckle and said, "I am a demon. And I didn't mean it metaphorically or rhetorically or poetically or any other fancy way. I am a demon straight up. And I have come from Hell to taste the sins of this world and punish them as far as their sins can take them for the consequences of their actions. And that includes you." He said as he aimed his sword at him.

Liver can only back away in terror at Asmodeus' declaration before the Supreme Lord calms down and said, "But I am not one for unnecessary cruelty without chances. Join me, Liver. And I promise you, that I will redeem you from your sins. After I conquer the Empire, that is. So, what do you say?"

Liver, instead of accepting, takes his stance and used his ring as blood started to form from every corpses, such as the Nyau and Daidara alongside the others guards that were killed by them.

"Blood Dragons Divine Conquest."

A dragon in the shape of a serpentine dragon appeared above him as it swings around as it tried to lunge at Asmodeus.

He, however, saw the approaching attack and give a sigh of disappointment and said, "So, you have chose to refuse redemption..."

The blood dragon suddenly stopped before it could clamped it's jaw at Asmodeus' head. Liver look shocked as he tried to move the blood dragon only to see five figures surrounding him, all draped in bloodied robes that Liver thought were made of flesh and all as they surround him from all sides.

"Then your judgement has final." Asmodeus ended his speech as he looked at the five robed figures as they all nod.

In their hands, an orb of blood red energy appeared as the blood dragon that were conjured by Liver started to move as it then charge towards his creator.

Liver can only run away in fear from the blood dragon before suddenly, another blood dragon appeared before him.

Suddenly, both blood dragons then clamped their jaws upon both of Liver's hands as they all wildly wrestle him in their grasp as Liver is screaming in pain and agony.

Then Asmodeus, with demonic wings appearing from his back, then fly above him and then pressed his palm into Liver's face as he is left screaming as he was bisected into two, crushing a part of his face into the ground as the other pieces of corpses have fallen to the ground.

As Asmodeus then dust himself off, he then heard the door opened and looked as Chouri is slowly coming out and meet with Asmodeus with Spear protectively covering him from danger.

"Former Prime Minister Chouri... and Spear..." Asmodeus then gives a nod at him before saying, "I have come to bargain."

Just a neat omake.

Nothing special.

If you have anymore ideas, let me know in the comments below.

In any case, guys.


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