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Charlie Swan was a smart man, he had figured out that Jasper and Milo were dating way before the human had told him. Milo had wanted his father to know, sure, but it never came up in a conversation and he wasn't sure how well his father would take it seeing as the Cullens (but mainly Jasper) were hot.
He let his father in on the secret a week after Valentines day. The moment they had shared was agony but in it's best form for Milo. Jasper wanted him, somebody actually wanted him and that person was more than capable to look after themselves. 
The cold trail that Jasper's touches left and the kisses planted on the side of his neck wouldn't be a thing the human could forget easily. 
As far as he was concerned, Jasper was his life now, and nothing was going to change that.
He snuck out more regularly, late night drives and walks through the forest, at least he now had Alice to tell Jasper to take him home if Charlie went to find him.
Things were perfect now, apart from one thing.

Bella would hardly answer his calls. 
He wasn't sure what it was, he even tried calling his Mom and her husband but neither replied to his messages. 
There was so much he wanted to tell her, how he had a boyfriend, what Forks was like, how Charlie still ate her favourite cobbler every thursday. 
But he couldn't, because she wasn't as active as she was when it came to answering her calls and texts.

The blonde noticed how this effected Milo. He would try to distract him, play a soft tune on his guitar or tell him stories about his life.
They eventually spoke about Maria, they spoke about the newborns and how it changed his ideologies about certain things... love being one.
Milo could hear the vampire speak forever, but not about his pain and suffering so whenever a conversation like that came up, Milo would gently stop him, nobody should go through the pain Jasper suffered.

Eventually, Bella picked up the phone and before Milo could even talk, he was bombarded with apologies.
"Milo, I am so sorry, I told myself I would answer the phone next time you called but I forgot last time! Phil is starting his baseball stuff and Mom has been a wreck so I've been taking care of her,"

"You've been taking care of your mother?" Milo had asked, dislike in his voice.

"It isn't that bad Milo, she's been taking care of us our whole lives, she's a wreck without Phil," Bella defended her mother.

"Isabella Swan," Milo started his scold, "I don't care if she looked after us for a day, she pushed you out of her vagina, she should be the paternal figure,"
A rush of wind bathed across the room, along with the sound of a deep chuckle. 
Milo turned excitedly to see his boyfriend sat on the window seat, looking at him with a soft smile.

"You're so crude Milo," Milo didn't have to be there to know his sister was wincing at his dirty words.

"Bella there is so much I have to tell you!" Milo grinned, looking at his boyfriend who rose a brow.

"More boy problems? Jeez, why don't you just hit the guy already... what was his name... James? It began with a J, but anyway, you said you'd hit him, have you done it yet?" Bella asked and Milo cringed, looking away from the man in his room.

"Bella," He hissed, hoping she wouldn't say more.

"He's there with you, isn't he?" She panicked, "He can hear everything I'm saying, can't he?"

"Yep," Milo bit his lip, looking over to his vampire boyfriend again who was looking out the window, giving the conversation some sort of privacy, but there was a smile on his face, you didn't have to be a fool to realise that Jasper was listening in.

"Wait, why is he there? I thought you hated him?" Bella asked, frowning on the other side of the phone, "Are you two cool now?"

"We're more than cool Bella," Milo smiled, watching as his boyfriend turned to look at him, "We're boyfriends now,"

𝙎𝙚𝙡𝙛𝙞𝙚 - 𝙅𝙖𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙧 𝙃𝙖𝙡𝙚Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon