To Go Down In History

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The woods were a light, yellow colour as the sun broke through any leaves covering the treetops. There were droplets of water, scattered patterns left along the leaf faces from the rain. It had happened last night, a massive thunderstorm, the snarl of the loud crashes in the sky, partnered with the toxic flash with the lightning.
Being out in the forest after such a strong storm was chaotic, a problem waiting with the palm of it's hand open for something to drop in.
But he had to follow. He had to follow the voice that called him.

His legs staggered through the roots and brambles to find the voice. It was beautiful, like the sound of church bells, like the sound of crunched leaves, it was good. It was calling his name, making it sound like the most captivating name out there, like it was a prayer, a calling out to god.
He wanted it, he wanted to see who was calling for him. Who would take time for him, just to call his silly little name. It was taunting, untrustworthy, but the amount of sincerity lingering within the voice was like a drug, a drug that had its hands clawed into him, dragging him towards it.
Involuntary, his whole body stopped as soon as the figure appeared. It was contradicting because all he wanted to do was run towards him, but he stayed stationary, because his whole body locked down.

Fear. He was fearful, and for what? What was he going to do? His subconscious was adamant that danger was in paths way, but there was no danger in sight. There was just a man. A man with inhumane beauty, a man with curly, luscious locks, a man that sauntered forward, a man that glared, a man that growled, a man that snarled, a man that-

Milo jumped awake from his nightmare then looked his alarm clock. Adrenaline scattered around his body, confused and fearful of his dream. Why couldn't he just have woken half an hour later, then he'd have to get ready for school.
The teenager was too anxious to fall back asleep again, so he peeled the blanket off his body and dragged his feet across the room to get to the wardrobe.
He pulled out a white shirt and a grey pleated button up with some light coloured pants.
He changed in front of his mirror then grabbed three rings, a necklace, then sorted his hair. He left it in his eyes this morning, too afraid for eye contact.

Skipping breakfast, because who can honestly be bothered for that, he made sure his camera was in his bag, then carried it on one shoulder to his car. He would've bid Charlie goodbye, but the officer had already been at work.
Starting the car, the teenager began to drive to school. Who cared how early he'd arrive, at least he was there.
He pulled into the car park and parked closest to the building. There were one or two cars scattered across the lot, probably those with morning clubs.
Milo reclined his seat and turned on a CD. There wasn't a massive interest with who was playing, but it was relaxing, so he closed his eyes.

Sat in the passenger seat of Rosalie's car was Jasper. There had been multiple arguments, discussions and decisions. Rosalie and Spencer were absolutely positive that having a human around would end up a death wish, Jasper's mate or not. Edward, Emmett and Carlisle were neutral about it, they only cared for the happiness of all. Esme and Alice were overjoyed that another member of the family was being introduced.
Jasper... was torn. He had a long deep talk with Alice, explaining his fears and stress of it all. She explained to him that the path of his decision wasn't going to change and that in one way or another, Milo would become apart of the family.
He was sceptical, still hoping for the chance to change that. He didn't want to put his family in danger nor did he want to put an inevitable danger amongst an innocent human.

𝙎𝙚𝙡𝙛𝙞𝙚 - 𝙅𝙖𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙧 𝙃𝙖𝙡𝙚Where stories live. Discover now