Don't Do It You Son Of A--

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Renesmee came back home with her parents and best friend smothered in gifts.
Nobody could help it, she had an absolute gorgeous personality.
Milo had added to her gifts, he had made her bracelet in return for the necklace she made him days prior, but he couldn't help it.
There was nobody on this Earth like Renesmee.
It was Milo's duty to put Renesmee to bed that night, Bella and Edward had decided they wanted her to rest as much as possible before the big fight.
If only Milo could rest too, snuggle up in Jasper's bedcovers and sleep until his favourite blonde to come back.
But he didn't know when Jasper was coming back.
He didn't know if he would ever see Jasper again.
"Milo," Edward gave him a blank look, passing his daughter over to his brother.

"Sorry," Milo winced slightly, taking the already sleepy Renesmee into his arms.
The view of his neice made Milo's heart warm and he carried her carefully up the stairs, ignoring the looks of the other vampires who were shocked at their contact.
Milo rolled his eyes at them, they knew Mae's story, they knew that she was harmless, so why were they making such a big deal out of him holding her?
Milo took her to Edward's old room, not wanting her out in the forest with nobody with her. 
He waited for a little while, watching her turn restlessly, it had been a busy day for her, her first Christmas, it made him excited for her.
He wished he still had that same excitement for himself.
But eventually, she drifted off and Milo was so relaxed feeling her emotions change as she dreamed. Some of them were good, some of them weren't the best, he figured she was having memories.
She shifted in the bed, her eyes opened, then shut, she was clearly like her mother in more ways then one.
Milo smiled fondly, he remembered sharing a room with Bella once and hearing her talk about how she played on the monkeybars in her sleep. It was sweet how much Renesmee resembled her mother.
Deciding it was time, he stood up from the small sofa in Edward's room and left, wishing that Mae would have a full nights sleep.
He was going to go find his sister and speak to her about what he had remembered but decided against it, especially when he heard her outside speaking with Kate.

"--See how it moves, what color it is. Now picture it expanding, will it go beyond you?" Kate asked rhetorically, watching as Bella concentrated fully.
Milo wondered what they were doing, he sat on the steps near the house and watched with full attention going on his sister.
Bella clenched her jaw, her eyes squinting as she tried, Milo was unsure on what they were doing but when he saw, well, he didn't know if it was possible to see such a thing, but he saw the world wave around her.
It was if she was creating soft ripples, Milo was obsessed with it already, did she have a gift? Was Bella powerful too?
But then it retracted and Bella let out a soft sigh of defeat. Milo sent her a soft look.
Deciding to get involved and make himself known, Milo sped to his sister's side, able to look at how Kate and Edward shared a look.
Milo frowned at them, what were they plotting?

"I think she needs something to motovate her," Kate mused, putting her hands on her hips and gazing between Milo and Edward.

"Absolutely not," Milo declined, crossing his arms and staring at the blonde girl.
Edward looked up to the sky then sighed loudly, taking his hands out of his pockets and taking a couple steps forward.
Bella frowned and looked to her brother before realizing what Kate had meant.

"No," She shook her head, giving Edward an evil look.

"It's alright, I can take it," Edward promised, looking between his wife and cousin.

"He says that now," Garrett shared a look with Emmett who scoffed.

"Focus Bella," Emmett taunted, secretly wishing she nailed her gift so Edward didn't get hurt too bad, "Or he's gonna be hurting,"
Milo personally didn't care, he hoped Bella's gift didn't work right away so Edward got a little hurt. Finally some payback from leaving her, it was a pain he rightfully deserved.
Edward sent him a look. 
Kate lifted her hand, a signal for Edward to do the same thing, ready to test Bella's gift and use her own.
Milo felt their emotions and smirked a little at how anxious Edward was upon feeling the blonde's gift.

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