Though The Blinds

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They ran back to the house after Milo had hunted a couple more animals. Milo was nervous to meet everyone else again, he didn't want to accidently hurt anyone the way he nearly did with Spencer.
Alice hopped down the steps with Carlisle at her side. She grabbed Milo's hands and smiled sheepishly.
"Hug?" She wondered, also letting him know that her intentions were innocent.

Milo nodded carefully, thanking the way she leant in slowly so he could pull back if he needed to. He didn't, instead he hugged her back and a small smile began to rest on his face.
Jasper enjoyed seeing that, he relaxed him a little, knowing that Milo was enjoying this new life so far.
Milo greeted the vampires as if it was his first time ever seeing them. They all looked so different now that he saw them with his vampire vision. They looked so beautiful, more so then what he thought when he was a human if that was even possible.
He walked into the house, taking in the smell. It smelled clean but there was a soft linen fragerance. Walking further, he realized it was from the candles that never got burned but it smelled lovely either way.
After they had spoken about how he was feeling, Milo used his speed to get to his bedroom, misinterpreting his speed because he entered the room and pushed his wardrobe, slamming it into the wall.
He paused, looking at it shocked. 
"You get used to it,"

Milo turned, not focused on anyone close to him, "How?"

Jasper shrugged, "You just do, you learn how fast you can move inside by moving too quick and having accidents like that,"
The blonde haired boy shuffled the wardrobe back to it's previous place.
"I hope you don't mind that Alice emptied your bags and put things away for you,"

"No, I don't mind," He said truthfully, hearing Alice downstairs mutter a your welcome.
He smiled softly, this was going to take a while to get used to.
How was he supposed to get anny sense of privacy when people could hear his conversations all the time?
Milo was independant, he liked having private time. 
Then another memory washed passed his eyes.
He was sat crossed legged, trying to do his homework, Jasper was lying on his stomach, his head face down into the gap that was created as Milo's legs folded over each other.
Deciding to be annoying, Milo put his laptop on the vampires back, continuing his work as if nothing had changed.
Jasper rolled his eyes, "What are you doing?" 

"My homework," Milo replied, a small smile on his face.

"On my back?" He asked, beginning to move.

"Hey! Stop wriggling," Milo laughed, ruffling the blonde's hair.
Jasper reluctantly did so, grinning although Milo couldn't see. His arms tightened around Milo's back, shutting his mind down and trying to relax.

"What's the homework on?" He wondered, wondering if he was needed to help.

"I don't really know, I'm just writing shit down and hoping my teacher can understand a word of it," Milo giggled, knowing full well that if he asked, Jasper would gladly do the whole thing for him in under 10 minutes.

"You'll fail," Jasper frowned, turning over in Milo's lap and turning the computer over to rest on his chest as he read the words.
Though it was an uncomfortable position, the vampire moved up slightly so his head was on Milo's chest.
The human blushed, putting his chin ontop of Jasper's curls, reading his mispelled words as the vampire did to. He expected Jasper to not be able to understand a word, though even if he didn't, he didn't say anything and read either way.
That or Jasper was so used to seeing Milo mispell things he had learned how to read the way Milo wrote.

"Yeah, you're definitely failing this assignment," He told, switching tabs to google something in Milo's browser

"Get off! That's my computer," He frowned, joking of course as he deleted the whole thing to start from scratch, "Where's my privacy?"

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