The Cullens Are Cocks

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Milo was just about ready for school. His hair was brushed, his clothes were free from crinkles, fingers full of rings, necklaces round his neck and black converse shoes tied. All he needed was to be fed, bribed and out the door. The bribery involved Charlie having to give the teenager $10 to get to his car.
Milo resisted but eventually gave in when his father offered money, but as soon as he pulled into the school parking lot, he gulped.
The place was small. That made him worry. He could utter something to someone and the word would get around in a matter of a day. The teenager sighed when he realized he only had to wait two years to be free from school then he'd take a gap year until university.

His car rumbled to a stop and the young Swan got out, already ignoring the stares. He walked past the staring crowd to the office, stopping to smile at the lady behind the desk.
"Hi Ma'am, my name is Milo Charles Swan, I'm new here... where do I go?" He chuckled, hands in his pockets.

"Oh Charlie's son!? I used to babysit you and Isabella! You've grown! Aww!" She cooed as Milo's chuckle turned awkward as a group of kids walked passed.

"That's me," He smiled.

"Oh," She smiled, "Here's your map, you need your teacher to sign this sheet, your schedule and this is your homeroom, just down he hall. Good luck,"

"Thanks Ma'am," Milo nodded, collecting the items then walking off.
He looked at his timetable and realized he'd been put in a photography class. His heart couldn't have been more happier, Charlie remembered how much he loved taking pictures.
Taking the map out, he followed the doors then entered one at the end of the hall, his homeroom. His teacher waved him to the front.

"Hi," A small smile was on his lips, "My name is Milo, I am 17 and I got moved here because I tried stealing a bottle of bear by hiding it in my pants and claiming I had a boner,"
A loud laugh fell over the class by a boy at the back, making Milo loose it himself.
The teacher looked unamused, some of the class were looking grossed out but the majority were laughing.

"Right... Emmett, wave to Milo. Milo go sit," The teacher ordered, "My names Mr. Addams and the first person on the register is Allison,"

"Yes sir..."

Milo sat down next to the strongest guy he'd ever seen. He had to be one of Dr. Cullen's kids. He had short black hair, a really buff body and features just like Carlisle.
"Name's Emmett, how are you Swan?" He asked with a cheeky smile.

"I'm good, how 'bout you Cullen?" Milo loved the other boys bouncy feel.


"Wait. You're not a Cullen?" Milo panicked, thinking he'd messed up.

"No I am, but I didn't tell you that. How did you know?" Emmett wondered, crossing his arms, being slightly intimidating.

"You look like your dad. Step-dad in fact. Sorry," He apologised for the mess up.
But then his thoughts began to wonder. How could a step-dad and child look like each other as much as Emmett and Carlisle did? Must be a coincidence, but he couldn't help but ask, "How do you look so much like Carlisle if your adopted?"

Emmett frowned, how did this kid know so much about him? It was possible he'd heard much from other pupils, but it was his first day here.
"I look nothing like my dad," Emmett scoffed, "I have black hair.. you look nothing like your dad, your tanned,"

"I lived in Arizona for most of my life, of course I'm tanned. You and Carlisle look really pale, like... Forks pale," Milo chuckled, "I swear my dad said you'd only just moved here,"

"We moved from Alaska. Of course we're pale," Emmett frowned, feeling a little unsafe with the kid as he kept asking questions.

"You look a dead body pale," Milo joked, laughing after.

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