Hold On Darling

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Milo was a savage boy.
For three weeks, he had ignored Bella really well. She would try to get his attention and talk to him, but he would completely ignore her.
It hurt, of course it did, but he wasn't going to have someone that he gave everything up for stab him in the back all because of some vampires.
Milo had grown closer to Spencer, they had been talking about his transition a lot and had come up with a plan to get him away from the Swan's house and into theirs.
Charlie had been persistant with finding something interesting for his son to do, Milo hadn't had a job since the Cullens had left and he'd just been going out with the family in his spare time.
He didn't mind it, but he wanted his son to grow and not be reliant on others all the time.
Though Charlie didn't understand at all, Milo was the most independant person he would ever meet. He was smart, he had saved so much money over the 2 years as The Lodge, he had nearly $2,000.
They had planned to fake an acceptance letter, apparently Jasper knew someone who did all of the familys forgery. It was a good plan, it would work.
Spencer, Alice, Jasper and Milo were in the car, driving back to the Swan house. 
Jasper was in the back with him, occationally stealing longing glances at the boy.
"I think I'm gonna miss it, you know?" Milo spoke up, looking at all of the people in the car.

"That's totally normal Milo," Alice smiled at him, turning around in her seat, "But you'll still have Bella,"

"Oh, how fun," Milo rolled his eyes, his tone disinterested at that fact.
Jasper grinned.

"What? Not talking to her either?" Spencer chided, teasing the turning vampire.
Jasper and Milo both looked out of the window.
Jasper, because he knew that comment was purposely pointed at him and Milo, because it pissed him off that Spencer would say that.

"Well first of all, I am speaking to Jasper, we're friends," Milo corrected, frowing at the boy, "And second of all, no, I'm not speaking to Bella,"

"Why?" Jasper asked, turning his head finally.
Milo looked at him for a second before looking away.
He feared if he looked for too long then he would melt and give into the blonde boy.

"Because she's being an ass. She did something hurtful and wants to move on as if it never happened," Milo explained, watching Alice frown.

"But you love Bella," 

"I do, and it's sad that I have to do this but she's being an asshole and I don't speak to assholes," Milo scoffed, of course he still loved his sister, he basically raised her.

"Is she being an asshole that's bigger then most?" Jasper asked almost comically.

Milo cracked a smile, "Yes,"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Spencer wondered, his eyes looking at Jasper from the reer view mirror.
Jasper ignored him.
It was an inside joke and Jasper seemed to be making a lot of them when Milo was around, as if to say 'I'm still thinking about us'.
Milo thought it was sweet but a little memory wasn't going to make him forget the past.

"Well, I think you should hear her out," Alice said, her eyes turning glossy for a moment, "She probably has something important to say if she's so desperate about it,"

"What, an apology?" Milo rolled his eyes, "They're just words Alice,"

"Is that why you haven't forgiven Jasper yet?" Spencer quipped, making Alice send him a look.

"Spencer will you shut up?" Milo hissed, the car turning awkward right after.
It was so bad inside that you could've cut the atmosphere with a knife, Milo was actually looking forward to telling his Dad that he was 'moving' to a university in Alaska. 
He had grown fond of Spencer over the last couple of weeks, but he hated it when he thought saying things like that were ok.
He jumped out of the car the first chance he got, saying thanks to the vampires who had driven him there, the fake acceptance letter in his hand.
He got in and Edward and Bella were sat at the kitchen table, talking.
That's how it had to be now, Charlie hated that they were dating again, seeming thankful that Milo hadn't decided to start snogging Jasper again. Bella was grounded, not being allowed out unless she asked but she had to follow a curfew. The only person she was allowed to see was Jacob, but he wasn't picking up her calls.
The couple looked up when he entered and Milo looked, though blanked them, walking right over to his Dad.

𝙎𝙚𝙡𝙛𝙞𝙚 - 𝙅𝙖𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙧 𝙃𝙖𝙡𝙚Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant