The Piano Man

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Milo woke up. He didn't want to but the cold nipped at his skin so he tried wrapping the blanket around him further, but that didn't work, his fingers were as cold as ice. He clenched them, hoping that would keep them warm, but then he felt why they were cold.
The human opened his eyes and looked to see the frozen vampire looking down at him with a soft expression.
"Good morning," Jasper smiled, brushing Milo's hair from his eyes.

"Hey," Milo replied, rubbing his eyes as he threw the quilt off and climbed away from his boyfriend.
The lack of cold annoyed him, weirdly because he was just trying to get rid of it, but it was different now he knew what it was. 
The human grabbed a shirt and some joggers, and turned to eye Jasper who looked incredibly relaxed in his bed.
"Don't look," He told, watching the vampire shut his eyes, trusting him not too peek as he changed his clothes, flinging the old ones into his laundry basket.

Milo turned to his boyfriend who sat with his eyes still shut. 
He noticed that Jasper had a fresh change of clothes on, "You left,"

Jasper's eyes opened, "Wouldn't have been polite to leave in the same clothes I arrived in,"
Milo agreed with him, his eyebrows raising to let the empath know. 

"I'm gonna get breakfast, want anything?" Milo asked, thinking it would be impolite for some reason.

"Funny," Jasper smirked slightly, but shook his head, getting out of the humans bed then making it neatly with his vampire speed.

"Woah," Milo gasped, Jasper was right, he was faster then one of those annoying flies that dissapear from your house when you try to swat it.

The vampire settled with a smug expression, as he helped Milo climb down the ladder, even though the human could do it himself. 
They walked to the kitchen, Jasper watched, intrigued to watch his human make his breakfast. It was some bland cheerios but it worked because Milo really wasn't the fussy one with food.
He sat down at the table so Jasper followed curiously, again, watching Milo eat his food. Milo frowned when he noticed though quickly learnt that it was probably because the vampire couldn't eat and it facinated him to watch his lover do it instead. 
Milo removed the expression from his face and ate quickly, eager to finish his bowl and find out what was in store for the day.

"Yeah?" Milo answered, lifting the bowl to his lips to drink the left over milk that he didn't finish with his cereal.

"I want you to meet my family, properly," Jasper told, deciding the plans for the day, "We can go as soon as you've finished?"
The milk that Milo just drank threatened to come up again. He looked at Jasper with wide eyes before the empath realized the humans fear.

"They won't do anything, besides, it Rosalie and Spencer you have to worry about, nobody else. They wont dare do anything with me there, especially if Carlisle or Esme tell them not to," Jasper promised, taking the bowl away from his boyfriend's lips and placing it behind them, on the counter.

Milo nodded, removing a piece of food from his teeth, "Lemme just brush my teeth, get the car started and I'll meet you outside,"

Jasper complied and moved around the human who bolted upstairs, grabbing his toothbrush and swiping some of the paste on it. 
With his toothbrush in his mouth, he moved it around his teeth quickly before keeping it in his mouth to climb his ladder, finding some socks as soon as his feet were on the floor. He put his red VANS back on went back to the bathroom on the second floor, spitting the contents of his mouth into the sink before rincing his mouth and the toothbrush and putting it back in the pot.
Milo ran back downstairs, grabbing his keys then out the door, locking it before placing his eyes on the car that beeped at him.
Impatient vampire, Milo scolded in his head before getting into the car, breathing heavily from rushing, though he didn't take his medication.

𝙎𝙚𝙡𝙛𝙞𝙚 - 𝙅𝙖𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙧 𝙃𝙖𝙡𝙚Where stories live. Discover now