He's Like Art: 2

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Milo stayed seated, watching his lover with a soft look.
Were they really about to do this?
Sob uncontrollably then make love in the bathroom? Only fools would do that.....
It was lucky that Milo Swan and Jasper Hale were such things.
He swallowed deeply, opening his arms, wanting Jasper in them as soon as possible.
The blonde walked back over after setting the shower on it's loudest setting, hoping that would be enough to block out any sounds.
Poor Edward, Jasper thought, moving back to his mate, taking one of Milo's outreached hands with his own. 
"Promise me something," Milo whispered, watching how a pair of golden eyes flicked to his red ones, "Promise me you'll marry me when we can be, promise me that eventually we will, even if that means running away to a foreign country, run with me Jasper,"

Jasper leaned in, pressing their foreheads together, shutting his eyes and he took in everything his mate just said.
Milo was such an incredible creature.
Jasper was choked with so much tenderness it made him feel almost pathetic, how could a monster like him break down any strong walls of emotions just for another vampire or what once used to be a human.
Well, because Milo Swan made Jasper believe that he wasn't that monster. Milo Swan deserved the world and if Jasper had it in his palm, he would give it.
"I'll run with you anywhere," He promised, leaning in and pushing their lips together softly.

Jasper went from having to fight for everything to having someone who would fight with him, not leaving him alone for one minute.
Milo's mind was in flames, Jasper was his world and he wouldn't have it any other way.
Nobody expects an Angel to set the world on fire, Milo thought, pushing his finger's through Jasper's silky hair, loving the soft moan the came from Jasper's lips in return.
There were no words to describe the way Milo would ruin himself just to protect Jasper, how he would ruin himself a thousand times.
Jasper could colapse into Milo once, and he would never have to fall again, the newborn would hold him so tight and murmer sweet things to him, assuring Jasper stood tall again.
In Jasper's eyes, he was the fallen, but in Milo's he was the purest. There wasn't another single soul out there like him, and Milo was grateful, he was grateful to be allowed, to be gifted Jasper Hale.
There wasn't another name he ever wanted to say like a blessing.
The newborn kissed Jasper's lips promisingly, though his mind wandered.

He thought of all the times he had thought to himself about how he would love Jasper no matter what the blonde looked like, had done in the past or planned to do in the future.
Their souls were too entertwined to care.
Milo's soul just wanted to be closer to Jasper
"Would you of loved me if I were a girl?" Milo asked, breaking the kiss though not realizing he had spoken outloud until he saw the blonde's face, "Would you of married me if I were a girl?"

The topic of marriage made Milo wince, he looked up to the boy with wide eyes.
Milo needed this answer and was ready for any pain to come with it.
Happiness came with it's fair amount of pain, being with Jasper proved that.
But it wasn't something he would ever give up, because if Jasper was the reward for the torture, bring it on.
Jasper wore the most bewildered expression as he gazed at his mate.
Did Milo truly believe that Jasper would love him any less or any more than as he is right now, if he were to be a girl? That if Milo were a girl, his love would differ?
It wouldn't matter to Jasper if Milo was a girl. If he was a human, or a vampire, if they were sworn enemies.
Because to Jasper, there was no one else.
No one who could ever make his unbeating heart feel as though there was a swarm of hummingbirds making it their nest.
There was no one who could make Jasper feel alive.
Milo was...Milo. That's all there was to it.
There was so much to say about Milo that Jasper could write the thickest of tomes. Each one explicitly detailed about everything that made Milo, Milo.

"Milo Swan, the light of my life and the fire in my soul," Jasper started, a bashful smile taking place of his regular smirk. "I would love you no more and no less than as you are right now if you were a girl. I would grow to love you in that form as I grew to love you in this form. Our love transcends trivial things such as gender. It's deeper. All encompassing,"

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