Putting Salt In A Wound Helps They Said

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Milo had accidently fallen asleep, when he woke, the emotions of the day prior came crashing down on him. He continued with the day nonetheless, eating some of the food that had been ordered to the room.
Bella had so many questions to ask, but settled with none after seeing her brother become less reactive with news of the situation.
The only thing on his mind was Jasper.
Bella had only been with Edward for three months, she loved him, of course, but Milo knew it wasn't on the same level as he and Jasper.
Milo and Jasper, Jaslo as Anita had once called them, had been together for two years next month and the things they've shared and been through would be unmatched compared to his sisters relationship.
She didn't know the first thing about the kind of love Milo and Jasper shared and never will.
Their love was yelling to get a point across but planting soft kisses on each others necks as an apology.
Their love was fighting to say the first apology, then arguing over who said it first when they both did at the same time.
Their love was each other and that was all they needed.

Milo was sat with his sister when Alice had her next vision. 
The Swan's were sat in front of the Tv when Alice's hand started to scramble out in front of her. Milo caught on to her hidden trouble and pushed the paper and pen close to her so she could touch it.
Spencer appeared, hearing Bella's question.
Alice, what do you see?
Milo's stomach churned, would it be about Jasper? Was she seeing his death or his survival? 
But it was nothing of the sort, instead was a drawing of something else, something that made his sister and him share a look of distress.
"The phone goes there," Milo pointed to the drawing Alice had made, a shelf next to a family picture.

Alice and Spencer both looked up at him, their gaze moving to Bella who nodded, "That's our Mom's house,"
And in seconds Alice was up and Spencer was packing the bags. 
Bella got the hint and went to her room to pack up the stuff that she had emptied from her bag whilst Milo watched Alice, wanting to hear a name.
Alice put the phone back into her pocket then looked at her best friends mate with a sad expression.

"Nothing yet," 
Milo nodded, understanding.
Nothing had happened yet, meaning he wasn't dead, he had wooped their asses, or he wasn't even there yet.
Milo then left to get to his room, packing Jasper's clothes in his bag and dousing himself in deodorant. It was hot in Phoenix, he hadn't missed that.
They met up in the main room just as Alice was about to leave.

"We're going to sign us out, stay here, we'll come and get you," She ordered, grabbing Spencer's hand then shutting the door behind them.
Milo looked at Bella, contemplating saying something, but the phone rang.
It was Spencer's spare one, the vampire had let Milo keep it incase Jasper rang back but there was no luck.
Bella grabbed it first, thinking it would be Edward though Milo wished it would be his lover.

"Bella? Bella!" Renée's voice was loud but Bella sagged in relief, "Bella, where are you?"

"Mom, Mom, it's ok, I'm ok, Milo is too," Bella comforted, starting to pace as her brother watched her silently.
But suddenly, Bella abruptly stopped pasing and Renée's worried voice was silenced and replaced with mumbling.
Bella's face went pale as she turned to stare at Milo.
He frowned, getting up from the sofa and walking over, he took the phone out of her hand, not saying anything to hear the voice on the other end.

"I'm gonna need you to get away from your little friends... do you think you can do that? If not, your Mother won't be alive for long," James' dark, sinister voice came though.

"How do we know this isn't a trap?" Milo asked, his words twisting darkly. 

"Milo!" James gasped happily, as if hearing Bella's brother's voice was the best thing ever, "You sound more masculine then what I thought you would,"

"Answer the question," He said, but James laughed.

"Stubborn aren't we?" He asked in a dismissive tone, "It's something you'll have to risk, young Milo, save your mother... or don't," 

"Yes, yes!" Bella grabbed the phone expectantly, "We'll get away,"
Milo frowned, of course he didn't want Renée to get into any trouble. As far as Bella and he knew, their Mom had been kidnapped and was being held hostage by a vampire that was hunting them and their mother had been a target to lure them out.
James was happy with this answer, hanging up after telling the siblings to go back to their mothers house and ring a phone number that had been left for them.
Making them jump out of their skins, Spencer opened the door, looking at the siblings with a slight frown.

"You guys stress too much, let's go," 
Milo gave a sigh of relief. 
Clearly their facial expressions had shown how scared they were, but Spencer was too far away to hear the phone call and assumed they were stressed about being hunted.
That was good, it was a good cover story.
The siblings followed the vampire down the halls until they got to the car, getting in to drive the short way to the airport.
Milo looked at Bella, seeing her face was frowning, but he knew her too well, she was thinking of a plan.
Milo tried to keep calm also, he tried thinking of ways they could get away, but all he could really focus on was Jasper.
Would the blonde come out of their airport terminal with a frown over his beautiful features, yearning to hold his human mate and whisk him to safety? 
Or would he not be there, too busy hunting some vampires?
Whatever would happen, he hoped that it would be a good outcome, he had put his life in the hands of the Cullen family multiple times just for it to not end badly now.
The car parked and the four rushed inside the airport to find their family who had just landed.

Though Bella tugged on his hand, "We're just going to the toilet, we'll meet you outside the cafe," She said, pulling Milo through a croud.
He knew that Bella was lying, but Alice and Spencer had never been around her that long to pick up on the signs.
They were going to escape. 
And not in a good way, they were going to escape their safety for the safety of another.
They ran around the toilets and through a glass, double door, and out into the open world.
Bella called for a taxi, pushing Milo in before her.
They shared a look and told the driver where to go before grabbing hold of each other's hands. This was a situation that neither of them wanted to be in alone.
And it was lucky they weren't, because as soon as they pulled up onto their childhood home, Milo's world span.
Bella handed the driver a wad of money and entered the home.
The door was unlocked... that was bad.

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