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(The title stands for The Saga Of Milo And His Dyslexia, I just didn't wanna write it out all over again).


"Jasper?" Milo called out, looking down to the letter in his hands.
He felt a gush of wind as Jasper came into the bedroom quickly from having being stood on the balcony.
The wind made his body rush.

"Yeah?" He wondered, moving closer, his arms wrapping around the brunette's waist, "What's that?"
He asked upon seeing the paper with outlines of purple flowers across the boarder of it.

"I see that this is from Bella and Edward but..." He trailed off, his eyes narrowing at the cursive font on the thick paper in his hands, "Why does it say we're invested to their wedding?"
Jasper frowned slightly, gently taking the card out of his mate's hand to read over the words.
A sharp smile took over his features, a smile that was full of fondness entirely pointed to the man in front of him.

"We're invited to their wedding," He corrected softly, handing the paper back.
Milo's eyes went wide and he sucked in his lips, pure embarrassment on his features.

"Oh... right, that makes more sense," Milo scoffed slightly, taking the invite and placing it on the table in front of him.
Jasper's hand reached out and pulled Milo's jaw to look at him.

"Don't feel silly, anyone would've made that mistake," Jasper assured, pressing his lips to the other boys cheek.

"Anyone with dyslexia," Milo huffed, though a silly smile rose to his features.

"Anyone let alone, don't feel singled out. You know you always have me to help you," Jasper gave him a small peck on the lips which availed Milo to finally give into his lover's gorgeous words.


"H... A...P...E...--"
Milo wrote in the folded birthday card addressed to his sister.
He had gotten up early for her 18th birthday and wanted to be the first to give her something.
He spoke the letters he was writing out loud, something that helped with his sounding for hidden letters, but still managed to spell the word wrong.

Then there was a knock at his window.
Milo looked, excited in case it was Jasper, but when he saw the goofy smile of Emmett instead, Milo's excitement stayed the same.
Why was Emmett here?
He got up, unlocking the window to let the man in.
"Hey!" He greeted, bouncing on the balls of his feet.

"Hi Emmett," Milo smiled back at him.
Emmett returned it, Milo waited for whatever reason he had come to be revealed.
But when they fell to silence, an awkward silence, Milo had to prompt him.
"And you're here because...?"

"Oh shit yeah," He chuckled nervously, pulling something out of his pocket, "Alice told me to help you, Jasper brought the card for Bella,"
Milo frowned, he already had Bella's card.

"Thanks, but uh... you're too late for that," Milo gave him a shy smile.

"You spelt it wrong. Alice saw," Emmett pointed out softly, picking up the card Milo had dumped on the bed to let him in.
Milo's heart deflated and his cheeks turned red from embarrassment.
"Hey man, it's all good. We got another,"

Milo nodded his head silently, grabbing his pen again.
The good news was that he was happy he had shown Jasper the card and the gift he had brought, otherwise his humour would've been destroyed. Jasper had gotten the same card, Milo was extremely grateful.
It read: 'Jesus, you look old. Hope you find some sort of magic to get rid of those wrinkles!'
It was an inside joke the Cullens and hopefully Bella would find very funny.
Emmett took off the plastic from the outside and passed it to the other boy.
"H...A...P...P...Y, B...I...R...T...H...D...A...Y," Emmett spelled out slowly for him, only saying the next letter when he had seen Milo had written the last he had said.

"B...E...L...L...A," Milo mumbled to himself as he wrote.

"You can spell Bella? That's cool," He sounded impressed, but nobody was more impressed with that then Milo.

"I can even spell Isabella," He grinned, mostly smug.

"Heck yeah dude!" Emmett looked proud.
At his friends support, Milo no longer felt bad with himself for messing up the first card.


Stop because Jasper's support in the first one??

Milo being proud in the second?? Omg it's so cute.

If yall have more ideas, comment!!


𝙎𝙚𝙡𝙛𝙞𝙚 - 𝙅𝙖𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙧 𝙃𝙖𝙡𝙚Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora