Bitchface, Go Fuck Yourself

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As Jasper was still hunting by 2pm, Esme gladly dropped him off. 
Turning up to the house, there was a red truck outside, he remembered over hearing a conversation with his dad and someone on the phone about wanting to buy one so he figured this was the truck. 
"Thank you for dropping me off Esme," Milo smiled, getting out of the car to wave at her when she drove away.

He turned back to the house when the front door opened. Milo stared at the woman that walked out, a wide smile growing on both of their faces.
"Bella!" He yelled, wrapping her in his arms when she was close enough.

"Milo! God I've missed you," She sighed happily, squeezing him close.
Milo was shocked at how much she had changed. She looked so grown up, her hair slightly darker, her style had changed, her face was more round. 
Bella looked older, and he had missed it. 
He went from basically raising the girl to making her raise herself. 
He frowned, maybe he should never of left Phoenix, but that thought left as soon as it was said. If he never came to Forks, he would've had to wait longer for Jasper.

"I've missed you too Bells," He returned, letting her go slightly so they could look at each other properly.
Bella looked at her brother, noticing how his tan had faded and his hair had gotten longer and darker. His brown eyes were so full and bright, the smile on his face was hopeful.
She remembered that when they both lived in Arizona, Milo wasn't like this. He was in trouble all the time with the police and his parents, shoplifting, sneaking out, exploring private property, the typical teenage problems. She had learned from Charlie that he wasn't like that anymore, the only thing that he knew of was sneaking out, but Milo always returned back home so he didn't say anything about it anymore.

"You're happy here," She noted, wishing that maybe she would learn to be too.
She had always been a little different from her brother, but they got along perfectly, she hoped that Forks would grow on her too.

"A million times more then when I was with Mom," He nodded, starting to walk into the house when it began to rain, then noticed Bella's reaction to it, "You'll get used to it Bella,"

"I hope not," She mumbled, throwing her hood over her hair, "I looked in your room by the way, I got curious to see if you were still the same,"

"And?" He wanted to know if there was a change, if it was a bad thing.

"Does your boyfriend sleep round often?" She wondered, smirking.

"Yeah," Milo grinned, "Don't tell Dad though, he doesn't know," 
Milo whispered the last part as they entered the house, beginning to climb up the stairs.

"I could tell, there's some fancy spray on your desk that I know you'd never be able to afford," She teased, smiling too.
Bella had missed her brother. 

Milo jokingly slapped her round the head. She laughed, slapping him back. 
"Will I meet him?" She wondered, wanting to see who her boyfriend had chosen to love.

"Hopefully, he has really bad social anxiety though," Milo said, the lie he was told to say slipping past his lips easily.

"I'm not sure who could ever stick with you for nearly 2 years," She teased, pushing some of her clothes into her dresser as soon as Milo sat on her bed.

"Trust me, I know," He grinned, hoping the blonde wasn't outside in the forest, or close enough to hear them
Eventually, after talking for a while, Milo went downstairs to order pizza for everyone as a celebratory meal. The family ate together, enjoying how they were together again. 
After, Milo opened the kitchen window then raced to his bedroom and sat at his window seat, looking for his blonde boyfriend to come out of the forest. 
He waited and waited, feeling more and more sleepy as he looked into the shadows of the tree. But then his phone buzzed.

Jasp <3:
I'm so sorry Darling but your sister's blood smells really good and I don't want to risk anything tonight.

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