An Order Of Old Friends

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Milo took his time going home. He went grocery shopping, drove around the block but finally stopped outside his house. He rested his head on the steering wheel, exhausted with the day that just happened. Was everyone apart from Anita rude to him because he was new?
He unlocked the door with several bags in his free hand, placed them down in the hallway then locked the door.
Charlie came into view to help his son.
"I'll order pizza for dinner," Milo told, grabbing two bags and bringing them into the kitchen.

"Uh oh, what happened at school today Milo? We're the kids not very nice?" Charlie could tell something was wrong from his son's voice.

"Everything was great dad," He lied, voice laced with annoyance.

"I can tell it's not, you can tell me Miles, I'm your old man," Charlie sat at the table, watching his eldest child give up on the idea of calling the Pizza place.

"Fine. I hate those Cullen kids. They're so rude. Emmett was dodgy and Jasper wouldn't read to me in history when the teacher asked, they were just so rude!" Milo huffed, crossing his arms and throwing himself onto the chair.
Charlie frowned, the rare time he'd come across them, they were a very polite and quiet. It was probably because they were rich.

"You don't need people like that Miles, they don't do you any good. I know that for a fact. Ignore them until you can't anymore, " Charlie advised, looking at his son.
Milo's frown lifted slightly and took in his father's words.

"I mean, I did befriend one person, Anita Parkor. They made me feel a lot better,"

"They, there's more then two?" Charlie scratched his knuckle.

"Anita goes by she/they, pronouns," Milo sighed, sulking down onto the table.

"Oh... never heard that before," Chief Swan shrugged then resumed his son's job of ordering the pizza.
Milo rolled his eyes fondly of his father's reaction to his demi-girl friend.
The young Swan listened to his father order pizzas, casually whispering for pepperoni before the older went onto his order.

The two boys eventually got their food and were able to relax in front of the TV, some sports show playing. Milo couldn't really concentrate on the show, not even his food seemed that interesting. His mind was occupied with the Cullen family. What did they have against him? Was it that he was the now the new person and they weren't? Some sort of weird jealousy.
Either way, it was no reason be rude given that he'd done nothing wrong. Maybe he should just be rude back to them, Milo wasn't afraid of shooting insults their way, given that his new friend would do the same, on purpose or accident.
Occupied with his mind, he looked away from the TV, biting into a slice of pizza, dreading the day that would come after.

The next day was like a painful type of pleasure. The first thing that Milo noticed was that Emmett Cullen wasn't in form. In history, Jasper Hale wasn't in class. At lunch, none of the family were there, so he figured they were off school. He should've felt relived, outgoing and happy, but he felt anxious, sad and anger.
He felt as if their absence was his fault.
Had he seriously done something to make them leave, if so, what was it? What could he possibly have done to make them all want to be far away from him. He only spoke to two of them so it didn't make sense.
Milo's brain tried to offer him different solutions such as: one of them caught a bug and it got passed around the family, they were all bunking, or they just had a family issue. Whatever it was, he tried to believe that it wasn't his fault.
After school, he had his first work day. It wasn't that long if you thought about it, it would only be from half four to nine. Luckily, he had an hour to spend until his shift.
Milo drove around town, stopping occasionally to look in shops, he drove around sharp turns and took roads through the woods, he adored it. Forks was truly like a movie set, alluring and beautiful, he'd have to get a picture of it sometime.

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