Cool, Cool, Cool, Cool, Cool

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The man gathered enough courage to move again, only this time, he extended his arm slowly, offering his hand. Milo looked at it, it was an offer, Milo got to decide.
He reached out too, cautiously until his fingertips touched the other man's skin. It was smoothe, their fingers glided against each other before he closed his fingers over Milo's. It was a weird way to hold hands but Milo didn't object. He didn't mind touching the blonde man.
"Do you know who you are?" He asked and Milo was taken aback. 

This voice sounded so masculine and the way the words were twisted by his accent was so hot. He spoke softly, but his voice was deep anyway. There was a tinge to it, as if he was holding back. "Milo,"

He flinched, not expecting himself to sound like that. His own voice was deeper too but higher then the man's in front of him. It was surprising. When had he sounded so manly?
"What's your last name?" The blonde man wondered, frowning a little.

"Swan," Milo replied again, not hesitating this time.

"Do you know who I am?" 
Milo looked to his face and it was his time to frown.
It was fuzzy, when he tried to remember it took a second, then the memories broke through like a bullet pushing through a skull.
Um, so are you gonna, um, read it to me?
I'm not readin' it to you, just copy my notes.
Sleep well?
Uh, great actually.
I can be your friend.
You wanna be my friend?
Who are you to decide that?
An outsider, they're known to see things others can't, you know.
If we kiss right now, you're going to be ok with it, right?
You're gonna hit me, huh?
Only if you're offering.
You make me feel so good.
Darlin', I'm battin', you gotta let me go.
Pay attention!
Did I get you the right boner?
Well, you're a tall, cute and well dressed guy... so yeah.
I'll find you in another life.
I don't want another life, I want this one, I want you!
Please don't ignore me, please.
Did you ever stop to think about how I would feel?
Please don't cry.
I'm sorry, I just really needed you.
I know, it's ok.
No, it's not ok.

Yes, Milo remembered this man. 
This man was Jasper Hale.
And this man hurt him really bad.
Milo had been quiet for a while and Jasper clenched his jaw, scared that the venom had caused Milo to forget him.
"You're Jasper,"

Jasper's eyes closed for a moment from relief, then he looked back at the newborn in front of him, "And them?"
Milo turned and glared at the people who were standing silently in the room.
He hadn't realized, he didn't know there were other people there.
His eyes looked to the other blonde man first, he looked smart. There was a soft expression on his face, showing his patience. 
Milo knew that man.
Dad I think I'm in love
Milo's eyes then slid over to the bronze haired boy standing next to the blonde man.
Yes... Milo knew who this man was too, but there were no happy memories with him.
This man had hurt his sister, this man had made his sister cry out at night because of how intense her nightmares were.
This man had turned Bella away from him.

"Yes, I know who they are," Milo glanced back at Jasper nevously, not liking how the bronze haired boy was in the room.

"Their names?" Jasper wondered, squeezing Milo's hand upon feeing the nerves.

"Carlisle Cullen and Edward Cullen," Milo told and Jasper looked proud of him, a small side smile crept onto his face.
But then a frown took it's place.
"Are you ok?" 

Milo paused to check with himself. 
Was he ok?
He slid his hand away from Jasper, turning it back and forth and noticing how pale he was, how his finger nails had bleached over. He looked down at his feet, outstretched on the bed and wiggled his toes.
Then he stretched, lifting both arms above his head and with a sigh, letting them fall back down.
"I'm ok,"

That didn't seem like the answer Jasper was waiting for.
"What's you're favourite color Milo?" Another deep voice asked, Milo turned, it was Edward.

"I don't really have one..." Milo trailed off, unsure as to why people were asking him loads of different questions.

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