Fear Makes The Wolf Look Bigger

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If there was one thing Jacob did best in his life, it was fixing things.
He was only 16 when people were recommending him to fix their cars or motors, people loved him.
But he was also a shifter, it was his job to protect humans in anyway he could. 
Charlie Swan was almost like family to him, Jake would do anything for that man, he owed him so much.
Which is why the boy was riding down the highway on his motorbike, speeding past traffic, desperately wanting to save the man from heartbreak.
Charlie was like a second father to him, after his mother died in a car crash, Charlie filled that missing parent role, which is why he and Bella became friends.
As much as he could try, there was nothing Jake could do to help Charlie with Milo's death, but if he could do something with Bella's, he would.
Milo had a more built up story, Charlie would believe it more, but for Bella to say she died from an illness she caught on her honeymoon? Charlie wouldn't believe it for a second.
He was a cop for crying out loud, plus, he had a stronger bond with Milo, even the thought of his son dying would break him entirely.
He had to try, Jake had to try and fix things like he always did.
There was something so big in the Wolf's small heart, something that made him want to protect other's from harm that they didn't even know they were going to endure.
Jacob could be a prick, he could be the most painfully, idiotic asshole out there... but he had a heart.
He still cared.

Would Bella hate him after this? Probably. 
Would the Cullens... yeah, they might.
Would he risk having Bella hate him in order for her to not be guilty for all eternity...?
Yes he would.
Forever was a long time to hate yourself, so if Jake could do something, anything to make sure Bella never did. He would.
Jacob's care grew everyday, he just sucked at showing it.
He was ready for the backlash of this decision, but it was too late, he was already outside the Swan's house.
He could sense Charlie outside.
Jake could only hope things didn't go the direction his anxiety was making him think about.

"Jacob!" Edward yelled, his voice in distress as the wolf parked his bike outside the house.
Milo stood with Bella, quickly passing Mae to Rosalie who smiled at the baby in her arms.
What the hell was going on?
Why did Edward seem so pissed?
Milo followed his sister out to the balcony, seeing how Edward had sped to meet Jacob there.

"Look, before you say anything, I solved the problem, you were leaving! What did you expect me to do?" Jake asked, his eyes looking to the three vampires staring at him.

"What's happened, what did you do Jake?" Milo asked, not understanding any of it.
And clearly Bella was the same, she nodded after Milo's question, she too wanted to know.

"I told Charlie," Jacob mumbled, it only taking two seconds for both newborns to catch on, their eyes wide.

"You don't realise the danger you've put him in! The Volturi will kill anyone who knows about us," Bella ran a hand through her hair, the stress of everything coming down on her.
Milo had to fist his hands.
Let people feel how they feel...

"No, I didn't tell him about you, just me, I only said you were different," Jacob promised, earning a little respect from the male newborn.

"And that we have a neice that we adopted," Edward added, reading it from Jake's thoughts.

"I mean seriosuly Jake, he isn't just gonna let that one go," Bella panicked, her eyes still wide.

"Did you consider the physical pain you'll put Bella through? It would be like sticking a white hot branding iron down her throat, and that's assuming she can control her thirst," Edward continued, his anger visable, "Where's Milo going to go? What do we tell him?"

 "Look, Charlie's been in hell, and I know you'll be much happier with him in your life," Jake scoffed, leaning back on the wooden barrier.
He sent a soft look to Milo that the brunette didn't return.

𝙎𝙚𝙡𝙛𝙞𝙚 - 𝙅𝙖𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙧 𝙃𝙖𝙡𝙚Where stories live. Discover now