Pleasing a Storm

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Spencer Cullen parted. One of him was sat in the living room a book in hand, only half of him focused on it, whilst the other was stood on a cliffs edge, looking down. Only Jasper noticed a shift in the boys emotions, meaning only he knew that Spencer had just used his gift. 
He looked down at the words on the paper but also to the waves lapping up the rocks beneath him. 
Go to the edge of the cliff and jump off. Build your wings on the way down.
Heavy breaths came out of his mouth, his black hair was waving everywhere. He lifted his head up, the wind smacking into him harshly, though he didn't stumble. He knew that this was what he wanted. He wanted the rocks to break him into pieces and the waves to wash all of his worries away as well as his body. He wanted to be nothing but a memory. This world had been nothing but cruel to him so it seemed to be the right option. Death.

Death would give him a life he never had. All he ever wanted was piece, he wanted happiness. Death would give him that. It would give him all he ever asked for. 
Tauntingly, the clouds rumbled and a streak of lightning flew out into the ocean before him. Rain dribbled onto his face and his hair continued to fly all around him. Though he saw it coming, it still hurt. 
He knew that whenever he parted he would have less strength, that he would be weaker, so this was the only option because he would much rather kill himself then let a Volturi member do it for him. 
Spencer walked to the edge of the cliff, small pebbles falling into the sea only to be grasped by the waves and drowned underneath them. He wanted that, Spencer wanted the feeling of a cage, that way, he'd never have a voice at the back of his mind telling him that this was the wrong option. 
Finally, giving into the curse that depression had damned him into, he smiled, enjoying the crashing thunder like music to his ears, then stepped off.

Alice gasped so suddenly he wasn't sure how real it was. His other self saw her disappear in a sprint. Her face was contorted with fear. 
In his other body, Spencer watched as the sharp rocks grew closer and closer to his skin but if it wasn't for Alice, he would've been dead.
The female vampire jumped off the cliff after him but made sure to grab the edge with one hand as she fell, with the other, she grabbed his wrist, yanking him back up on the floor then pulling herself up after him. 
Instead of shouting and screaming at him, she engulfed him in her arms and he struggled to hold it together.

And there she was. Alice Cullen. His soul, his life. She was the little voice at the back of his head telling him that he was still something, that his life was still worth living. She was the beautiful light that saved him as a human and turned him into something that he could be with her forever. They were both equal. 
She held him tight, knowing how hard this life was for him. He and Rosalie got along well, their hate for the immortality they received made them bond, the only difference was that Rosalie wouldn't go and hurl herself off a cliff anytime this life got her down. 

"I am so sorry Alice," Spencer grieved, holding her tight in fear of falling again.

"Shh, it's alright my love, just shift back and I'll be with you," Alice whispered, patting his thick, jaw-length hair.

Spencer did so, disappearing from Alice's arms and resurfacing back into the other body. His emotions were stocky, mixing with his calm, peaceful feelings before he parted and the ones he gained after. That's another thing he hated about his life, whenever he used his gift he would become incredibly bipolar. 
He stared at the book in his hands, realizing he had crushed the pages slightly. He slammed the book shut and connected eyes with the first person he saw, Jasper. The male Hale looked concerned, but deep down, Spencer's emotions were effecting him heavily too.

"I'm sorry," He whispered, just as Alice walked in.

Jasper shook his head, "Don't apologise for something you can't control," 

𝙎𝙚𝙡𝙛𝙞𝙚 - 𝙅𝙖𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙧 𝙃𝙖𝙡𝙚Where stories live. Discover now