The Fine Art Of Bullshit

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Milo woke the next day to his father getting ready for work noisily in the kitchen.
"Dad?" He had called out, making the grown man appear round the corner right after.

"Yep?" Charlie wondered, leaning against the doorframe.
He had a soft frown on his face, wondering why his son wasn't in his bed.

"Can I ask you something?" 

"You just did," Charlie quipped, making his son smile a little.

"Sorry smartass," He chuckled, but let the smile fall when he asked the question, "When Mom left you, how long did it take you to get over her?"
Milo watched as Charlie let out a sigh, his own smile dropping.
Immediately, he felt bad, he wished he had never asked. He didn't need to know, but he was curious.
Milo wanted to know how long he had to wait until he could be confident again. 

"I don't know kid, it's different for everyone... for me, I still haven't but I know some people who date other people and it works," There was some raw level of honesty in Charlie's voice and Milo respected his father for being that truthful.

"So... should I get another boyfriend or girlfriend or something?" Milo asked, unsure... he was always so unsure.

Charlie laughed a little, shaking his head, "That's up to you, everybody's different Miles,"
Milo nodded and let his Dad leave for work.
He thought about it for a while... would anyone even want to date him?
What was attractive about him now? He had lost some of the muscle he had came to Forks with, being depressed really takes a toll on you mentally and physically, he wasn't funny anymore, he wasn't himself anymore.
And he was turning into a vampire, he couldn't give someone the same risk at he once had. He didn't want to be that person to leave his lover.
Eventually, Bella woke up too, hearing the Tv that Milo was watching.
She came and sat on the sofa with him, the silence eating them apart.

"Are you ok?" Bella eventually asked after feeling ignored by her brother.
Milo hummed a yes, not giving her the satisfaction, "I want to go to La Push today,"

"Jacob told us to not come back," Milo reminded, rolling his eyes.
Always about Jacob fucking Black.

"Yeah but he said something to me last night... I think I know what he's hiding," Bella explained, letting out a sigh at her brother's eye roll.

"And why do I have to come?" Milo frowned, not seeing the point.
Last night, Bella didn't even have the time to comfort her crying brother, what made her want him to tag along to Jacob's house?

"Because he's our friend and we need to be there for him," Bella smiled slightly, adding a playful tone to her voice.
For him. Not for Milo.

"Whatever... let me get changed," 
He finally agreed and quickly jumped into some comfy clothes, nothing that fit his personality. 
He met Bella in her truck and stayed in silence when they drove down to Jake's house.
Milo didn't know what he was feeling, he just knew he was a little pissed off about the night before.
Who was Jacob to decide things for Bella?
And who was Bella to pick her friend over her brother?
He wanted to remind her, he wanted to give her attitute, I was the one who basically raised you.
He wanted her to think, shit, I'm so sorry Milo, but he didn't want to cause an argument.
They got out of the truck and Bella took the lead by walking in front and knocking on the door.
Billy answered and he seemed happy to see them.

"I need to see him," Bella spoke, looking into the house, ignoring the man in front of her.

"He's not in," Billy frowned, lying to the siblings with a dark look on his face.

"I'm sorry," Bella winced then pushed past him, "I really need to see him,"

"Bella!" Milo yelled after her, apologising to Billy.
That was not how he taught Bella to behave.
What was getting into her? How could she be so impolite?
Bella walked into Jacob's bedroom, it was a dark brown and green, reflecting the forest.
She sighed in relief when she saw him asleep on his bed. Then she noticed how exhausted he looked even when he was cuddled up against his duvet.
Bella wasn't ever one to feel anger, much like her brother before his transition, but this prickled the emotion.
She walked out of his bedroom, apologing to Billy before grabbing Milo's wrist and pulling him around the house.
Luckily, they got to who she wanted to find.
Sam, Paul, Embry and Jared were joking around, walking back chuckling slightly, but the laughter died down when they noticed the people walking over to them.

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