The Guide Of Giving Up

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The next day, Milo was violently sick when he was brushing his teeth. Charlie was angry with him for the night prior and decided to ground him and keep an angry act, though that faded when the man getting ready for work heard his son's sounds of distress.
He was crouched over the toilet when Charlie turned upstairs. Milo's toothbrush was thrown into the sink and the toothpaste was discarded. 
"Are you alright? Do you want water, something to eat? What?" Charlie panicked, he hadn't had to deal with a sick kid for ages.

"No," Milo answered, not helping Charlie's case as he had asked four questions, "There's a bug going around school. It's nothing,"

"You were also soaking when I saw you last night," Charlie mused, helping his son stand.

"It's nothing," Milo frowned, flushing the toilet and walking out of the bathroom, grabbing his school bag he had left by the door.

"Are you sure? You look green," Charlie winced.
That's one thing he shared with his sister, he hated when someone wouldn't take his answer and decided to continue fussing. 
"Dad. I'm going to school," 

Charlie gave his son a look but didn't say anything else. They walked out of the door together and just as Milo went to unlock his car, a silver Volvo turned the corner and stopped in front of him. The windows were dark so he couldn't see inside, but when they were pulled down and he saw Alice Cullen as the driver, his heart suddenly began to race.
"Did you want a lift Milo? We don't mind," She offered, smiling, but Milo didn't catch the we part, too shocked to even see her outside his house. 

"Sure, thank you," He replied, opening the backseat and throwing his bag inside, then getting in himself, shutting the door, not noticing the other presence in the back with him.
When he did, he felt a blush streak fill his lips as he remembered the night prior.
"Hey Jasper," Milo greeted, having to clench his jaw to stop a smile from creeping up on his lips.

"Good morning Darlin'" 
The smile broke through after not being able to hold it back as that name slipped passed his lips so confidently in front of his family.
That's when Milo noticed Spencer glaring out the window. The smile dropped and Milo kicked his bag with his feet, noticing it was about to fall. A distraction, that's all he needed.
And he got one, but not one he wanted. A pang of sickness danced around in his stomach so hard and he had to shut his eyes in order to not ruin the fancy car he was in.

"Milo?" Jasper called out, but the human's eyes stayed shut. 
If he threw up now, he might die of embarrassment. A small hum fell from his mouth, telling Jasper that he was still listening.

"Jasper get him out of the car," Alice called out, her voice filled with stress as the car swerved to pull over.
Wrong move. Milo covered his mouth just as Jasper was suddenly pulling him out of the car over over to the side of the road to puke up whatever he had in his stomach, but there was nothing to actually thow up. Milo dry heaved and grabbed onto his stomach as if that was about to come up too, it was painful and the thought of having the Cullens watch him was embarrasing- until it suddenly wasn't. 
Jasper was stood behind the human, holding onto his shoulder to stop him from toppling over because he could feel that all he wanted right now was to lie down. 
God, why did today have to happen? Why did he have to get sick? Today out of all days.

"-s alright, I'll stay with him," Jasper voice was heard, throwing all of Milo's thoughts out of the window as he focused on the situation.

"What about school?" Milo gasped as the need to heave again shook him to his core.
He hated throwing up, it scared him, causing him to panic, causing him to need to thow up more.
"You're not going in like this Milo, don't be stupid," Jasper scolded, holding the boy gently when he heaved oncemore.

"I'll get another car for you," Spencer spoke, dipping his head when Jasper realized what he meant.
Jasper froze and stared at Alice with wide eyes. How was he supposed to explain to Milo when another Spencer came round the corner driving a car? Alice mouthed something to him, tell him, becuase she too wanted her brother to love again.
Jasper winced and kept it on his face as they drove off, turning his eyes to Milo who whined as he stood upright.

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