Please Don't Touch My Arm With Your Arm

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Bella had driven her truck home without Edward that night. She had stayed for a little while but Charlie was telling her to get back home and she hated sneaking out so opted to not follow in her brothers footsteps with that.
Edward had promised to see her late at night anyway, so she wasn't annoyed that she had to go.
One by one, everyone bombarded Milo with praise, he took the love embarrassingly.
Emmett had joked about how he could go to school with them next time they went but Carlisle took it seriously and actually agreed. He gave the point that Milo's restraint was so advanced there could be a chance he would be able to handle it.
There was a soft look on Jasper's face as the night went on, Milo noticed it and each time his body prickled with some type of spark that he pushed down.
Edward left to go to Bella's house at around midnight, stopping the calming piano music he had been playing.
Milo was sat with Spencer, his tongue out slightly as they played chess. The older vampire was teaching him how to play as Milo had no clue.
But the calm atmosphere was disrupted when Edward arrived in the living room with Bella in his arms.
Milo knew he was stressed and frowned, what was going on?
"Edward, I said warn us," Jasper complained, not liking how Bella was here and how Milo could loose control.

"Jasper, Emmett, Spencer, Milo, follow me right now," Edward hissed and the hair on the back of Milo's neck stood up.
Though he and Spencer rose from their seats and raced out of the house, following the direction that Edward was running in.
He spoke fast, "There was a nomad vampire scent in Bella's bedroom, someone was in the house,"

Milo growled, catching onto the scent as soon as Edward had stopped speaking. 
That meant a nomad vampire had been in the house at the same time Charlie had been, risking his life, putting his father on the think line of life and death.
It wasn't good, his feelings were getting the better of him. Milo ran ahead of the boys, ignoring Jasper's sharp voice telling him to slow down.
There was no way. 
He would prefer a nomad vampire to try and suck his dick then dare try to hurt his family.
The four boys followed the scent trail to the ocean but Milo was going to cotntinue, he wanted to jump into the water and try to find the asshole but Edward was close behind and read Milo's thoughts, he grabbed the back of his shirt and halted his running.
Milo let out a huff, dissapointed that he was stopped.
Jasper and Spencer caught up with them soon after.
"You can't follow scents in the ocean Milo," Spencer explained, "They get distorted,"

"Oh," Milo pouted, turning around, looking away from the cliffside. 

"It's ok, we'll catch them," Jasper soothed, placing a hand on Milo's shoulder.
Another spark was set off and Milo had a quick thought that Jasper was making his body feel like that on purpose, though physical changes weren't apart of his gift.
Milo shook the hand off and raced back to the house, his eyes dark with anger when he entered the living room. 
Bella looked up, trying to find Edward but being met with Milo's angry stare instead. The rest of the boys turned the corner right after but Milo stood near the wall, ignoring the conversation but only listening in when something seemed important.

"The scent dissapeared about five miles past Bella's house," Jasper told, of course he was the one keeping track of it.

"Nomads?" Esme suggested, her eyes light with worry.

"A nomad wouldn't have kept her father alive," Spencer frowned slightly, trying to think of different options.

"The Volturi?" Milo piped up, but Alice shook her head.

"I've been watching Aro's decisions," She claimed, going back to thinking.

"Victoria?" Bella winced, gaining a worried look from her brother.

"I've been watching her too," Alice denied, rubbing her temples as if she had a headache when really she was looking into the future.

"You're visions aren't always true," Edward said with a hidden attitde in his voice.
Milo knew what he was inferring.
The way she turned up in Forks claiming Bella had killed herself.
Milo shuddered and Jasper saw it.

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