Homeless: 1

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He could hear the blood in his ears and that made his mind rush.
"Milo Swan, get back here!"

A sick, bubble of laughter errupted from his throat as he ran, but he didn't stop, he turned through the houses and then ran to the woods, grabbing the bottle of alcohol from under his coat so it wouldn't fall as he ran.
Yet again, only this time it was the first time he'd been caught in Forks.
As he ran through the woods the need to care about that fanished, he really didn't give a damn. What would Charlie do? Send him back to Renée? There was no way he'd leave without a fight.
When he knew for sure the shopkeeper wasn't after him anymore, Milo cracked open the vodka and took multiple swigs, wincing at the vile, stinging that washed down his throat.
Because he was about to get absolutely sloshed, he would need to find a place that he could sit for hours without getting bored, but be able to walk home through a dark forest.
A perfect place came into mind, he'd be getting drunk so the memories he'd get from just sitting there wouldn't matter in the end.
As he walked, he drank, trying to drown out the loud thoughts telling him to go back home, to get to bed or to watch Tv downstairs with his dad.
But his bedroom held memories and the Tv played stupid romances that he'd never be able to have anymore and he didn't have a home anymore.
Milo's heart no longer existed in his chest, not after he left. Milo's heart was homeless.
Which is why he'd prefer to stay out later, go to the shitty parties in Forks just to get free alcohol. Milo could afford it, he could afford getting vodka and beer from shops, but he wanted the rush, he missed the way his heart would beat happily anytime he saw golden eyes, he wanted his hands to shake like how they used to when he was allowed to touch that gorgeous man.
But that gorgeous man left him.

Milo sat down, back against a tree and the memories came hitting back like he had expected.
He saw the sun came through the leaves and hit Jasper's hand, the hand that was holding his.
Milo lifted the bottle to his lips.
He had loved the way Jasper had looked at him like he was the answer to everything needing a question in his life.
Milo finished the neck of the bottle.
He looked around and remembered the next weekend where they had come back here to eat, Jasper had brought some strawberries only to find Milo was allergic. He had laughed and thrown them all aside, later finding the seeds had been growing into a haystack of plants.
He looked over to see those plants ripped out of the ground.
That made Milo's heart clench.
He drank more, necking the bottle, not giving a damn about the sour taste or how it dripped down his chin. 
He gasped as he pulled away. He was a lightweight and already he began to feel dizzy.
And then those strawberry plants just looked like some dumb bush that got pulled apart.
And then that sun that shone on their hands was just another ray of light.
And then that beautiful Angel he had fallen in love with didn't exist.

He stayed out there longer, finishing the bottle and fighting the urge to throw up when he stood up to then walk back home.
He grabbed his phone and managed to turn the torch light on, stumbling across the uneven ground, leaving the glass bottle in the woods. 
The trees went from being thick to thin as he got nearer to the edge of the forest.
He stumbled down the steep edge, trying to get to the curb, but tripped into the road, landing on his hands and knees.
A loud car horn was blaring into his ears and then he was blinded by bright lights.
Milo didn't even have time to think, he cried out, rolling onto his back and shutting his eyes, but the car stopped. He stayed frozen on the floor, even when the car door slammed shut and someone leant down beside him.

The boy opened his eyes to see his father looking down at him with an expression only to be described as dissapointment.
"Not you abou' to run me over," Milo gave his father a lazy smirk, "Rude,"

"Milo, a-are you drunk again?" But then his expression changed into a frown, "Come here,"
He was tugged up by his father and pulled into the backseat of the cruiser where he collapsed into the seat and shut his eyes, loving to be driven around at night.
Only, something in his drunk mind made him realize something.

𝙎𝙚𝙡𝙛𝙞𝙚 - 𝙅𝙖𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙧 𝙃𝙖𝙡𝙚Where stories live. Discover now