The Blade Of Tears: 1

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Milo's emotions were so overwhelming, it sucked, he was struggling with how everyone felt at the same time as his own feelings... maybe this is what Jasper felt like continuously.
Jasper reached out to stroke Milo's face, taking hold of, the newborns hand again.
Milo took it, holding a soft smile.
"You'll be ok," Jasper hummed, turning his head, shutting the book to focus his full attention on the boy next to him.

"Only because you're with me," Milo replied, his expression light as he climbed ontop of the man, sitting on Jasper's lap.

"Is that so?" Jasper mused playfully, his hands trailing up the side of Milo's thighs.
Milo nodded, leaning in to kiss Jasper slowly.
Instead of it being fuled by lust, it was powered by love. It was the most sensual thing Milo had felt in a while, his body reacted instantly, his hands grabbing Jasper's jaw, tucking a loose, golden curl behind his ear.
He was such a perfect man, he was the embodyment of every good thing Milo had ever needed.
Jasper was his soul, Jasper was his universe, Jasper was his Angel.
It was ironic, Jasper was sort of like Lucifer, the fallen angel.
The blonde man was so sinful, so fueld by lust half of the time, but he would always be seen as an Angel in Milo's eyes.
The amount of times Jasper had saved him, the times Jasper had made him ok, made him feel loved.
Jasper was everything he needed and more.
It was deep, their kiss, the two stayed in it for a while, Milo had lost track but he didn't care.
He'd stay kissed Jasper forever if he could. He wasn't sure what it was, the love? The compassion? The emotions that made Milo's whole body burst with pleasure?
Whatever it was, it made his mind think one name repetitively.
Jasper Hale.

Milo broke the kiss, looking back at his lover, enjoying the way it took a second for Jasper to reopen his eyes.
"My love," Milo whispered, his hands not straying from the perfect jaw under his fingers.

Jasper opened his eyes and the most loving look sat on his golden irises. It made Milo's undead heart flutter.
"Jasper," He called, his thumb stroking the man's cheek, his mind freezing, "Will you marry me?"

It came out as a whisper but Jasper's face was indescribable.
For a moment, his lips curled upwards, as if he was going to smile the best smile Milo would've ever seen, but then his face contorted into confusion, and then guilt.
Milo looked at the blonde hopefully, forgetting all about the terrible circumstances their countries government had put them in.
"Darlin'," Jasper whispered, "I can't,"

Milo's soft smile turned into one with slight confusion, "What?"
He wanted to know, surely the blonde was kidding right?

"I can't marry you," Jasper repeated, his face turning expressionless.
Milo's lips fell and he looked at the blonde with no emotion in his face.
He swallowed deeply, wondering how his body was going to react to this rejection.
And then it hit him.
All the emotions he had stolen from the people he loved and placed onto him, jumbled with his own, creating an emotions turmoil that had Milo clenching his jaw, his chest tightening.
Bella's pain, Edward's grief, Carlisle's stress.
Everything hit him harder along with the rejection.
Jasper couldn't marry him?

"Oh," Milo managed to get out, his voice breaking, "Please?"
He asked again, his eyes filling with venom.
Jasper shook his head gently.
Not being able to stop it anymore, a sob left Milo, but he lifted his hand to cover his mouth, as if that would get rid of the emotion in his chest, his mind, but most importantly, his heart.

Jasper didn't think his heart could break anymore than it already had. It couldn't be possible.
It shouldn't be possible.
But then it was.
Hearing Milo cry because Jasper had to tell him no.
God, the last thing Jasper wanted was to cause Milo more heartache.
He swore that was one thing he would never do again.
"'s not that I don't want to marry you, Milo, because God! That is all I want." Jasper stammered, a trait not typically seen from the blonde. "But I can't... we can't. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I can't give you the answer you want, the answer you deserve, Darlin'."

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