Grumpy Beginnings

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"Mae, do you hear that?" Milo asked, looking at the little baby he had in his arms, "Is that Mommy?"
He looked at the little girl in his arms, watching how her eyes widened at his words. She didn't understand them, obviously, but she knew the word Mommy, only partially because Milo had called Rosalie that a day before.
Spencer had laughed loudly.

"What next, are you gonna call Jasper Daddy!?" He cackled, leaning back on Alice who gave him a fond look.

"Ok! Ew!" Milo grinned then thought about it for a second, "Maybe if he wanted me to,"
The newborn vampire shot a wink to his mate, watching how Jasper stuck his face into his book further.

Renesmee looked slightly bigger than a newborn baby, but she still looked cute nevertheless.
Milo adored the child, he had spent every second with her when he got back from his hunt, minus the time Jasper took him to the bathroom to give him head but that's beside the point, Renesmee was constantly with him or Rosalie.
There was something that really drew that little girl to him, her wide brown eyes, her funny little giggle... Milo loved everything.
Rosalie started to get annoyed with the newborn, if she put Renesmee down to rest, Milo would rest with her, tummy time and Milo was with her on his stomach, sleeping and Milo was pretending to sleep too.
They were attached at the hip, Milo loved that girl.
Jacob was getting annoyed too, he wanted to be near the baby but Milo never wanted to be close to him, so he'd take her with him.
Jasper was one of the many people who watched with utter pride and awe.
Only Milo Swan would drop anything to look after and take care of a child when their parent couldn't.
Isabella Swan ran out of the house with her husband, being a freshly made vampire giving her a scorching thirst.
Milo could picture her, pale skin, red eyes, glittery in the sun, she'd be loving it.
He was so proud of his sister for surviving, only she could give him a scare like that but walk out of it alive.

Milo had his little angel on his hip hours later, rocking her gently, watching how her little head fell on his chest, her eyes shutting.
He felt so honoured to have a child feel safe with him, safe enough that they'd sleep with him near, he felt so trusted.
"Milo... Oh shit, are you sure you should be doing that?"

Milo turned around to see Jacob looking worriedly at Renesmee who was falling asleep, "Doing what?"

"Isn't it dangerous for you to be raising a child?" Jacob asked, stepping closer, like he wanted to take the girl away from the newborn.
The emotions he was feeling told Milo that he had been waiting to say something about him and the baby together.

"I'm not raising her," Milo frowned slightly, "I'm just looking after her,"
His attention was captured by the soft giggle of Bella walking inside the house with Edward holding her hand tight.
Clearly Jacob didn't realize though.

"That too, you shouldn't be looking after kids. You're a newborn vampire," He told, as if Milo could ever forget that fact.

"He looked after me well enough?" Bella came up behind her friend, looking towards her brother to see the small child in his arms.

"Yeah, but Nessie needs someone more controlled," Jacob shrugged, turning around to look at her, then gasping loudly when Bella grabbed him quickly.
Milo's jaw dropped looking towards Edward in shock but followed the man out, shielding the little girl from the sun as best as he could.
He remembered how annoying it was to try and sleep with the sun in your eyes.
Bella took her friend outside then threw him down the steps of the house, her red eyes reflecting her inner anger.

"I'm more of a newborn then Milo, do I need to be more controlled?" She asked, her body language telling everybody who had gathered that she was expecting an answer.
Milo sensed Jasper before the blonde even touched the brunette.
His hands gently touched Milo's hips, standing behind his mate and looking at the scene ahead, waiting to intervene if needed.
Milo relaxed back into the man.
How dare Jacob say such a thing.
The shifter had been around the house constantly, watching him with Renesmee. Milo didn't once show signs of hurting that child. All he wanted to do was love her.
Now Jacob was out here being all accusing, telling him that he couldn't look after a fucking child?
Uh, hello, what about Bella? What about all of her friends that came round that he had to cook for whilst Renée fangirled over her shitty baseball player of a new husband? What about the literal baby he had in his arms now? 
He was just jealous that he hadn't been able to properly see the kid yet, jealous that his imprint wasn't being seen with him.

𝙎𝙚𝙡𝙛𝙞𝙚 - 𝙅𝙖𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙧 𝙃𝙖𝙡𝙚Where stories live. Discover now